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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. IT DOESNT TAKE LONG ? Are you trying to lie to yourself... they take the bloody servers down for 6 - 8 hrs on a saturday to fix an issue with Bowdaar not being awarded to noobies after 4 months of game time and now your trying to tell us, taking out a MAJOR feature does not take long... all of you wake up honestly and take of your "everthing is okay" glasses. See whats right and wrong and what is happening here...


    Quit your whinging if you dont like it Wheres the door again?

  2. Some questions i am qondering.



    1) Will Bm, champion and centurion gear be available after 1.2 if so what will it cost?


    2) Or is war hero gear replacing these three categories?

  3. I was very frustrated to see how they made Cent and Champ gear in 1.2. I put a LOT of effort, time and pride into getting into full champ and into partial BM gear, only to see the gear I worked hard for to become trivial.


    I don't really understand that one.


    Now I have all my companions running around in Champ/Cent gear. At least they look decent.


    Why what is happening to the gear?

  4. u can rip expertise from pre-50 pvp weapon.


    Reverse engineer it? i havent done much crafing i will be honest.


    What would i do with it does it come in a mod or something?


    Any help would be great

  5. Depends when you play. I tend to play early mornings before work. I understand that fewer people are online, so queues will be longer, but it does happen.


    Well i usually even only have to wait 10 minutes for a match at around 5am. Freedon nadd tends to be really busy at all times.

  6. The problem isn't the queue system, it's people being afk, especially pubs, resulting in uneven teams. There's absolutely no way to counter this besides increasing the pool from which you grab people from.


    I know a lot of people are against cross-server warzones because it reduces those rivalries on one server, but if they only did cross-server with maybe 3-5 servers for each cluster, I think you'd still get to know the people you're playing with/against. We'll just have to wait and see what direction they take. I know it's frustrating sitting around for 45 minutes before the queue pops only to see you're outnumbered by 2 and have no hope of winning (or better yet, your side finally gets 8 but it's only after the other team is up 400-150 in Alderaan).


    45 minutes? I have to wait about 5 minutes tops on my server it really is quick.

  7. Making it so when 16 people hit the queue button does not seem very difficult at all. They have it right, and it's not their fault people don't join the match. There's just not as many people playing this game as there is in WoW, so you notice population and team gaps.


    Theres too many servers and too much imbalance aswell. I am on the highest pop eu server and i havent faced these issues. A simple solution would be to merge the low pop servers and .


    Something does need to be done and soon

  8. His problem is that fact that he lv his char just by doing PVP..how on earth you did that i dont know..so now his burnt out..and now at lv 50 probs getting his *** handed to him as well...isnt helping :)


    I did that and havent had a problem

  9. To answer all of your questions:


    War Hero gear can be purchased with ranked WZ comms and the corresponding BM piece, Rated War Hero gear will be purchased with ranked wz comms from rated WZs.


    BM,Champion,Centurion and Merc comms will all be gone, in their place will be WZ comms and Ranked WZ comms. The cap on WZ comms will be going up and a full set of starter pvp(Recruit set) gear will be purchasable for about 320k, the Recruit set will be taking the place of Centurion and Champion gear;it has "worse" stats than they do but much better expertise.


    BM gear will be purchasable with WZ comms, you'll need about 12k WZ comms for a full BM set.


    Valor is pretty much only good for title achievements in 1.2 and Valor Rank will not be a requirement for gear anymore.



    When you say it can be bought with the corresponding BM piece do you mean say for example a Bm Chest piece would be traded with Rank wz comms for war hero gear?.



    Thanks for the information mate great help.

  10. So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


    People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


    Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


    Your complaining about there only being 3 Wz's? the game is in its infancy You must have the attentions span of a child if thats your sole reason for leaving.


    The gear issue i can agree with. but after 1.2 i hear the war hero armour is easier to get then the other BM armor

  11. Something else i am confused about after 1.2 i am told the BM commendations and champions CM's are going to dissapear if this is the case how will we purchase that armor? will it just be through Wz commendations?.
  12. The war hero title is simply a reward for reaching valor rank 70 and can be obtained right now. The gear is coming in 1.2.


    What about the gear itself will that be obtained by reaching rank 70?

  13. I'm with the rest of the posters. Having played several games like the one that the OP described, I absolutely prefer the close games that are nerve-wracking and push your limits of reacting effectively under pressure. A 6-0 stomp is like ordering a steak and being served bologna sandwhich.


    The moment that those coordinated passes happened... it's moments like those that make PVP so deliciously entertaining. Like that moment in a chess match where moves planned in advance win the game for you, it's that mental gratification that I feel most players love in PVP.


    I don't intend this to sound rude, but it sounds to me like you enjoy predictable fights as opposed to dynamic fights. If this is true, I highly recommend that you stick to raiding because it will offer you that kind of gameplay... PVP will not offer you predictable fights in any game.


    Lol who eats bologna? :ph_use_the_force:

  14. Champion, centurion, and Battlemaster Tokens will be removed with 1.2 .


    The current way to get these is in Champion and battlemaster bags which you can get from quest rewards. you can also buy the champ bags for 200 WZ coms /200 Merc coms


    So after 1.2 will it just be warzone? what will happen with the Bm and champion armor then? also centurion?

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