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Everything posted by Pyrinoos

  1. Pyrinoos

    Rage/Focus in 2.4

    Quoted from the Dev tracker on 8-8, answering the sentinel questions. By design Rage has the highest burst, and even when they get around to adjusting the aoe down (apparently not "next patch", at least not a "massive" nerf) you would still expect rage to have the best single target burst based on that statement. Only time will tell though.
  2. Not exactly sure, but have they increased the damage the fire does since before 2.0? Cause you know, higher health pools now and all.
  3. Huh? Energy regen before 2.0 was 5/sec, with stim boost 6/sec. Energy regen now is 6/sec. You're correct nothing changed, but the energy cost of kolto probe was reduced from 15 to 9. At 9 energy with a 6/sec return rate, kolto probe is free (any alacrity reducing the global cooldown is also increasing the energy regen rate). At 15 per probe with a 6/sec return rate after the first kolto probe you would have 94 energy. After 8 straight probes you would have 52 energy, which is not good. Now 8 straight probes and you have 100 energy. And yes I know, you wouldn't actually have to cast 8 probes in a row, some dianostic scans and surgical probes in between would help the energy, but you do not have to do that today. Also, probes last 18 secs, putting a round of probes on the whole team takes 12 secs (8 * 1.5 for gcd) That only leaves 6 sec for other healing. With the old energy cost, that entire 6 secs would have to be spent regenerating energy. Now it's possible to cast some actual heals during those periods instead. Healing output per heal has gone upwards just like damage has, I don't understand your point there. Both of those things are mathematically tied to mainstat/power/tech power. I'm not saying operative healing should be nerfed, like I said in my first post, I mostly dps and I'm fine with ops. I was just trying to say that changing the play style (unless we're talking about a small correction that maintains the viability and increases the skill cap) is not the right approach to me. I don't actually think the cost of kolto probe should be increased it was just a suggestion. Also, to the main idea of the thread, there is absolutely nothing wrong with surgical probe, the only teammate an operative healer will ever be able to keep up by himself with just surgical probe is a tank getting hit by only 1 dps or several weak dps. Surgical probe is going to crit for at most 4-4.5k, if as a dps you can't burst higher than that to kill someone in execute range, it's not the healers fault.
  4. IF you feel ops are overpowered now, were they before 2.0? The answer should be no. Then what changed, it wasn't surgical probe, but instead kolto probe. The larger healing numbers people see and therefore charge ops with being op, are due to now being able to maintain kolto probes on the entire team, because of the reduced energy cost. Increase the cost of kolto probe back to 15 from 9, and ops will be unable to maintain, due to energy resources, stacks on more than about 4-5 people, same as it was pre 2.0. Their numbers will go down. That is the only change* I would make, imo, and while I do have an operative healer, I spend 75-80 % of my time on a dps toon. *Eliminating the ability to double stack the nanotech bonus, and maybe even getting rid of the old set bonus entirely, should also be considered before any actual nerfs to the class that will effect the way it works.
  5. Or just a non-gear related pvp resource; i.e. mats for warzone adrenals and medpacs, and reputation trophies for a new pvp rep system that rewards cool looking shells.
  6. It only requires the shells, always pull the mods out before turning them in.
  7. I don't tank on my jugg but general tips. Use intercede on cooldown on whoever is taking heavy damage. Guard swap. Don't just guard a healer and let other teammates get focused down. Watch the ops health bars and swap guards to whoever is dropping fast. Also, if you are just melting and need to stay up to prevent a cap, just drop the guard and defend the objective. If you are getting melted guarding a healer, either the healer isn't healing you (bad) or you are standing too close to the healer. You want to be within 15m in order to have guard redirect 50% of their incoming damage to you, but if you're standing too close to them you can end up eating aoe damage at the same time. This is especially true against smashers. If a mara is doing 8k smashes and you're standing 5-14m from the healer, you'll be taking in and around 4k per smash, while the healer takes 4k.(i know mitigation comes in here but just giving a ballpark). If you are standing within 4m of the healer and both get hit with smash (which as a critical hit bypasses shield, and as a forch attack bypasses defense) then you will take the full damage of the smash on u, probably ~ 6k and the 4k from the healer, so ~ 10k total. That's when you melt fast. Taunting on cooldown is alright, but try to use your taunts the right way. A smasher just jumped to someone, taunt them. A concealment op opened from stealth, taunt them. Try to mitigate heavy burst dps. If you're doing all that and more, it might just be the healers aren't keeping you up like they should.
  8. I don't know for sure what you're doing, so I'll just mention as well that one big difference between average and above average dps is the better ones are placing dots on you to prevent you cloaking out. Try to always cleanse, or if it's up dodge/evasion immediately before you stealth, this will help some. Also, smart dps players with a knockback or aoe taunt are going to save that ability for use right after you stealth. So escaping out of range helps alot too, especially if you can go in a direction they didn't expect. So cleanse/evasion --> in combat stealth --> roll in random direction away from attackers. You'll still get pulled out some, but doing those things will help. Also, as a side note sometimes in a protracted fight the best use of your cloak is just to reset combat and allow another use of a warzone medpac.
  9. I'll try to help on a couple. 1) They will most likely introduce a new top tier purchasable for ranked comms and reduce the cost of conqueror to the current partisan normal comm prices. (Unless they do as some have suggested and just introduce new shells/styles.) Just keep in mind unless something changes you'll probably have to trade conqueror pieces for the next tier as you do partisan now. 2) The stock gear is bad. The stats are not optimal. For different classes and specs you'll want certain amounts of accuracy, alacrity, or surge and power or crit; or defensive stats for your tank. Basic rule for most classes the high main stat low power/crit mods are much less effective than the low main stat high power/crit mods. Take a look at the class forums for ideas on proper end game stat distributions for pvp. 6) Rotations or priority lists are extremely important for properly playing the game. Some abilities buff another ability, it doesn't make sense to use the second ability before the first without the buff, ie you lose dps or hps. You are right to a certain degree with healing though, it is more of a feel for which ability on which team member that makes the difference. 7) You're healing and they marked u. Nothing u can do but learn to kite, los, beg a tank for a guard, etc. 8) I highly recommend a gaming mouse like the Razor Naga. 10) Stim boost was changed with 2.0, you're probably looking at an old guide. Today it's used (for a healer) to instantly grant a ta when you can't cast kolto injection (or stab someone) or to increase alacrity for a burst healing phase.
  10. Full deception sins are full single target dps, no aoe fluff. That said, I've seen sins break 700k routinely in the last few weeks. I haven't played mine much lately as I got tired of just node guarding, but looking back thru screenshots my top damage ever was like 942k in a 140-0 CW and btw I suck, better players could do much more.
  11. I really think the reason people somehow feel that 1 and 4 (which really on face value makes 0 sense) are possible at the same time is the way bolster is handling weapon damage/ force and tech power. It should be bolstering everyone to item level 63 (or 61 if conqueror could be an upgrade), but instead is bolstering to whatever is the highest current PVE gear. Lower force/tech power would reduce the size of dps crits and lower the healing crits by a decent margin, making the gameplay a little more stable in the middle. The same methodology applied to armor ratings (currently bolstered to KD levels) would also serve as an across the board small/moderate nerf to the survivability of healers and tanks.
  12. You're absolutely right, awareness of what is going on around you is very very important. But there is certainly a difference between the player that understands their class and one that does not. My comments were about class balance, and I would agree for the most part a smasher is going to put up decent numbers even if the player is not very efficient at the class. But my point was that the same people would do worse on some other AC's because they have a higher skill cap to perform optimally, and that for the most part a player very familiar, experienced, and efficient at a class/ spec each AC would do fine with either in regs. Most of the classes within their roles, are balanced fairly well, when played correctly. Ranked does show the differences and even exaggerate them, especially at the high end of play, but unless everything is always 100% the same, at the highest level, one class/spec will always be slightly "better" than another.
  13. Yea, I was just giving a generally held example in terms of regs.
  14. 2.3 Patch notes No class balances changes have been announced or are on the PTS.
  15. Actually, I think what he's saying is someone choose loot over being friends with him. (I don't blame them, that whole post gave me a headache.) Also, the server is at a strange time. PVP is better because ranked is happening, but it's also worse because of the seriously huge number of experienced players who left. A lot more new people are seeming to que for regs, but only time will tell if they stay with it long enough to understand the mechanics, etc.
  16. It's true, but how often do the majority of premade groups on comms do that in regs? It just usually doesn't require that much effort because there is no matchmaking. I couldn't even began to count the # of 6-0 huttballs I've won while grouped up and in voice chat and no one even said a word on comms. Why, because the opposition was so bad there's really nothing to say. Everyone already knows what to do and just does it, and the other team does nothing to stop it.
  17. I know right, and to be honest I'm getting sick and tired of it. The Pver's can make a "wierd people you meet in groupfinder" thread and it's hilarious, but pvpers have to put up with and accommodate those same idiots... Make bolster for them, add solo only que for them, nerf all classes into oblivion for them. It gets old. Why isn't the FP/OP forum full of posts calling for a solo only group finder que?
  18. For the most part they are, although some are hard counters to others, i.e. stealth to snipers. There are outliers such as pt dps and merc heals, but they are not as far away as some Ac's were in previous stages in the game, such as merc dps from 1.2-2.0. Balance is not as bad as some claim, and btw I have 55's of every AC except PT (I have a 52) and sorc. The real difference is the skill floor, some AC's when played at a low skill level are just average, some AC's played at a low skill level are horrible. For the most part all AC's played at a high skill level are very very good in regs.
  19. The difference between the dps standing next to me that does half my damage while I also interrupt caps and play objectively. Or conversely the dude that out damages me and does a better job playing the objectives as well. In both cases one player is doing a better job than the other. Skill/awareness. Premades and bolster cant fix a lack of situational awareness. How exactly would matchmaking add skill? Is English your first language?
  20. I'm starting to understand. The one and only place I've seen that statement hold true is in lowbies........
  21. So you're complaining about people super queuing?? That's not a normal premade and shouldn't happen that often on a populated server. Also, even with the current strength of healing a strong dps pug can stomp a healer heavy team if they're not good. The issue is not team comp, it is personal skill/awareness. That's why we need matchmaking.
  22. I think you hit the nail on the head. I play my op healer enough each day to get the daily done, usually early in the morning, solo queuing. There are literally several folks on my no heals list, ie the power tech in combustible gas with shield gear, the sorc who spams lightning strike and nothing else ever, and so on. I won't even waste the gcd for a kloto probe. He's probably black listed, never gets heals, blames others and the game and doesn't realize it's his own fault.
  23. Wow, you're something special, that's for sure. How exactly are people "ganking" and "griefting" in a warzone?? Is attacking a solo node defender ganking?? Is focusing a healer, griefing?? Lol, normally the people qqing about premades are the ones being complained about in this thread
  24. Augmented two cubes in the last 2 weeks. Just equip it first and it should show up in the drop down list.
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