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Everything posted by Deshie

  1. Wait what makes you think any non 50 wants to pvp with 50s? 1-49 warfronts are insanely fun because there are no 50s get it?
  2. the nerf patched didnt even go live yet......
  3. Deshie

    I Hate Voidstar.

    I mean really a map that focuses on suiciding in to stop the plant then having to wait ages behind the barrier. I thought when people realised how bad it was back when WoW did it with Strand of the Ancients they wouldnt copy it. Not to mention the amount of glitchers on it. I rather play Huttball (Emp vs Emp) than Voidstar. Since the 1-49 bracket every second warzone I play is Voidstar as Emp.
  4. Yes, cause we are shaking in our boots. Just because you switch to the otherside we supposed to consider your "opinion" valid? I mean really, Republic are a joke on most servers. It's the same reharsh of WoW aka Alliance. Inb4 **** I'm MULTIGLAD on WoW with no proof beside your little video of you lining all your cooldowns together to kill someone. Yes, you guys are really special I mean really no one else in the world could of possibly thought of using their cooldowns together to 3-4 shot someone in a Warzone! Yeah one last thing just because you have binds and turn with your mouse it doesnt automatically make a 1337 PvP hero instantly
  5. Please tell me if this was on battle of Alderaan!
  6. 50s should be in 50 only queues. Just because Biofailware decided it would good for the first month to have 50 farms low levels to keep subs doesnt mean it's right. No low level wants to pvp against 50s. There is no system to bolster to match 50s with gear and without gear. They have full talent trees and gear. The advantage is too much. Unless you are giving lowbies full talent trees and all skills unlocked at any level dont expect them to want to pvp against 50s. Cry all you want but it's your fault for not picking a high populated server and/or Republic.
  7. Why would anyone want to gimp themselves by healing?
  8. SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote. http://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ:EA This posted in another thread by someone else.
  9. Oh man I love how your defense is "crying". I mean really? I'm not the one who has rerolled Republic. I'm not one trying his best to save the face of a game that is doing downhill. It has the same devs as Warhammer and look where that is. The exact same place this game is heading. But I know alot of you "fans" are butt hurt. You claim to hate the PvP crowd aswell but they make or break a game. Look at Rift and AoC. If that isnt enough reasoning for you I really dont know what else would work for you. I mean look in 6 months no one will really care about TOR anyway. We have Guild Wars 2 coming out with developers that understand the PvP and PvE crowd. Hell we even have the panda expansion for WoW. You are the one actually crying that people are stating that they are dissatisfied with the game and plan not to return after the 20th. You are the one crying about the balance of factions. Anyway time to go back farming Republic in Illum.
  10. You're obviously clueless. Firstly they didnt develop an engine. Secondly it's not really about bugs or glitches it's about overall being a fail reharsh of WoW. >Faking early release to stop server crashing >Keeping server caps low all the way into "fake official" launch >Imbalance of mirror skills >Making Empire more appealing than Republic >Keeping 50s with non 50s in warzones >No dual specs (Might I remind you this is 2012 not 2004) >Overtuned and glitched raids >People losing/disappearing mail/credits/commendations etc >No support for community >No Customer Service >Over the top retail price when a normal mmo costs £30 this game costs £45 >No real feedback to customers >Crap engine >Crap UI that doesnt scale or even work when pressed rapidly >Ability delay >Server sharding >Doing nothing to address cheating (I mean real cheating using speed hacks) >Poor graphics for a game that came out in late 2011 early 2012 >Overtuning class boss in class story for one advance class and spec i.e Sith Inquistors having easier time over assassins. >Useless "Crew skills" >Broken "Auction House" that doesnt even have proper functions >Naked Operatives killing geared 50s >Forced fail open world mechanics just look at Illum before patch 1.1 and after it's still screwed. >99% of the time it says you are in contested area it's actually a lie because there will be no opposite faction at that planet because they have their own planet to level at the list could go on...
  11. Yeah I mean if they transfered everything like gear, credits etc. But..... here's the big but.... it's NEVER going to happen.
  12. It had 5 years to grow. This is 2012 not 2004. Hell Swtor is worse than most free2play games and thats really saying something.
  13. Why would choose to get gimped by level 50s? It's BioWares fault for low populated servers. If they opened the servers to max cap at the start we wouldnt have all these dead servers.
  14. As far as I can see it. 10-49 Warzones are actually fun now. The games are always really close. Hardly any premades but since they dont have expertise they are easy to roll. Non-50s dont want you in low level warzones so your only hope is cross-server warzones.
  15. BioWare/EA give everyone a free month? HAHAHAHA nice joke.
  16. Deshie

    Deception viable?

    Expertise buff gives you 15% inflat increase in damage and healing. So you dont really need any expertise anyway for it to work. I used to make that mistake until someone told how it works. If you grab powerup + consumable and your other cooldowns you can pump up large numbers. Maul is bugged to crap atm I would only use if you get buff. But at my level I have to use it cause I dont have Voltaic strike yet. Reality is you wont pump out those big hits you see in PvP vids until you get more gear. But doing 2-3k hits is normal I guess at your level. Are you sure you arent hitting guarded players or they taunted you? What's your highest hit on lowbie with no gear?
  17. Deshie

    Deception viable?

    as a level 33 I've hit 4k with maul with expertise buff and expertise consumable. I can normally hit 1k-2.5k without buffs on a level 50 who has expertise gear with maul. You're numbers are pretty low for some reason? Are you spec'd right? Are you using cooldowns etc..
  18. He clearly made the video to show off. I guess when you cant read between the lines, life is hard. You can already tell he is a derp cause he has "play clicks" on vent ticked.
  19. Cause killing him from stealth is the answer to every other class. Sometimes I really wonder why stupid people even post. Because you proved in that video why scroundels and operatives need to be nerfed. HERP DERP I'm A SCROUNDEL I KILLED AN Operative from stealth with my OVERPOWERED BURST. DERP DERPY DERP skiLlz MEnZ
  20. Saved me typing out alot. Patch 1.1 doesnt address the UI Lag/Delay. And it's one of the biggest issues in PvP. I mean really you launch a game with crap like this and expect people to pay 8.99 a month. Going to love seeing the numbers after 20th. I hope this game burns out fast and goes free2play so I can laugh at all the fanboys.
  21. take a tank and healer then give the healer guard and taunt when the healer is getting focused = awesome arena.
  22. Firstly why are you comparing a game that launched in 2004 to a game that launched in late 2011? Do you compare a pc made in 2004 to a pc made in 2011? Do you compare an 10 year old athlete to a 20 year old? You don't, so stop with your "it was better than wow launcher story" I still find it funny how Bioware tricked you in believing that they "released" the game early just because they wanted to. No company in their right mind would do that. They preplanned the early release aka letting small groups in at a time so they wouldnt end up like other MMOs whilst pretending it to being a favour to the consumer. Some people will be sheep all their lives. Now let's get to your other point. How many years have they worked on the game? 4-5 years... and you think they would have atleast have all the other features every new mmo has. Oh wait.. TOR doesnt. What a suprise they spent all their budget on VA. Lastly they released the game unfinished because they were scared to release within the same period as Guild Wars 2 and WoW Pandas. What does that tell you about the company? They dont care about the consumer only how much profit they can make.
  23. Why are you comparing a game that came in out 2004 to game that came out in 2011? Do you really compare a pc made in 2004 to a pc made in 2011? No you dont so stop being silly admit the game is way below average standards.
  24. Deshie

    Bioware are fools

    I bet you will be posting on Guild Wars 2 forums in the next 6 months because SWTOR is dead. I mean how silly can you be. They released the game unfinished because they didnt want to go head to head with Guild Wars 2 or WoW Pandas. SWTOR is already dying. I would love to see the figures after the 20th.
  25. Classic fanboy response. Nothing is BioWares fault everything is our fault. We need to take steps to fix a problem made by BioWare. Nice logic.
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