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Everything posted by Turlinde

  1. Which gear sets do you get for each of your companions? Some have suggested: Nadia: Stalker Tharan: Field Medic Qyzen: Super Commando Iresso: Super Commando Zenith: Enforcer
  2. I hated him when i first got him. But we had so many adventures together that he and Holiday just grew on me. Don't change a thing!
  3. Thanks for the input. How do you remod the BM Stalker gear? What pieces do you change (dont like the mods) and where do you get the new mods? I saw one post suggesting Champ gloves were good mods. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Great spreadhseet! Thank you for your hard work
  5. Do we know if there are diminishing returns for stacking stats (Crit, Surge, Power, etc.)? If so, do we know the math?
  6. I made the switch from 5/33/3 to 31/0/10 after the patch. I am now deciding proper gearing. I have a complete set of BM Staker and a complete set of Champion Survival. After some testing, I seem far more productive in the stalker gear, as has been suggested in several posts. The extra survivability of survivor doesnt make up for the DPS the stalker adds. **But** I prefer the set bonuses of the Survivor gear. So, my question is, I heard you can take the mods out of the Stalker gear and put them into the Survivor gear. Any reason not to do this? Any downside? If I want to put them back in the stalker gear later, can I? Should I wait until I can get BM Survivor, or will Champ Survivor with BM Stalk mods work just as well? Any insights would be appreciated.
  7. A few times I have lost a game where my team had the most medals. But 95% of the time the team with the most medals also wins. Medals get awarded for activity. Most active team usuusally wins.
  8. I have full battlemaster gear and use surge relic and concummable. 4800 is the highest I have hit. I am Infiltration.
  9. Love it. I hit project and a Sin uses a cooldown to make himself immune before it hits. Then he kills me with instant Shock.
  10. I am Valor 66 (almost 67). I grinded my rank on a server dominated by Imps (I'm republic) by playing as a lowbie against premade level 50s. On my server, all the early starters went Empire, so when we got the game, the other side was already level 50 earning Champ PvP gear whiel we were below 50 playing with the bolster. So basically, we lost 90% of the games we played. I never quit a game. In fairness, I was earning exp, so losing didnt hurt that much maybe. But after becoming a Battle-master, I started leaving games. Why? Mainly frustration. I dont need gear, exp, credits, valor or anything else any more. I play purely for fun. I don't bail on a team because we are losing. But if my teamates aren't even trying, Why should I stay? It's not that hard. Guard the door. Don't chase. Fight at the turret. Don't chase. Play the ball. Don't go AFK. I am not a perfectionist. If someone is a new player and makes a mistake, like letting a door/turret get ninjad. No problem. We keep fighting the good fight. But why should I play with teammates and waste 15-20 minutes of my life playing with people who arent even trying to win? I saw a lot of responses in this thread about giving a penalty for leaving. Why? No one actually has explained why you are hurt if a teammate bails on you. Sure, in a small number of cases, maybe you would have won that game if he/she stayed. But most people only bail on an obvious loss. So I don't see any harm to you in most cases. You still get your exp/credits. So explain it to me. I would be grateful.
  11. What are people choosing for gear? Stalker or Survivor? I heard some kinetic Shadows still prefer Stalker.
  12. One issue I have is I acticate the skill and as soon as the animation starts, my opponent fairly reguarly activated resilience or some like ability and becomes immune to force powers before it hits. Basically, I lose the attack altogether.
  13. People shouldnt be forced to play in a fail game with people that dont know how or want to play. Here are some examples: 1) Stealth characters AFKIng just to get the valor and XP that comes from a losing match. They just go into stealth and sit motionless waiting for the game to end. Why should I be forced into a 15 minutes game where my team can't possibly win because of people like this? 2) Half or even all my team in Huttball just trying to get kills and dont even make any attemot to stop the other side from running the ball. Then, once they get 5-0, they hold the ball and just farm me over and over again as I fight against overwhelming odds. Every time I rez and leave the safe spot, 5 guys jump me and kill me. Why should I be forced into a 15 minutes game where my team can't possibly win because of people like this? 2) I almost never lose a door/turret because I play the objectives, but I often see teammates out fighting in the open field trying to kill people while they let the door be taken. I run in only to see 5 teammates at full health a few feet from the door not interrupting the other side from taking it because they are so busy trying to get a kill. Why should I be forced into a 15 minutes game where my team can't possibly win because of people like this? Here is my suggestion. If people leave your games, ask yourself why. I never leave a game in which I have a chance to win. I am valor 63 Republic. My valor was earned by losing hundreds of games to higher level, better geared Empire teams. I have earned the right to not be forced to play with people who won't or can't play right.
  14. As far as Project versus Lightning, I have both a Shadow and an Assassin. I can confirm that Assansins are instant and Shadows have a delay. One poster said the damage is actually recorded the same but there is a delay just in the animation. OK, this MAY be true. I don't know. But that doesn't matter. Because of the delay in the animation of Project, I have to wait several seconds to activate another ability. My abilities lock up until the animation is finished. For my Assasin, I can use Lightning and instantly use another ability. This is a huge difference in PvP. Whether its a glitch, bug, mistake, or accident doesnt matter. It does exist. It makes my Assasin more powerful than my Shadow.
  15. Suitmonster -- that's kind of the point I am raising. When I face guys without battlemaster gear, I can burst and CC them down exactly as you describe. And I don't have to worry about my squishiness because if they survive round one, then they are at 25% or less. But with battlemaster gear, I might take someone down from say 18K health, to 12K (assumign I crit Project and FB). And then they unload on me. And I am in trouble. I am starting to get the idea that gear itemization changes the viability of the class. At low levels and without high-end PvP gear, the class plays as intended. Against battlemasters, you retain your weakness (squishiness) but lose your advantage (early burst). So, for end-game PvP, Shadows are really weak as Infiltration. At least it seems this way. But I'm open to other ideas.
  16. How viable is infiltration in end-game PvP? I have full Champion gear and 3 peices of Battlemaster. In Warzones I do fairly well. Normally top 3 in medallions. However-- I find I cannot solo a number of classes. Most Healers seem to be able to heal through my DPS, and just light DPS me down over time. Im very squishy. If an Operative gets the jump on me, im at 25% when i come out of stun. Maurauders just DPS me down. Low DPS Tanks are too resilient. I find I'm a great difference maker in a group. I come out of stealth and DPS/CC targets and the losing battle turns into a win. But solo PvP against equally geared players seems....hard. Comments? I am open-minded that I need to better coordinate my abilities, but it seems like Shadows arent meant to solo too many classes.
  17. In response to the original poster, yes, I have noticed significantly less items from battlemaster compared to champion. 20 battlemaster bags = 2 items. My drop rate with champion was much higher
  18. Same as some others, as Infiltration, I mainly use it to guard nodes and find someone n stealth. It's not useful DPS for me generally.
  19. In the Kinetic Combat tree, there is an ability called Impact Control which makes Battle readiness heal you for 10% (with 2 points), which equals about 2K every 2 min. A Marginal ability at best.
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