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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. Hi


    I need some help i have been collecting commendations now and i have been noticing different types at the vendors.






    To name but a few


    How does one go about purchasing these? I couldnt find Centurion ones anywhere? i think it was Bm or champion commendations i saw at the vendor.

  2. I will be honest, on my first server the imp to rep ratio was like 3-1 but i since joined Freedon Nadd and all i can say is the pop is fine there most of the Wz's i play have been Faction based.


    I can't speak for ilum as i am not 50 yet but it does go to show this isnt a constant across all servers.


    I for one found the storyline for the rep to be boring i dont know why and i do have three chars on the rep

  3. I'm hoping I can get some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on the good damage rotation for PvP and PVE with an arsenal merc. Currently at level 30 this is the rotations I've been using:


    Melee range: TMx3/RS/unload/PS/FT/RP repeat


    at range: TMx3/RS/unload/PS/MBx3/Rapid Shot/ wait for RS cooldown and start rotation over from TM


    Is there something better I should be doing to maximise DPS? I don't have any problems PVE wise taking down champ bosses so I"m mostly looking for PvP rotation. Any feedback is greatly apprecieated!!


    I too would love to hear any info also on the best Merc/hybrid build for pvp.

  4. I have 30 days left and will not continue to play if "server merge" or something similar does not happens.


    When i left server couple of minutes ago, there was only 6 people. So %90 of gameplay for me is single player, so it is useless to pay & play on a server.


    I can go back to Kotor 2 :)

    This doesnt even make any sense?? you say it is too quiet yet if it gets busier you will stop playing? Bit of a contradiction there

  5. I've Unsubbed today, after not logging in for a week and finding it hard to get back into it. I wrote down a lot of reasons and the page refreshed and lost it when submitting my cancellation, I summed it up and wrote this instead.


    Overall I feel its more of a single player game not an MMO and not worth paying a monthly subscription to play. Its too instanced, companions make team play not really needed, Hardly anyone wants to team unless they are in the same area then its goodbye once the quest is done.


    I recently logged back in lotro and the differences are huge in terms of environment and the amount of things to actually do.


    I really wanted this game to succeed and star wars is such an amazing universe but atm to me the game is to linear and the voice acting, albeit amazing for the first time is mainly skipped over now apart from the main arcs.


    I may be back in the future and will try and play out my game time but I feel myself no longer wanting to log in at times as its becoming a chore to see the instanced areas time and time again with no need to just explore and see whats about in the world.


    I wanted to explore the star wars universe but instead I got to go down a path predetermined by the story with no need to explore, I did try but found nothing there.


    I wanted to stand on a mountain and see the land below me in all its glory, take my speeder and ride out into tatooine and come across an outpost un discovered by the republic or imperials, go into a town which is neutral to republic and imperials and have places to spar etc.


    Some of the artwork is truly amazing but sadly I feel its wasted. Thanks for the effort but overall as I said before I feel this game is geared for single players with some team elements on the side.



    What server you on in LOTRO?

  6. This.


    Class balance in an MMOG is a moving target. One class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too weak, or broken in some way; and it'll get a buff. Some other class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too strong, or overpowered in some way; and it'll get a nerf.


    And then... A few days/weeks/months later... The same thing will happen again - maybe even to the same classes again.


    Aiming for whatever is the current statistical winner is only going to be rewarding if your idea of fun is graphing data in Excel.


    Play what you enjoy. Pick a class because it's easy to get groups... Or because it looks ******... Or because you've got a neat RP background cooked up... Or you enjoy a specific gameplay mechanic...


    Don't pick a class because this week it's doing 2% more DPS than everyone else.


    My past few classes have all been lightsaber based I am tempted to choose a class with blasters just not sure as of yet.


    Tbh the way populations are going i may not be here that long.

  7. Lack of content =/= easy content.


    There is TONS of content in the game. Eight unique storylines, two factions with their own stories on every planet, thousands of missions, most all voiced-over, three Warzones, tons of flash points, star fox shooter games, and quite a bit of end-game at launch.


    The problem is that it's stupid easy to get to 50, and then once you get to 50, that "quite a bit of end-game" translates to a week or two's worth of grinding. With everything awarding XP, XP gains should have been much, much lower. If you chose not to PvP, and not to do the space missions, you should have had to do bonus quests. I have yet to leave a planet and not out level the next by five levels or more.


    With Operations and hard modes really not being that hard, it's left people with nothing interesting to hold their attention other than alts. And questing the same zones over and over gets boring.


    At first i didnt pvp but now i do I was stuck on a ghost server until last night and now i am enjoying the Wz's every 5 minutes.


    That being said for £44.99 i expected more

  8. Really. Amazing.

    - People complained about sorcs being overpowerd. Nerfhammered.

    - People complained about ops... nerfhammer.

    - People complained about Bh/Coms nerfhammer....


    Basically all of you whined and complained and wanted everything nerfed (except your class.) And you got it.


    How did they not listen?


    I hadnt whined about anybody being overpowered

  9. A lot of good changes to gameplay, balancing, warzones, and performance have been made in the 1.2 patch as I've so pleasantly discovered today. Granted there are issues with the specifics of many of these fixes, but that's why the 1.2 patch has a few more weeks of public testing left.


    I would cool your jets for a little while longer; BioWare is doing pretty decent dev work even if they aren't doing very good PR around it.


    There is a lack of content though for the money invested you would think there would be more.

  10. Am i alone in thinking that bioware takes absolutely no notice of what people are saying?.



    They have sunk so much money into this game and yet it takes them what seems like forever to make simple changes. I know it can be complicated but for them it shouldnt be too hard.

  11. Because the person you quoted is not only grossly mistaken but clearly grinding an axe.


    Sages/Sorcs on both sides were not well implemented, but bounty hunters by all accounts of those playing both sides of the equation were out of whack(which was an idiotic choice by BW to allow this on the same server for PvP servers; PvE servers may be debatable but is still dubious at best).


    The patch notes clearly illustrate the differences between the two sides now coming into closer alignment.


    Like so many others, however, I'm discontent with the lack of care and intelligence shown in the basics of their design acumen for multi-player elements. There are very good single player elements in the game but that's not why we showed up willing to pay a subscription fee.


    But the game breaks down the moment your focus shifts to working with or against other players for goals and objectives.


    A perfect example of this is that whomever approved the leveling curve on release should be reprimanded. To be able to out-level entire planets worth of content through simply completing a world?


    I have yet to hit Taris or Nar Shadaa without the entire planet being green/grey simply by being efficient on Coruscant with any alt or my main character. And yet I still have to then travel throughout both for my class quest and make every effort not to touch the un-abandon-able core planetary quest line just to stop from cluttering my mission log with grey quests of no value.


    For BW to plead that they are 'surprised' at how fast people hit 50 is disingenuous given the speed with which we rocket through levels. Do you bother acquiring a purple item at any level before 38? How about 45? is it worth it at 49 perhaps, only to know that the 50 level gear you get is trash purple the moment you try to even compete?


    Even the coming 1.2 gear system changes show a marked lack of comprehension of what the issues are from the player's perspective. Augments on master crafted oranges you say? Wonderful. So I hope all the Orange items we can make are being stabilized to only use the top end materials, because otherwise Armscrafters are still screwed while Synthweavers and Armormechs are mowing through low cost material oranges to hunt for Mastercrafted items.


    Is EVERY item in the game becoming modular and resource consumptive appropriately?


    Discussing SWTOR's mechanical choices at present is like peeling an onion; Every layer of current frustration only peels back to reveal an additional layer of disappointment, even more eye watering and tear jerking.


    BioWare made a marvellous single player game, precisely as many of us feared they would. Most people have now played the single player game in the way that interested them and are probably moving on. And that is a shame for which the decision makers bear responsibility for their lost opportunity and pending business losses.


    If the game is at 1.7 million active subscribers by April and is still the 'fastest growing' MMO I'll be shocked.


    I just don't see it happening.





    You make a compelling case, another question in reference to what you say in the second to last paragraph. I have yet to Cap a character so i dont know is the end game content lacking? I think i might give them till December when my sub runs out then unsub if they dont shape up.

  12. You do know that the "Balance" totally favors the republic right now, right?


    Trooper Gravity round just rips people to pieces, Sages can mow people down with telekinetic throw and giant rocks from across the planet while being unkillable, Smugglers stay in cover while charging attacks while Agents have to partially leave cover to use the same kind of charged ability because they are using a rifle and not two guns.


    Dude, if you are playing Republic and losing, you are *********** bad.


    Quick question if this is the case why do lots say they are nerfing Sorcerer and bounty hunter?

  13. Play what you find fun. If you just play for high DPS or best class you will never enjoy anything. It is common in any MMO for classes to have tons of ups and downs in awesomeness. Next patch your sorc may suck, but the patch after that it could be the best class. You never know. Play what you find fun!


    If i do reroll then i would not delete my old class in case of this, I like to have my fun best with Ranged DPS,


    I do have melee classses to such as a sentinel on the Rep side, it is just i am a firm favourite of ranged gameplay, Tanking is good to.

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