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Everything posted by QuiveringPotato

  1. I'd argue that a decent sniper or merc are considerably better at carrying the ball now because of their DCDs. Especially sniper. Having CC immunity while entrench is up without being in cover is huge.
  2. TOD FÜR ALLE ZAUBERER, HAGELN DIE OBERSTE KLASSE, OPERATIV! *specs lethality* in all seriousness, not sure why they needed to nerf the base class abilities since that affects dps sorcs who have "about right" offhealing anyways.
  3. it was the reflect you mong god it's so ironic to see mercs complaining about watching out for other class' DCDs also, if you hard stun the operative during the evasion, the 200% dodge buff goes away, you can stun > railshot/unload into evasion
  4. I don't really think an unbalanced arena setup is a good example. I can 1v2 a couple mongs in an arena as conc, doesn't mean the class is performing well. And I know people on my server that can do pretty well with Lethality, but the fact that it doesn't have the weak dots (like you'd get after a purge) that it used to, and requires such a long setup time on new targets, on top of having to take out many GCDs for survivability just makes it weak overall. Tbh though, all dot specs kinda suck at the moment with the lack of matchmaking and the amount of healers in the queue.
  5. nerf ops they are the most OP class ever to have ever been in an mmo ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. What do you guys think they'll be doing for DPS operatives? For healing ops, I can assume it's going to be a slight buff in both direct healing (not hots) and some QoL changes. But, for DPS, this is where it gets tricky... If they buff our damage too much without touching our survivability, we're gonna be OP. Lethality is god awful for PVP at the moment, and despite both DPS specs parsing well, in PVP our damage output is among the worst of any class. Part of this is because of the DCDs of other classes, namely Sorc healers, Mercenary DPS, and Sniper DPS. Still, we definitely need more damage, and more passive survivability. I think we could use a slight nerf to active DCDs (namely roll resist), and considerably more dmg reduction overall, because certain classes can quite nearly 100-0 an op in 1 hardstun. And I honestly think we could still use some Utility pruning, considering that 6 utilities are absolute garbage, and there's really not much variation between the ones you'd actually take, regardless of spec. The ones that are just terrible are: Imperial Weaponry, Curbing Strategies, Med Shield, Imperial Tactics, Circumvention (why would you EVER trust holotraverse tbh), and Curative Agent (post bug-fix it is useless).
  7. You can get it to bug out at will if you're able to position yourself correctly. It's a terrible ability, I wouldn't mind them making it cost a GCD if it worked like warrior/knight leap (not a teleport).
  8. Yeah, I was gonna mention snipers as well, but I just personally find sorcs far more annoying.
  9. I think the capability to do good damage is more important than actually consistently getting those high numbers. I'll regularly do sub 2k DPS on my operative but have a more than significant impact in our win. You can win a huttball basically singlehandedly, 6-0 with 25k objectives points and less than 100k dmg. You can dominate in Odessen simply by knowing how to knockback, CC, and stay alive to control your point. You can completely negate any fighting in the middle of a Hypergate by outsmarting the enemy's guard. Same with ACW to an extent. That being said, knowing where and how to apply damage is still very important, but to be honest, the people who just tunnel and get high damage numbers aren't always good players.
  10. You can do essentially the same thing with force speed to the speed buff powerup, super hydraulics, sniper roll, mara mad dash, etc. The only real imbalance on Odessen is the fact that sorcs can maintain control of the node while invulnerable under Force Barrier.
  11. It'd be nice for Bubblestun to be changed from the obnoxious stun it is, to a 3 second long, ~30% damage reduction buff every time your bubble pops. I think that's a decent survivability buff without being completely infuriating to everyone like it is currently. Still gives the intended effect: a buffer against attackers - but without taking control away from the other players. Also for lightning, it'd be cool if they took some dmg from their AOE and pumped it into their big single target nuke (forget the name), and just increased the damage overall. It's supposed to be a single target burst spec, not a weird hybrid AOE spec.
  12. On TEH, it's more just that pubside tends to have a **** load of healers and tanks queueing at all times, whereas impside is mostly dps and tanks. I frequently solo queue into matches where pubs have 3+ healers and we have 0. Not saying that this is the pubs' fault, but what usually happens is a 4 man group will queue with a healer, then there will be 2-3 other pug healers that are also queueing, and the balance is just ridiculous. If we had proper matchmaking, the imperial win/loss ratio would be much better.
  13. reroll merc or get a trinity comp to carry you in all seriousness, there used to be a bunch of guides on the PVP forums but idk where they've gone now, I believe swtorista on youtube has some basic stuff that may help
  14. I think the main issue on TEH is that when pubs run groups, 9/10 times they queue trinity comp with 3-4 players, at least 1 tank and healer. Then, there's also a lot of healers and tanks in general on that side, so what ends up happening is some guild queues together with their trinity, then there's also a couple pugs playing support classes which ends up making their team be like 5 healers and 3 tanks. I see this kinda **** happens at least once or twice a day, lol. Impside, most guilds I see queueing just queue 2-3 DPS or often it's just 1T/1H queueing together, but we rarely have healers in general so when an impside guild queues a full trinity comp 4-man, it's likely that there will be no other healer, or maybe only 1, I rarely see healer-heavy impside teams (unless it's imp v imp.. then of course no matchmaking puts all the healers on one team, lol).
  15. You mean pubs? I can count the number of healers I see on my team impside on one hand most nights...
  16. I think a DPS should be able to kill a healer in a 1v1 EVENTUALLY. Sort of like how concealment operative duels go: one guy will win..... after like 10 minutes. Or at the very least, assuming equal skill, the healer will have their asses handed to them and essentially be <50% HP the entire time, but won't die. Currently, I think merc is the only healer that actually needs to worry about their energy level in any significant way, (ops as well if you just spam KI, I guess, but that's not effective), which is just silly. I'm not the best player ever, or even "good" compared to some people, but I know what I'm capable of, and I think it's *********** ridiculous when I can literally tunnel the **** out of a sorc healer, stunning intelligently, using my overload shot KB to interrupt channels, interrupting to prevent procs (or try to).. only to maybe eventually get them down to 40% in a stun, but then they just go right back up to 100% within seconds of being out of the stun. That's ~3 interrupts every 10 seconds, and a hardstun every 30s. Granted, this is on concealment, which has abysmal burst, but still, a derpy sorc healer being able to simultaneously survive my obnoxious onslaught and also heal teammates is dumb. IMO, 1 DPS on a healer, using all their tools (with no teammate peeling for the healer) should mean the healer is really only capable of healing themselves, if they cannot distance themselves from the DPS. This doesn't mean the DPS will outright kill them, but they'll have to focus more on healing themselves than healing others.. If the healer has support like Guard, then it should take 2-3 DPS to kill them (and the tank).
  17. Imps on TEH also tend to avoid reading chat, like someone earlier had said. For instance, on ACW, I'll generally go, "going grass (or snow depending) to delay/cap, please don't follow" on my operative... and without fail, one or two people always *********** follow. It's like, are you guys illiterate, or do you just not care? As someone who knows what he's doing when it comes to objectives play, it's extremely annoying.
  18. As a long-time TEH player, I do not think that the majority of republic players are necessarily better than imp players, but I've noticed that pubside is far more likely to run trinity comp premades, they also have more PVP guilds overall. Like, sometimes I won't see a single healer on one of my teams in the queue on impside for 4-5 hours, but pubside will have 2+ per match generally. WTB matchmaking. And no, I'm not whining about premades, I used to frequently queue with 3 other concealment ops in regs for shenanigans (when those people still played, RIP). Queueing with a trinity, especially when every part of that trinity is a FOTM spec though, is very annoying and you see it often. There's a lot of bads on both sides though, but 1-2 people playing something OP that have decent skill can make quite a bit of a difference.
  19. Well yeah, in an arena you can certainly get decent uptime and pressure damage, but in 8v8 you're running around so much and your burst is so miniscule that it's not even relevant usually.
  20. It's a shame, really, hatred and leth are very fun. Leth is my favorite spec in the game, but it's basically just for mediocre trolling at this point.
  21. I like to queue on Leth when it's not humiliating enough to kill fotm with just concealment.
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