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Everything posted by KerinKor

  1. Only a true fanboy could say something LOOKS better but isn't .. about something for which LOOKS are the ENTIRE POINT. LMAO.
  2. Bioware used a substandard engine because the guy who wrote it was a big buddy of someone in charge of deciding these things .. Trion used a competent engine not sourced from 'friends'.
  3. This! Actually, we probably know why, the 'reviewers' got the 'hi-def' version, the paying customers ended up with the lo-def one. Thus the reviews came out looking great and we ended up with ****. Nice Bioware, really nice, the only MMO developer that has to use 'tricks' because their engine sucks and can't handle hi-def.
  4. While everything you said is true, that's not what is being theorised. Read the paper that guy dug up, it's clear that only a small part would need to be subject to this 'remoting' to achieve the 'protection' being talked about, yet big enough to cause the huge FPS and lag problems prople are seeing.
  5. It's called 'pos hacking' and is a common tool of RMT and cheaters .. they're based on poor software design that allows injection of character movement information into the client/server connection and the server is conned into thinking it's a valid movement generated by the client .. hence 'pos' (Position) hacking.
  6. Not at all unusual, I play MMOs hosted in the US and Japan, I'm well used to maintenance in day or prime EU time. Also, Bioware has said this is deliberate because some people whined about US servers getting patches before EU ones .. God knows such whines were long and loud in LOTOR when this happened .. so they [bioware] decided to do maintenance at the same time, and totally unsurprising that was NOT in US prime time.
  7. Sounds like the 'pos hack' tricks seen in games like Rift and others I've played.
  8. You didn't PAY anything 'in advance'. you simply entered a credit card number which didn't get charged.
  9. Reading comprehension isn't a strong point for some it seems.
  10. Here's another fact: Blizzard did not 'creatively account' anything, if they did so in their regulated filings they'd be in huge trouble. Here's another fact: even IF Blizzard has lost 50% of the players it had at peak .. and the figures show nothing like that decline .. it is still WAY BIGGER than any other MMO in existence and Bioware can only dream about ever getting such numbers.
  11. Who cares? I'm a 'founder' of LOTRO, Rift and SWTOR (on the basis of owning a registered copy on or before launch day), so are large numbers of others .. we're nothing special and a 'founder' title would be meaningless.
  12. I found it perfectly fine and no different from all the other MMOs I've played .. and since each zone is small (this game has the smallest 'zones' I think I've ever seen) it's even less of an issue than elsewhere IMO.
  13. Indeed, the description you gave is correct but the performance 'hit' is so small that it won't make any difference to the problems some are having. Now, if it is the case that the TOR client is a humungous memory hog and hitting the 32-bit process ceiling Windoze enforces, then certainly a 64-bit client would likely be better.
  14. And as usual, the person lied, or at the very least didn't tell anything like the whole truth .. only the gullible believe such rubbish as "typing a URL will get you banned" with no other factors mentioned.
  15. What failure are you talking about .. your failure for wanting to skip everything you can on the way to 50?
  16. Yup .. LOTRO is in it's fifth year and flourishing, and Rift is approaching its' first birthday in good shape.
  17. Translation: it's not what the players are going to want to hear so you have to make sure everyone has the story straight and alibis in place.
  18. Er, what is this emulation you're mistakenly under the impression exists?
  19. The basic flaw in your argument is that Datacrons are REQUIRED to play: they're not. [edit] BTW, +2 to a stat is NOT substantial, it's bordering on worthless.
  20. So much emo over the color of a light-saber, this game really has come up with new lows over the trivia some people cry about.
  21. And you know why games like that will never be made again, don't you?
  22. And we all know how WOW 'invented' the whole RPG genre and nothing like it existed before.
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