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Everything posted by AncientForce

  1. Okay, that's fine. I will explain it to you. I thought you were a little slow but I Was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. You said 1 class gets an unfair advantage at carrying the ball. You with me? I said the only way that advantage is an advantage is if that class is set up perfectly and the team plays together. Try to keep up. You said it's not 8v1...that I am forgetting the other 7 players. Here's the aha moment... The other 7 players on sorc team are playing defense/setting up for the score. What does that mean? Omg assassin can stealth past the team and set up!! 1. Where do you think they they are going to set up? Pretty obvious which way the ball is going to go. Pre-req...you have to know what left or right is. 2. Go there and check for a stealther... 3. Assassins can't catch a ball while stealthed. You're a slick PT. You see an assassin appear ready to catch the ball? Pull him off the ledge... You playing defense. tada. This lesson was free. Next one will cost you.
  2. See what just happened here? You admitted teamwork stops you from stopping the sorc/assassin whatever. That's called defense. I think we are making progress now. /clap
  3. Haha umadbro? Just because you don't know how to play defense and are butthurt that you can't play your PT well, you start spewing nonsense about not knowing how to play class? FYI, your qq tears are delicious. I've seen great PT ball carriers. You are obviously not one of them because here you are crying about them. If you would learn to play defense in game and not on forums, we wouldn't be having this exchange. Stay on topic ace. We were talking about ball carrying, hence why I wrote about ball carrying...not guard or taunt etc. I understand. You're really reaching and that's okay. I get it...you want to sound pro on the forums. Okay you are pro and totally figured me out. I have no idea what all those other abailities are for on my bar. All i see is that force speed button because it makes me unstoppable. Seriously, focus your keen powers of perception in game and learn how to play defense. Ops get an ability for better stealth detection btw. Unfortunately, they don't get one that prevents them from running off into a corner to kill some random player low on health to fluff their medal count that really has no immediate threat of assissting scoring a goal. Oh whoops did I just offend the dps community?
  4. Oh right sorry. I forgot that sorc bubble soaks up unlimited damage. If your 8 players filled a sorc resolve bar and didnt kill him or pull him away from getting set up to pass then let him run away in his ultimatebubble while laughing at all of you...then yeah you guys suck. Really dumb team for not having anyone play defense in front of the incoming sorcerer...
  5. Again I ask, who let the assassin sit there and set up. Yup, that's your bad team. I think once people learn how to play defense, most of this QQ will stop.
  6. 1. Who cares about Rift. 2. No single class clears anything in any wz unless you show up to the party naked. 3. Previous poster listed jugg/PT/sorc as dominating huttball...sorry but seen many of those three AC as well as every other get dominated carrying the ball. This discussion is obviously centered around making all ball carriers equal in Huttball. Guess what? Carrying the ball is only part of the game. I play an assassin tank and my damage is crap. But if I am not carrying the ball, why can't I get a buff that let's me do 600k damage or healing if I want to contribute that way? I gear and play to fill a certain role on my team and I set myslef up over and over again to hopefully get the ball once or twice out the numerous times I set up to hopefully score and contribute to my team to win the game. Some games I get on a team that plays smart and this works. Most of the time I am on teams with you crybabies and I get rolled when I set up by teams that know how to play defense. L2P
  7. Hmm...who's fault is it letting the two others get in position to accept the two passes that get the score? Let me guess, that's also a sorc/sage/assassin ability. Damn it's good to forcespeed for 2 seconds. It makes my team play smarter and makes the enemy moar dumb.
  8. This is the stupidest thing ever. Seriously troll moar. There is no 1 class that can bypass 8 other players and skip to the goal. If your team lets this happen they suck. If you let enemies set up to score like this, your team sucks. I have yet to see one person solo grab the ball from neutral, pwn 8 players fly over all obstacles and lulz his/her way to a score. IT REQUIRES A TEAM to heal, position, defend the ball carrier etc. Sorry but this is a L2P issue. You guys that complain have been playing on bad teams, are bad players or have witnessed something amazing that I have yet to see. If you ever spot the mystery sorc/sage/assassin/jugg/superunicorn, please fraps and post. I would love to see someone own 8 other players solo.
  9. Don't play a sorc/sage. Assassin tank. You are really stupid if you think that just by having sorc/sage on your team in huttball you autowin. For all those crying about movement enhancement, take a second to think. There is a small window to use these abilities effectively. Good teamwork and coordination are required to position and execute a score using these abilities in those small windows of opportunity. If another team is doing it well and yours is not, you are doing it wrong. ALL of these abilities can be countered whether during like force sprint or before/after they are triggered. You fail if you let the other team position themselves to score. "but I'm just a sucky op that got nerfed to the ground and don't have any of those abilities." Guess what your good at? Locking players down BEFORE they get in position. Seriously...learn to play your class and learn your role. Every class has something to bring to the table.
  10. Pro Tip: Stop the classes you are QQing about BEFORE they get into position to use the abilities you are crying about.
  11. Why do people assume that I don't know how to play my role if I want to be just as effective as a tank with higher damage output? Do you think your tank set is helping you stay alive longer because of the stats or because you have a few thousand more HP? You will get rolled equally fast in tank or dps gear from attacks that bypass absorb/shield rating/defense etc...which are most of the ouchy attacks. It's really the expertise and your CD's that are keeping you alive or a pocket healer who heals you because you are in "tank" gear. Your extra hp might give you a little longer to react but let's be honest, the tank gear stats don't really mitigate the majority of incoming damage. Having higher damage output lets you do your defending role better as you won't sit there getting lol'd at by a dps you can't kill when they are at 30% health. I am not complaining about an inability to get medals or do my job. I average 8 medals and about 80k protection per huttball game. I do about 150-200k damage. Higher in the other ones. That's not terrible but I know it could be a lot better. Yes, I use relics, adrenals and stims and cycle my CD. But yeah...I guess the only real option is to grind out both and hope they fix Tank gear later.
  12. If you think 130k damage is kicking ***, you are doing it wrong. And I highly doubt you are getting 12 medals with 130k damage. L2lie. I do more than that in my full tank gear. The problem with tank stats has been discussed many many times in forums. It's known that those stats don't really make a difference in pvp yet an entire set of gear with those stats are available for tanks like me who made the mistake of buying it. Just asking if it's possible for either a small fix or option to trade in.
  13. 100% snare or any other stupid percentage of that is supposed to break with my talented force speed. You move along.
  14. yup...same here. my companions are flossin now.
  15. Can I trade in my useless Champion tank gear for the dps set? It's pretty obvious that the "tank" set available for would be tanks does nothing but gimp damage.
  16. yep. Happened to me several times today too. Full solid white resolve bar, then used CC break and should have been home free for a little while...nope CC'd again and again...srsly ***....
  17. I did not receive credit for 2 wins today. Not fixed.
  18. and you can't force pull to spawn area for insta kills anymore. you forgot about that.
  19. Yeah stealth is the same as speed... How is stealthing the ball where no one can see you across the entire field even remotely close to a 3 second sprint where you are still vulnerable to CC/Stun/Knockback and CLEARLY visible to everyone? It is your fail for not being on top of the ball. End of story. Every class has their tricks. Learn how to use yours better.
  20. L2CC? L2Snare. L2Stun. Forcespeed lasts for 3 seconds. If you let them get in position to make 3 seconds of speed allow a goal, you messed up for the other 60 seconds it took for them to get down the field. Forceleap/forcepull etc. require skill and team work to set up properly. Just because you have been running with people who don't know how to play together doesn't mean the people that do should be penalized. Guess what, if they were to remove all of that, the baddies would still be baddies and the people that play together would still wtfpwn you. Then you would come on forums and QQ saying they should remove throwing the ball and we should only be able to run it. Seriously...L2play
  21. Agree. I'm a fully tank geared (almost full survivor champ) 31/0/10 Assassin Tank. I have about 630 ish expertise. I also have several pieces of pvp dps champ gear in my bag from duplicate tokens I got. I see no difference in survival with my dps pieces subbed in vs my tank pieces. What I do notice is that I can end games with 200K+ damage easily and around 8 medals when I have dps gear in half my slots vs going all tank gear. I see no difference in survival when I run full tank gear. It really is irritating. Why should tanks be forced to wear DPS gear to be "effective" in pvp? I get blown up just as fast in tank gear as in dps gear. For all you naysayers, I suspect you don't play a full 31/0/10 with tank gear. Why make a pvp set available for purchase when it has little to no effect in pvp? It's like a total "gotcha" to the players who want to play as a pvp tank. TL;DR: The reality is, in order to be a tank in pvp, tanks have given up a lot of damage output potential by purchasing the tank gear. The irritation is that this tank gear does not offer any real benefit as far as survival is concerned other than an increased health pool. (an extra 2-5k health is nothing in pvp...2 crits from a lolcerer?)
  22. can you verify whether or not tanking stats (defense, absorb, shield rating etc...) are working as intended in PVP? i play a 31/0/10 Assassin Tank in full tank gear (Champion Survivor). I dont notice any increase in survival vs a similar geared dps class and worse survival than a healer class. Yes, i know how to play my class and i know that i have a lot of utility. My question is regarding our non-existent or marginal level of survival above other similar geared dps/hela classes who are not spec'd as pure tanks nor don full tank gear. The massive amount of dps we give up by going with this tank pvp set shows almost no benefit in survival other than the expertise we gain (which anyone can get with pvp gear) from it and some more hp (about 3-4k more...so like two crit hits from a dps). i am wondering if this is working as intended or if there are any plans to actually make tanks be viable as tanks in pvp, specifically assassin tanks without having to burn all CD just to survive for a few seconds which other classes that are not tanks have.
  23. Question: With the new bags, will there still be a chance to get a some assembly required champion item token or are those being removed altogether? And if I save my bags now, will they convert to the new bags when i open them after the change?
  24. So let me get this straight, the change is a comin. That's cool whatever... I really don't care either way. I'll still do war zones and I'll still pvp anyway. My question now is if we do save the bags we get NOW, will they follow the new bag rules when we open them AFTER the patch or will they still contain the old bag contents because they were acquired BEFORE the patch. I like immediate gratification but I'll wait if they convert to the new bags. If not, might as well open them now if the ones we get now aren't changing. TL;DR: if you save bags now, will they change with the patch?
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