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Everything posted by Nighthawked

  1. You have to realize that most of the time (as evidence from that guy that talked about F2P TRIAL), your responses need to go through legal and be very well thought out. Otherwise, like the F2P issue, people will talk about it non stop. What do you want the developers to do? Sit here instead of programming all day? Guess what, then they will not be writing patches. Give you the source code to show you they are working on something?
  2. Thank you. Finally somebody that knows how patches work. I guess people are expecting an immediate fix for a issue they see. Never going to happen. The developers have priorities. Devs have bosses that are the ones telling them what to do. Whenever a patch gets on PTS, that is IT. If there are severe game breaking issues, then it will be fixed. But once you see a patch on PTS, you can pretty much assume that is what you will get on live.
  3. Have you updated your drivers and everything? I can set this game on High HD 1080 resolution on a Mac Pro (ATI 5870) with little lag (except on fleet of course). And macs are known for having crappy video cards
  4. I prefer to solo or play with only my friends. I do group up ONCE and a while. But the economy is better on more active servers.
  5. People will never be happy. When 1.4 comes out, people will demand 1.5. It will never stop.
  6. That is your opinion. But just because it is expensive and makes you work for a legacy wide feature does not make it a fail. How boring will it be if it only costs 100,000 to get a mailbox or GTN kiosk on your ship?
  7. So you would rather pay 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 to get the Speeder Unlock across the entire legacy vs a very small amount per character? What if you only want one character to have a perk? This is a much better way to handle these little perks IMO.
  8. So instead they are supposed to pay for the hardware that can support 220+ servers when they can drop that down to a nice amount?
  9. Again what does it matter? Things are going to be what they are going to be. If this game never gets an expansion, hey I still have MANY hours left because I have all 8 characters going and only finished 1.
  10. What does it matter? Geez if you like the game you like the game. If not, there are lots of other games around.
  11. If you get a new companion, dont you need to have at least some continuation of your story? Even if it is the same across all characters, it will still affect your story in some way I think.
  12. I agree. If you look at the mounts and pets in the Blizzard store, I do not think you can get ANY of those in game. So what does it matter?
  13. And actually the most of the best stuff is still required to play to get (like mounts from raids in WoW).
  14. I agree you guys need to get out more. It is like somebody saying in an official article of video "We will be allowing purchases in this game" and they (the people reading and listening) IMMEDIATELY have panic attacks and start freaking out. Yet if they just remained calm for a couple more minutes, that video/article could have then said "ONLY for mounts and pets". A. It annoys us when there are immediate doom and gloom posts without official word on what is going on and B. It is not healthy for you.
  15. And that is one thing. But to do it every single day and saying 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, ... ALL SUCK THIS GAME FAILS. Once GW2 is released 400K PEOPLE WILL QUIT and the servers will be shut down. How is that helping anybody? We have seen WAY TOO many posts like this since EGA. Enough already. If you do not like the game, then leave.
  16. You know, until they say otherwise, we should just let it go. We do not know what they are going to sell. All of these pessimist really need to get off these forums. It could be just mounts and pets, but all these pessimist are having heart attacks.
  17. I agree. There is this really cool Drake I would love to have in WoW, but you have to do these ridiculous achievements in order to get it. Some of them are "have 5 stacks of this ability on you and do this"
  18. As I have said, WoW has been doing this for ages: http://us.blizzard.com/store/browse.xml?f=c:0,f:1,c:5 As you see, it is $25 for a mount, and I bought one MONTHS ago. You guys really need to wake up. If that makes this game fail, why is WoW still king when they are doing THE EXACT SAME THING?!
  19. Can people think for a minute please? I am sure they are doing the same thing that WoW does. I bout a $25 mount in WoW, but I guess that makes that game FAIL according to some of these people.
  20. I do not think there is really a "too late" in MMOs (well unless they close the servers of course). I absolutely HATED WoW at Launch, but everything they added since made me like it and I finally got it whrn WotLK was the last expansion.
  21. It is how I found a new name for my Bounty Hunter: Buzow
  22. Just get a new name. You might like a new one. On one server, somebody had my name already and I clicked Random several times and found a really cool name that I made several times. Even in other games!
  23. Yeah lets make every PVP transfer to the Fatman and you will get a 4 hour queue every night. Good luck. Once the Fatman is done, they will work on a secondary PVP server to transfer to. It might not get the same amount of players, but 200 people on fleet instead of 10. HMMMM
  24. The only thing I miss is that bag add on (ArkInventory I think?) Where you can create custom groups of items and it will automatically sort and arrange your gray items for you. I ALWAYS lose new items if my inventory is close to full.
  25. I am sorry if this has been explained before, but can anybody help me understand how the legacy works with the transfers? Lets say I have four characters: A, B, C, and D. A and B are on one server C and D are on the other server A and B are at legacy level 10 C and D are at legacy level 4 What happens when I ONLY move A from the server it is on to the server that C and D are on? What will the legacy be for character B? What about the unlocks and perks I got?
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