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Everything posted by YaddleTwo

  1. I had similar happen to me but on Star Forge on Saturday night/ Sunday morning. I was just on fleet and all of a sudden i hit an invisible wall trying to go to am elevator, the ping was something like 20k+. Did a computer restart, and after muttering for like a half hour it finally went back to working correctly
  2. Please poke that little tweety bird in the tree tha thas 2hp for me if you do lol
  3. As much as i loth to quote cbr it's more succint then explaining "the Jedi Service Corpes." which were a form of slave labour if you ask me. Spoiler explination how Obi-Wan was almost shipped to be slave labor for the Jedi
  4. I watched the stream live just fyi
  5. I never said anything abut them removing things however I DID say they will be playing with this instead of fixing existing problems or giving us other fun and useful things. Also the devs refusal to give us a couple clothing things we've been asking for for ages, hair with the hoods, and some more sensible clothing choices or at least stop putting a damn flap down front that never acts right with movement and the camera for instance To your second paragraphs point i also already addressed. People who are enticed by this wont' be staying and paying. They will go back to other cozy games. I have played mmo's since Everquest, the original, I have been though that and Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft (though i quit that before they redesigned a lot of things), Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Wars The Old republic obviously, and probably more i'm forgetting but mmorpg's are my fav type of game because of the variety, the stories, and the social interactions when i want them. I've seen stuff like this before, they will leave when there is nothing "new" quicker then the rest of us who are too stubborn to quit. Also good pvp is a great enticement, does everyone like it? No also, no one should be forced to play it that isn't what i'm saying at all but if a new person comes in, trys it, likes it, trust me those people are more apt to dig deeper in their pockets for the game then someone who is just looking for space farmville.
  6. The irony is that *every* new Star Wars project from the movies to *all* the tv shows, they have ALL and i do mean ALL have lifted designs and lore from this game.
  7. For me it's because of what i said in my initial post. They are wasting time, energy, and resources on it when it will not help this game survive, it will not retain subscribers, and it will not entice new subscribers, not enough for it to pay off at least. Then they will be devoting time, energy, and resources to fix the bugs and issues that always come up with this stuff. Listen i know they weren't going to announce another "shadows of Revan" expansion, although that is what we all pray for, but this is just... argh.
  8. I think you're missing my point My point is we are paying for story and game play in the Star Wars universe I can play Stardew valley, fFarmville, or a host of other cozy games for free if i so chose Also it is not that i am demanding they do everything i say, it's more like the value of the product for the price paid
  9. Already out of reactions so quoting instead
  10. Also when you realize we pay $180.00 a year for this to be subscribers... i don't know about most of you out there but that's a lot of money for me!
  11. When you realize we pay hundreds every year to be subscribers yet we get this
  12. Hell i want then to just acknowledge and continue the sabotage story lines at all which they have seemed to forget all together
  13. They force people to play it but they will never fix it. It makes me nauseous too most of the time anyways but it would be nice
  14. Obi-Wan himself almost got sent to the "Jedi farming corp" before Qui-Gon took him in as his padawan
  15. Why is this game devoting resources to a farm, on Dantooine, when we just want more story-line and expansions? We want a new ops, more balanced gear, payout on class story lines and choices, not to mention resetting pvp back to just before 7.0 and starting again. But that live stream was just for announcing space stardew valley? I appreciate and understand you devs work hard but you're working hard on things that aren't going to retain subscribers and won't be pulling in people by the thousands i just don't understand it? Also in Star Wars cannon, sending Jedi to a farm is what happens when padawans aren't chosen by a master, imho it's a cruel fate and not something that should be in a celebrated mmorpg Heck just roll everything back to before 7.0 ...And not even any new date night announcement
  16. YaddleTwo

    Shae Vizla pvp

    So... any chance we can organize something maybe? Like pick a day a week at least where we all que?
  17. I changed out a color crystal on one alt on one server and the game froze, not my computer though i could bring up my task manager and see my cpu going nuts, and hear my fans working harder. Was hoping maybe it was a random thing. Went over to my main server and changed out another color crystal and the same thing happened. Game froze, white glossy screen over background of game for about 2 minutes. Again my tank manager showed my cpu working very hard and i could hear my fans working harder then normal. Both changes were done in my strongholds with modifications stations, but on different servers though, Star Forge and Shae Vizla.
  18. Going to guess you've tried putting your companion on heals and make sure you are standing near a heal station that also is near part of the floor that doesn't go poof? It's a pita and sometimes that doesn't even work but it's usually how i get thought it. (i've done that fight probably near 30 times at least)
  19. YaddleTwo

    Shae Vizla pvp

    I think after like 8:30pm ish? I was looking at guild names to see if they were all the same ones but they weren't. However i'm sure somehow it had to been organized, but it also wasn't a win trade or anything like that.
  20. YaddleTwo

    Shae Vizla pvp

    Yesterday pvp was popping for a while it was awesome! Hope this becomes a regular thing! I'm suspecting it was organized but maybe not, either way yay for Shae Vizla pvp!
  21. If you can't interrupt then run circles to avoid the blasts and save your heal pots till you really nee them, if you can keep heals on yourself /bubble that also would help too I'm assuming since you're asking about sorc killing the emperor you are using sorc skills on a knight?
  22. YaddleTwo

    Shae Vizla pvp

    I do agree there should have been no restrictions on transfers and it was a mishandled launch I still think a lot of people are still stuck int he mindset they need the bestest best gear to pvp or something. And i still don't think people really know how beneficial pvp is when you are leveling up and learning, or relearning, a new class or fighting style. I have a few chars on the server and i'm still going to try and get it going just because i'm stubborn like that! lol
  23. YaddleTwo

    Shae Vizla pvp

    Ok the free transfers period is over i think and pvp is still non-existent on Shae Vizla server and i was in a que for a few hours yesterday, at leavel 80, and nothing popped... for the love of Wookies please pvp y'all. Even if it's just random game.
  24. This has been bothering me a little too tbh
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