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Everything posted by Nighthawked

  1. Why are people still complaining about this? It has been roughly the same time since launch, so I don't know but wouldn't people start organizing their schedules accordingly? I know it was an emergency patch today, but we see these for EVERY Tuesday patch and it is getting old.
  2. You guys. They cannot communicate more because they DO NOT KNOW. They do not know if only 10 characters will transfer, or thousands. They will open more transfers when they can. If they tell you to check back every day, and ONE DAY they cannot do something FOR WHATEVER REASON, BW will get slammed.
  3. Sigh, can people stop using the numbers in fleet as a measurement of the game? I have seen first hand a low number in fleet and a high number in the starter planets. I am level 50 on my Jedi Knight and I am rarely on the fleet. This game is not like WoW. Not everybody just sits and does nothing like people do in Org/Storm in WoW. This game is heavily marketed as a MMO with story and focused heavily on people who like to make alts. That is what most of the people I talk to are still doing. This game is just fine, we just have way to many servers. I do not care what anybody else says. Going from over 200 light servers to at least 50 standard servers will make a giant impact on the game.
  4. You would really want to see (potentially) hundreds of people with the same name? Many times I have seen myself play a heroic and recognize a players name and realize we just did a heroic together 30 minutes ago. Its nice when that happens and build communities.
  5. Have they said if we can pay to move anywhere we want?
  6. You guys, there are way to many variables and "what ifs" to do what you want them to do. What if Joe A was subscribed for 5 months, and Joe B just bought the game AND a subscription. He decides to move because his friend is or whatever the reason. Should Joe B get priority even though he just bought the game? I am sorry, but the only way to make things as fair as possible is to have the person that is transferring change their names. EDIT: Or how about Joe A got his credit/debit card stolen/lost/whatever and while he is waiting for a new one, his subscription runs out because the card he was using was canceled. Although highly unlikely, if Joe B decides to transfer RIGHT as this happens, you think HE should be able to get the name? WAY to many What Ifs people. Can we just stop this. It is what it is.
  7. How do you know they wont have enough content when this releases? As far as we know, it wont be released until December. That is plenty of time to have lots of new content.
  8. So let me get this straight again. According to people here, there is an MMO rulebook that EVERY single MMO developer MUST NOT increase the level before 12-18 months? So what if Game X does not increase the level within the first year. This is not Game x. Those of you that grind all day for gear, well I am sorry for you that you have even more stuff to do.
  9. You will never have the highest gear as long as as MMO is alive. When MoP is released for WoW, there will probably be higher gear there too. Would you complain about that? Are you actually complaining about having something to do now? You already have the highest gear, so what are you doing in the game NOW? Are you still raiding?
  10. So let me get this straight. WoW went Free to Play up to level 20 (I think that is the cap) because it is doing so poor? No? Then why do you say this game is F2P up to 15 because IT IS doing poor? You guys cannot say BW is doing this because the game is doing bad, because WoW did it and they still have over 8 times the subscribers this game has. As far as I know, WoW is still the most successful MMO. They went F2P up to a level cap too. This does not mean the game is doing bad. This is the new way MMOs do game demos. What else would you have them do? Have you wait for a special free to play weekend? Have the demo timed so you can only play for 3 hours? This is a PERFECT demo for MMOs. They gave you to level 15 because, I am sure, most people will experience all the stuff leading to the more open environment (you get your ship and that is when your trials ends or something).
  11. Are people actually complaining about this? Let me ask you a question. If you already have all the highest level stuff, what are you doing in the game? Why is it so horrible when they give you new content and a reason to play again?! Really, people do complain about anything.
  12. I do not know how people suddenly started betting on this game for having nothing to do. Is there ENDLESS content in WoW? Look, people just need to stop throwing tantrums. I literally have NOTHING to do in WoW. I am not a person that Raids, and I have already done every Dungeon about 10 times. The blind WoW fanboys are mistaken because WoW has just as much repetition as this game. There are valid complaints like server population issues, but it is not a complaint when you say you have nothing to do and it is the game's fault. I have NOTHING to do in WoW. I have done the same dailies SO many times I am just tired of it. Making Alts in WoW is not as fun as this game. However, you will not see me in the WoW forums complaining. This is a game people, if you like it play it. If you hate it, then please leave. NOTE: I am talking about the people here that say the game is dead every post, or those that say if 1.3 does not have X I am leaving.
  13. And how exactly is a game like WoW more "alive"? If I am not in org or storm, I rarely ever see another player.
  14. It is when you combine Sandbox and MMO together.
  15. You are kidding right? So you want 3 hours of recordings on EVERY single POSSIBLE way to say "I will do that"? Come on people, be realistic. Yes I do hear "Let me handle this for you" from my jedi, but how many ways do you want them to record it? How many ways do you want in the game before it gets your mark of approval? 20? 40? Man people.
  16. Here is a clue to everybody: Even if somebody made the best game in the world, those that overhype the game in their head for years (as most did for this game) will never be happy. When will people learn this? It happens with anything you do (movies, books, tv shows, whatever). If you create SO MUCH hype for yourself saying this will be the best ever, you will never be happy. I bet you 90% of the people here that were saying GW2 would be the best MMO ever made, will hate it too because of their hype. I learned this a long time ago. I did not know ANYTHING about this game until 2 weeks before launch, and I find this is the best game FOR ME.
  17. This is personal opinion. The features people are requesting are not necessary for ME. I am sure the majority felt that we did not need these features at LAUNCH.
  18. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt the first year in almost every MMO always like this?
  19. So you want the developers to get no time off? You want them to browse the forums on the WEEKEND where they can actually have a couple days of rest and spend time with their families? You would rather have devs browse the forums instead of coding? Also, please stop blaming devs everybody. They cannot address issue X until it is approved by their superiors. Devs do what they are told to do.
  20. Do I use those features in WoW? Yes. Do I need them in this game? Hell no. I do not understand the hate on this game just because a few features from OTHER MMOs are missing. Is there an MMO rule book somewhere that says "If you ever decide to create an MMO, you MUST have every one of these features EXACTLY how it works in that other game"? This game did not need these features at launch, because only a small percentage of people would use them before becoming level 50. Also, just like you said it, this game has been in development for years. WoW did not have most of the requested features until just a couple of years ago. Much after BW started planning the game and started development. So you expect every MMO in development to delay their release just because a competitor released a new feature that everybody else HAS to have? Would you really have preferred the game be delayed for a few months just so these tools are available at launch? I know I would have preferred to play the game when I did.
  21. 100% false. I HATED WoW when it first came out. I really simply HATED that game when it came out. However, when Wrath was out for a few months, I took another look and now I am a subscriber to WoW. Can we please stop talking about features missing from launch? What are you trying to achieve? We cannot go back and relaunch the game with feature X in there. So why do people still bring up the fact that feature X was not included in launch, this game sucks then!!!
  22. Oh that I agree with. Most of the time, developers do what they are told and nothing else. So if management wants them to wait, or whatever the problem is, it is the problem with Management. However, since all the servers on Light now, don't you think if they could do it now, they would?
  23. Again, you guys can skip the lecture. I have made those SQL scripts myself. Anyway, without seeing their databases first hand and know their internal procedures, then I will believe there is some reason as to why they cannot have it in there now. I am not the tinfoil hat type of person that thinks they have a secret agenda for something.
  24. Oh I agree. Their design should have anticipated transfers. But without seeing their database first hand and seeing if it is an easy thing to do, I cannot make the argument that it will only take a week to give us the feature. Maybe Joe the database creator messed up when creating ours at launch, but the APAC databases were built correctly? I do not know all the details about the APAC transfers, but could there be a reason why it was easy for those servers and not ours? Maybe they did not have to worry about same character/legacy names as they do for our servers?
  25. Agreed. Plus they resort to personal attacks saying I am not a true programmer just because I think this should be tested? Yes even if the query is already built to perfection, you should always test it when implementing it somewhere else.
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