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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. I do like Warzones Its why i will continue to play them. I dont do pve that much only the main storyline. But i do believe the planets should allow for Free world PVP well apart from the origin and capital planets anyway.
  2. well the problem with ssd's is the fact that the cost a fortune for what the can contain data wise, alot use 1 ssd for main drive then store everything else bar there main programs on the hds.


    so its what you have to spend that makes the difference, my best mate has 4 revo3's and his machine is the fastest thing i have ever seen, he uses his pc for top end modeling and rendering so requires really fast read and write but good old fasion western digs blacks on sata 3 is good enough if you dont wont to spend a fortune on it.


    I have a budget of about £800 so i am weighing up my options. I think i am settling on a 2GB Nvidia with 16 Gb DDR3 RAM with a quad core processor. It is just the Hard drive set up i am considering. some say to buy a 1TB HDD for the storage and a 120 GB SSD for the OS and any main programs.

  3. well you wont really notice the difference in games if your sli'd as 1gb is enough on sli. my 560's are only a little bit over 1gb and they run fine, cool and v fast. I can hardly notice the difference between the pc with the 560's and the pc running the 590, i use the bully and 590 for autocad mainly which is what my old machine used tobe used for and thats where you can tell.


    I see what you mean the pc running the 590 is used in AUTOCAD its bound to be ableto handle swtor with what it has to do with the AUTOCAD. What do you think is the best setup? i am confused with these hard drives aswell these new SSD drives.

  4. Im going to upset you now, i run 2 pcs, 1 a 1090t black oc'd with 560ti sli'd x2 and another running a bully and a 590 and both run perfect fps, both over 100 fps in pve and pvp and makes me laugh that i hear so much about how intels cant handle it but go figure.


    Woop Woop AMD, and you wanna know the kicker. neither of em have solid states or even hybrid drives, they both run raid 0 western dig blacks and no ramdrive in sight :D


    I am thinking of getting a 2GB graphics card is the SLI configuration better?

  5. Hello,


    I am about to be purchasing a new system specifically for gaming and i have decided to go for a custom built PC.


    I was wondering if there is any advice anybody could give me? This is the main game i play online.


    There are so many options for instance Hard Drive Do i go for SSD or HDD? Would i face issues with SSD?, would i install the OS on the SSD or HDD?



    What is the optimum specification for playing this game? Not just reccommended but the top specification.


    Any help would be appreciated i am greatly confused.

  6. Hello,


    I am about to be purchasing a new system specifically for gaming and i have decided to go for a custom built PC.


    I was wondering if there is any advice anybody could give me? This is the main game i play online.


    There are so many options for instance Hard Drive Do i go for SSD or HDD? Would i face issues with SSD?, would i install the OS on the SSD or HDD?



    What is the optimum specification for playing this game? Not just reccommended but the top specification.


    Any help would be appreciated i am greatly confused.

  7. Yes i have to say i am starting to agree


    The 0% reward system for losing is pathetic it should be based on the individuals performance

  8. I don't like mixed groups at all, it takes away the Star Wars feel. I'd rather wait longer and actually face the other faction in all matches.


    Has this happened because of 1.2?


    Its ridiculous i can understand huttball but the others is a bit out there..

  9. Correct me if i am wrong but the way i understood it.


    Civil war and voidstar were faction based and huttball was mixed.


    Today i started to notice mixed in civil war and voidstar is this new?


    or is it something i have missed?.

  10. I get that the winners get more but the disparity so large now that if you're losing there is no reason to stick around.



    I see what you mean it is pretty obvious though if it is that bad then BW will change it. Its just a case of patience

  11. are they not giving a greater incentive to win as a team?



    God some people complain the gear is to easy to get ie recruit gear


    And here because the losing team doesnt get much of a reward some of you are ************ that you dont get enough.

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