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Everything posted by stephenalandavie

  1. I am wondering about wz comms limits the restrictions we have in place will they be removed? increased?.
  2. Not played mine in ages but i don't see an issue here with maras its not like they are OP.
  3. All they need to do is remove the aoe change to caps and we are golden as far as i am concerned. Not Perfect but a massive step in the right direction.
  4. 2% of the pvp population according to what they say. I have a few at 60 but most are only part way dark reaver i don't have the time for ranked these days and the grind for he top set is one hell of a time sink lol don't get me wrong it should take effort but not to the point it makes most give up getting it lol.
  5. God bubble? lol thats a new one
  6. Thats partly why it won't boost ranked at all those that used to do ranked liked the 8 v 8 warzones not what we have now. Big mistake getting rid they could of had it all and let the community arranged ranked nights like they do on some servers.
  7. Honestly i think it won't those that don't do ranked tend to hate arenas they love reg warzones so mostly we will just see a more level playing field for 98% of pvp players in the game. That Aoe change though i am very skeptical of 1 node guard will be quite ineffective when attacked by several now given his aoe is useless.
  8. Less pride? Thats ridiculous they are making it less of a grind. Which is it for the majority of people which don't do ranked. As they said 2% only have full dark reaver i.e those that only do ranked. They have made the gear so its easier to access meaning We will see less pve guys turning up in full raid gear maybe. Who knows one can hope. but your reasoning is flawed on so many levels. Apart from maybe the Aoe changes which i am not sure about these changes are good.
  9. I've always seen certain classes as support classes which are best engaging in groups. i.e Sniper//commando etc where as others are front line classes and can handle themselves solo somewhat. i've just always seen it from that perspective. Maras are a perfect example of a front line class which is under performing, some of the dmg i see marksman put out is immense.
  10. Quick question with the reductions and the removal of rwz comms will the limit of normal comms be increased?? Also why not just let the pvp comms be Legacy wide?.
  11. Force storm is an Aoe it wasn't meant to do the dmg it did. Any aoe which does similar damage needs a nerf. In a wz where this is 8 v 8 or arena which are 4 v 4 An aoe doing that dmg is just ridiculous.
  12. Pigs might fly but low and behold a yellow sticker in the pvp thread
  13. Just a quick question on your comment, What gives Shatter the final cost of 1 now? That the refund of 3 focus??. Its 5 focus right?. I am new to guardian/jugg myself.
  14. What i want to know is why haven't we heard about this supposed solution whatever it is. Its been over 9 months since the comment i think. I would of thought their would be a thread about this at the top of the pvp thread made by someone you'd think it would be a big issue. Been absolutely no content for pvp whatsoever in god knows how long I've lost track.
  15. Quick question whats a good target for Crit on AP?
  16. If your doing ranked just switch to concealment.
  17. Lol i wonder if musco will get the new mount through ranked
  18. Lethality in pvp?. Don't get me wrong play what style which suits you but in ranked?. lethality has no place there really. Regs are fine any spec is. But in ranked i wouldn't if i were you.
  19. Would you still suggest taking the same utility points in skillful given the changes to unremitting?.
  20. Regardless of what Bioware may do with the game as a whole or to a class. The minute any customer gets personal like described here in my opinion it constitutes a criminal offence that's for sure. In the uk this would be arrestable. I have many gripes over decisions but to make it personal to a developer is just wrong they should be banned and the authorities should be contacted nip this in the bud early.
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