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Everything posted by uniz

  1. why waste time on something a VAST majority are just going to pull mods out of?
  2. I think it is a great idea to be able to turn off such conversations for ALL companions. no matter which one you use they all start to get annoying after a while.
  3. or the guild leader can just make a new higher officer rank promoting and thus giving a few trusted officers the permission to do such in the first place. this will also work if the said guild leader doesn't want all of the officers to have said permissions. however if the guild leader is a control fanatic and doesn't want anyone to make such decisions unless he is absent then you have far greater issues to deal with than those you have posted. such ran guilds usually implode with time.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. of all the issues this game has this one would be very near the bottom of the priority list. has anyone ever stated why we have a waiting period in the first place?
  5. no it doesn't work that way. there is no auto resetting. you will continue to add light side to light and dark to dark until you max one or the other out. then when for example you are at max dark with some light side you will continually now subtract from the light I believe until it is zero when you do dark options. if you do the light options it will once again add to the light. I have been max light and dark on my 55 toons so long that I hope this hasn't been changed. besides except for unlocking the legacy light and dark ability, and relics for leveling it really doesn't matter much to game play. from a rp point it might though. hopefully this helps.
  6. I would rather be able to sell them to their respective vender for planet coms. that way those that want to use them as is can and those that don't can at least get something from them toward gear. this would be far easier to implement too.
  7. no matter what is done people will not be happy. it is a no win situation.
  8. 1) what we have is fine and its mechanics are designed on purpose to maximize profit. 2) not sure what you mean here. perhaps more of a explanation is needed. hopefully you are not implying wow mechanics made good players which for some of us is just laughable. 3) what we have is fine. mmos are for playing with others and not solo play. your x box is for that. two is enough pc factions and other npc ones are appearing rapidily now. 4) not needed. nor will ever happen unless it is for new content specially designed for such. bioware isn't going to waste money redoing old zones for such. multi seated mounts will be ok. we already have short buss drivers parking over npcs. we just now need to fill that buss with their guildies:D 5) weapons no. crystals maybe. soe stated that for eq2 it was a huge mistake for them to have their epic weapons as it was the only weapon used. all of the new unique looking weapons that was introduced afterwards went unused. they got around this by the epic weapon upgrade with the new level increase by making them a ability which you cast. 6) not sure how this will fit in. 7) no. the game is designed around having several alts so you can experience the stories. this will never happen. 8) could be fun. 9) no. players need to play the game and not have the game auto play itself. bioware has stated addons will not be allowed but they will add features to the game as needed instead. I call into question your 14 years of mmo experience. appearently not a whole lot was learned from the playing wow.
  9. you can blame pvp for the state grenades are currently in. flame me all you want but it is why the cool down was increased and damage/area of effect adjusted. because of this I really doubt you will get what you want for your pve play.
  10. best game for chat was a mmo that had a server wide tiered chat system. your level gave you authorization into the various chat tiers. there were 1-9, 10-19, 20-29 and etc with the highest level having their own separate one. this way all of the lowbies were stuck at the lower tiers and you couldn't hear them unless you decided to listen in to that tiered channel. for most servers level 1-9 was also used as the general help chat channel too with a few higher levels in it to answer questions. the mmo that had this didn't have many if any chat issues. it was eq2. chat in this game was horrendous during its first 1-2 months after release. the same was true for rift. generally in mmos that have pvp and or easy leveling you get far too many children of all ages on that server. chat and mmo etiquette problems are much higher because of such. this game is no exception. in this game if players annoy me in chat I just either put them on ignore or flip my conversation window to the one without general chat.
  11. me thinks a in game voice chat would be better. yes yes I do. hint hint nod nod wink wink. with a lfd for so many ops I just wonder why it hasn't been done.
  12. perhaps the op wants to capture his bounty and the high levels just one shot kill it preventing him from getting the achievement from doing such. the achievement requires a capture and a kill for each king pin and mini bosses. far too many players have helped in killing thus preventing the capture. I can understand his frustration as I have done these bounties from level 22 to level 55 on nine toons. lower level toons are restricted to what planets they can get the quests on while higher levels can get them on all. I found voss was the best planet for the 55s I have as it was rather empty. the worse is the lowest ones as so many were there one couldn't even tell where the spawn points were.
  13. having a higher number of players with the same ratio of dps to tanks to healers is exactly what you are asking for. obviously your solution will not work. also I would NOT ever want a pvp server AGAIN in my lfd cross server queueing group. aside from the lack of any etiquette most are specced wrong while the rest think pvp gear will suffice in higher end content. having cross server lfd in rift I will NEVER ever support a cross server anything again after all of the childish antics that I have seen happen to myself and guildies from such players who know they will never see me again. you are not solving your queueing issue but rather will create more problems than we have now.
  14. you really don't have to use the name generated in its current form. knock off a syllable or two. change a few letters around. add some letters or change phonetic spellings. I use the name generator in this fashion to get ideas on a name for a species. I also have learned the hard way not to make any toon with more than 6 letters too. with a little imagination you can get some really interesting and unique names. fyi all of mine made every server merger.
  15. neverwinter has gotten it right with their player made content. having actually played this said content I can tell you a few things. the person making the content has NO Zero Zippo input as to what loot is dropped. that includes coins, boss chests and etc. many flatly state to not complain about the loot drops because they have no control over them. the game sets it automatically to what the solo boss encounters are for that level. this player made content actually levels up to your level. so you can play it at 20 as well as at 60. there is a minimum level for such content. players upon completion gets to vote on the content, give brief feedback and there is a option to "tip" the maker too. there are dailies for completing the content with rewards depending on your level most if not all content is story driven and I have to say those I have played were very well done. players put a lot of time and effort in the ones I have completed. the best one was where at the beginning you killed off your "group". they are solo content but I think a few were for groups. sadly this is the only redeemable quality about neverwinter as the ui is beyond clunky. I could see something like this being very popular in this game if done correctly. the question is will the hero engine be kind to allowing such to work.
  16. the op has a point. on the pts I found it to be a pain when 10 of us was in there. today there were more pcs than mobs let alone quest items. Saturday and sunday wasn't much better. pvp is nice but most of us don't pvp in there as we are on pve servers for a reason. I couldn't imagine pvpers even getting the quests done with that many players. yes op like myself on a pve server back in early black hole I again had to camp a quest item clearing mobs around it and waiting for it to respawn. then and now it wasn't fun. but it was changed. we can only hope this gets changed too.
  17. actually something needs to be done on ALL of them to turn off such conversations. the first few times is ok and entertaining but after a while is does get annoying.
  18. I disagree that there is a substantial player base that wants world pvp still playing in this game. most have already quit some time ago. actually I bet on pve servers if you removed the world flagging mechanic in its entirely far many would be happier. your idea does have some merit but make a separate planet. moon or world area for level 55s only and then implement it. that way lower level toons don't get GRIEFED by the higher level ones which many classless pvps now think it is how the game should be played.
  19. well said and I too am in agreement to that definition of griefing. it should also be stated you really don't need to kill the wampa. just run away from the nest and after a certain amount of time you get the mission reward anyways.
  20. I agree with you and all of this can be prevented. for sometime I have stated if rift can have a mechanic that doesn't force flag you and you can turn it on/off then this game can have it too. when it is turned off you can not attack yellow pc targets nor heal your own faction green ones. there is no means of force flagging. perhaps one day this will be addressed and resolved. until then report those that purposely run into your mobs trying to flag you for griefing.
  21. 66 gear. first thing would be the 66 main hand. 66 com gear requires faction I think too. maybe some relics next depending on your class and role.also depending on your spec keep the armorings as they have the set bonuses. new set bonus gear is ops drop only now unless I missed something recently. your largest upgrade right off are implants and a earpiece after you buy your 66 main hand. player made artifact types are fine. some class roles have really poor choices for the implants though. ie sage/sorc dps. I am talking about the basic com schematic bought ones and not the re ones people. first thing I would buy with elite coms is a off hand unless you are lucky enough to get one to drop and win the roll in a 55 pug hm. also get 55 augments as they give a huge bonus now. the blues are fine at first unless you are loaded and want to pay a lot for the few extra points. good luck and have fun
  22. take it as you can make good blue gear for both yourself and your companions as you level. (except the droid) also at end game you can make your own augments. it still is the easiest means to make augment kits too.
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