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Everything posted by Orizuru

  1. Lifetime subscriptions are a product that creates a certain amount of risk for the future. If you sell a lifetime sub for $200, the players who purchase this product become a liability to the game after about 14 months if they are still playing. The $200 they initially paid will be enough revenue to support the cost of the game for 13.33 months, and then at that point these players are no longer providing any income to the game to cover the cost of keeping the game running and updated. This type of business model creates an incredibly uncertain future for the game once the value of the lifetime subs have been fully earned as income.
  2. Opening the device and removing the battery would render the device useless. The way the device works is a logarithm that uses time as a factor. Once the original battery is removed or loses its charge, the internal clock is no longer in sync with the servers it authenticates against. Edit - Your problem is most likely the button itself. You probably have some dirt or other sedimentary build-up between the button and the internal PCB. The battery in the Vasco Digipass GO is good for about 7-8 years of regular use. There are many of these devices that are passing 10 years without a battery failure because they are used less frequently. I do NOT recommend trying to disassemble your Digipass GO 6 security key to attempt to clean it. Spraying around the button with a can of compressed air might help, but taking it apart would almost assuredly damage the device beyond repair.
  3. There is only one manufacturer for these devices. Vasco makes all of the Digipass GO devices used by just about all games that use these types of security keys. All that would be needed is for EA to order another shipment of the devices from Vasco. I doubt EA will do that though, because that creates cost for EA because they would have to buy the devices from Vasco. The cell phone app has much less cost for EA. There are likely some license fees or royalties that Vasco collects from the cell phone apps being allowed to use an algorithm that Vasco developed, but its likely that this has zero overhead for EA because they don't have to keep an inventory of the product, whereas the physical devices require EA maintain an inventory of products that they may never be able to use. So when you factor in the cost of buying the devices and add in the cost of storing them until players order one, and also consider the fact these things usually last for 6-8 years before the battery dies, there really is nothing but financial loss for EA if they order them. TL;DR - I wouldn't hold my breath on this item ever coming back unless EA has another new game launch that uses the Vasco Digipass GO 6 as well. Its a product that just creates nothing but cost with little to no ROI for the company. Edit: All that said, I too wish they would make it available again.
  4. My favorite would be Raven. Beast Boy would be a close second.
  5. Would players here support a system akin to the determination buff WoW has in their RaidFinder? And by that I mean when you use Group Finder to form a 16m Ops group, wiping on a boss gives the group a stack of a buff that slowly increases their performance. This would negate the need for a 4th difficulty. The Ops could still provide some challenge for the players who enjoy it, while at the same time it would allow the groups that struggle to slowly get stronger with each failed attempt on a boss to give them a better chance to meet the dps checks, heal checks, and even damage mitigation checks that the fights require. For those not familiar with WoW's determination buff, its a system that gives a 1% increase to dps, hps, and damage mitigation to the entire group for each stack of determination the group has. Stacks are gained by wiping on a raid boss. I would prefer any implementation of this system in SWTOR to require the fight last a certain amount of time before the stack is earned though, because in WoW there were problems were some groups didn't even want to try the fights until they have X number of stack of the buff, so they would wipe on purpose a few times to stack the buff before they would make an honest attempt on the boss. I would like to avoid that happening here if possible. Just making the group be required to have at least one member alive 90 seconds into the fight should be enough to discourage this.
  6. I haven't seen much of the Revanite Avenger armor. I opened 30 packs and I think I was quite fortunate for what I got, but I didn't a single piece of that armor. And I don't remember anyone in my guild having more than 1 or 2 pieces when we were discussing trades last night to help people fill out their collections. I hope you find one!
  7. I opened 1 hypercrate plus 6 additional packs. I got one of every new mount except the Chemilizard. I pulled 2 of the new Agitator mount and 3 Jokos. 3 pink-yellow crystals (2 end, 1 crit) 1 black/purple dye 4 SOA 1 celebration tent 1 rishi pirate cannon Both titles both new companion customizations and some other odds and ends I'm counting myself as quite lucky with this pack.
  8. I'm just gonna leave this link here for people that need help with UL. I'm not disagreeing with the idea that the fight is pushing the limits for a casual PUG. I don't know what the solution is to this problem, because I do enjoy boss fights that are challenging, even on Story Mode, but I recognize that there is a good argument for some minor improvements on this fight. All I can really do though, is offer the link above as a means to help mitigate the issue a little until a better solution can be found.
  9. They're egotists. There are two things any good egotist can not accept. The first being that they might be wrong. The second being that anyone could disagree.
  10. You need new dice. I opened 1 hypercrate and got 3 SOA and every single mount in the pack except the Jet Pack and Chemilizard. I bought 4 more packs and pulled another SOA, a second Agitator, and a glorious Jet Pack.
  11. I wonder if the people saying its fine for PUG groups are running with a mostly guild group and cheesing the cross mechanics with a PT tank? I can see this fight being possible with a PUG, but it would take a fair amount of luck in the random player lottery. I also think Torque is a bit unfriendly in this same regard, but the fight is doable if you can get everyone on the same page. All it takes to wipe repeatedly only this fight is one Sorc who refuses to stop using Chain Lightning because it hurts their dps too much. I think both fights are fine for well organized groups, but PUGs are struggling more often than not.
  12. Its not a bad build, but I've seen builds with the i5-4690K and GTX 770 3GB graphics cards for around the same price. Here is one example, though this is using a GTX 960 for graphics. https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/system/March_Madness_Deal_Z97-I5 If you watch a few youtube videos on building your own, you could probably save enough money to upgrade to a GTX 970 or 980.
  13. Are you sure you are converting that in your head correctly? 70 ms is .070 seconds. That is 30% less than one-tenth of a second.
  14. Have you tried different dns servers for you ISP? I'm on the east coast and play on Harbinger and I rarely see more than 45 ms latency. I will predicate this by saying I have a very good fiber connection from my ISP though with a terminated fiber node directly in my basement. Many fiber connections terminate the fiber at the street and bring the signal to your home over a phone or cable line, so my connection tends to be a little better. Even when fiber stops at the street and is carried into your home with a phone line, you should still be able to play on a west coast server from the east coast without issue.
  15. That is not how a contract works. Star Wars is the intellectual property of Disney. SWTOR is the intellectual property of EA. EA has a contract with Disney to allow EA to use the Star Wars IP in SWTOR as outlined by the contract. Even if Disney could prove that EA was in breach of contract, SWTOR would remain the IP of EA. They just would not be able to continue using the Star Wars IP that Disney owns, so the game would shut down. However, the only way Disney would be able to give SWTOR to another game studio is if Disney bought or leased the IP from EA.
  16. I'm well aware of all of that. I think you missed my point. I'm not concerned about the cost in credits to aug or replace a piece of gear. We currently have an economy that allows a player to make a lot of credits in 1 of 2 methods. Spend CC and sell hyercrates, packs, and CM items on the GTN; or craft high end items and sell them on the GTN. There are other methods, but these two are the most significant. And at this time, I would say crafting has a the bigger potential to allow a player to earn many credits. This outfit designer cuts the crafters out significantly. They will still be needed, but much less. They will find it much more difficult to sell the same number of products that they sell now once this is released. This makes spending CC much more lucrative in the long run for players who are trying to amass a wealth of credits. People may not be paying money to buy stat advantages, but they will be paying money to make credits more effectively. And those credits can be used to buy stat advantages. Its not a broken system, but its a highly profitable for BioWare by encouraging more people to spend more money on CC so they can be credit rich in the game more easily. Crafters are getting the shaft for something players want that is being implemented in a way to try and encourage more players to purchase more CC if they want to make credits more efficiently.
  17. I still have the shells for my Tionese and Columi sets on my Jugg. To be honest, I don't think you missed much. The sets I have are god-awful ugly. I just won't part with them because of nostalgia and an abundance of unused storage space. I think part of the appeal these old sets have for players is simply because a lot of people don't have access to them anymore. Back when these sets where current, players couldn't wait to get rid of them. When the ability to removes the armoring and take the set bonus with it was added to the game, people started abandoning these sets in droves because they were so unpopular. I wouldn't be bothered if they made them available again. I would prefer they did it as something special such as an anniversary run of Eternity Vaults with the old set pieces as drops on the bosses. Those old Ops where they originally dropped were fun.
  18. Its hard to say for certain, but prices may increase on these items since crafters will have to rely on selling a finite number of items to each player character that reaches level cap. Its also possible that supply will out-stripe demand enough to drive prices down, but this will depend upon the ability of crafters to collaborate so as not to pit them against each other in a price war. Collusion among the majority of crafters is difficult if there are a lot of crafters, but if their numbers get low enough it becomes more likely. Once a player has the new outfit designer though, there is little reason for them to ever buy more than one set of augmentation kits. The augments will be purchased less often as well, but tanks will still need to adjust defense, shield, and absorb augments from time to time, but there will come a point where as long as they remember to remove an augment from their gear when they need to change one, each character stops needing to buy them altogether. As a player with a lot of alts and few crafting skills, I don't hate this entirely. However, I do see a trend in this that worries me. This new system definitely promotes using real money to buy CC to get more Cartel Market items. It also has a chance to increase the GTN value of these CM items a bit as well. Removing the prohibitive credits cost to changing your appearance will promote the idea of getting more items to add to your outfit designer to increase your display options. This translates into more money spent on CC. While many players will look to spend credits on the GTN for the CM items they want, someone much first buy the packs with CC in order to get the items on the GTN. This clearly shifts the player economy closer towards one that is backed by RMT instead of player crafted items, and this concerns me. Its one step closer to pay-to-win in my opinion.
  19. Are there any plans to brings this app to Google Play for Android phones?
  20. You probably missed a key part of your story quest and out leveled the companion before you recruited him. Most classes get their last companion when they complete Belsavis or Voss.
  21. I never click. In this game, I don't think it matters as much as in other game, but in many other games I play it makes a huge difference, so I keybind in all my games to prevent bad habits from forming. I also use this same keybind setup in all of my other games as well. Standard QWERTY keyboard. It never even occurred to me that the other layouts might be used by gamers! I learned something knew today. Always use mouse to move unless straffing, which are bound to A and D. ` = Mobility skill (Force Leap, Force Speed, Roll, ect...) 1 - 5 = dps priority abilities, higher priority abilities go in lower numbered keys, 5 is reserved for execute abilities Shift + 1 - 4 = additional dps priority abilties Shift + 5 = Interupt Alt + 1 - 4 = additional dps priority abilities when more than 9 buttons are needed (When tanking Alt + 1 is a single target taunt) 6 - 0 = Cooldown abilities that enhance dps or defense CTRL + T = activate stealth Shift + T = favorite mount ~ (aka Shift + `) = Rocket Boost; not used much in other games that don't have an equivalent ability Ctrl + Alt + 1 = AOE Taunt or Threat Dump Ctrl + Alt + 2 = Out of Combat Recovery Ctrl + Alt + 3 - 5 = Long lasting buffs (4 and 5 aren't needed in SWTOR) I use the Logitech G602 Proteus mouse, which has 3 macro keys for the thumb and 2 for the pointer finger next to the left click. The 3 thumb keys are for Push To Talk in VOIP, Autorun, and the last varies by game, but in SWTOR I use it to throw the ball in Huttball. The two macro keys by the left click are very rarely used because I'm busy holding down both mouse buttons to move. I usually have them setup to send various raid warning messages when needed or to help quickly mark a high priority target in combat. I tend to leave the rest of the keybinds at their defaults, however, I do change the keybind for Chat Reply from R to Ctrl + R to avoid problems with bumping the R key by mistake and it inserting the cursor into a chat window because this really messes with keybindings. I try to keep everything bound to the number row as much as possible, at least for combat related abilities. I also have a keyboard that allows me to replace each individual key, and I have special keys in the 1, 3, and 5 spots that allow me to identify the keys by touch without needing to look. I have poor muscle memory and rely more on my sense of touch, so this keyboard is a huge help for me.
  22. Most MMOs rely on 3rd party sites to provide good sources of information about the game. There is just too much information needed for the dev team to be able to manage it. Official forums like these can sometimes be useful places for players to share the information with each other, but they tend to get highly opinionated and good information can easily be drowned out by popular information that could be highly inaccurate. I'm sorry you lost a lot of credits. That's no fun at all. Don't give up trying to sell the item to recover as much of your losses as possible though. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right buyer, even on the GTN. It took me more than 3 months to sell a rare mount that is less than popular with most players, but I held out and kept listing it at the price I knew it was worth and it did sell eventually.
  23. BitDefender got a lot of bad reviews a few years ago for 2 primary reasons. The first being that is was the most effective AV solution on the market for a period of time that was much longer than the norm for these types of product. This resulted in many viruses being developed in ways that specifically targeted systems running BitDefender software. BitDefender responded well to all of the threats, but users perceived the software as being more vulnerable than competitor products in much the same way that Windows is perceived to be more vulnerable than OS-X and Linux. The second thing to tarnish the reputation of BitDefender was a shameless marketing strategy that made the software behave like AdWare. For a period of about 3-4 years they allowed their software to generate a full screen pop-up ad to try and convince customers to upgrade their BitDefender products and renew licenses. It was a horrible thing to do with a product that is meant to protect a computer from things that behave this way. And it would generate these ads even while Game Mode was enabled. When I played WoW there was a progression raid where I had 6 of these pop-up ads over the course of one 3 hour raid, and 4 of these where in the middle of a tank swap mechanic where I was one of the tanks, which resulted in wipes. I was absolutely livid over this, and my frustration was further compounded by the fact I still had more than 200 days left on my BitDefender license when it was generating these ads to encourage me to renew my license before it expired. The BitDefender forums exploded when this happened and the company stood by this and defended their shameless actions for several years before they finally changed their marketing strategy and removed this "feature" from their software Today, its a pretty good product again for the most part. There are a few competitors that offer a better level of protection, but the price and resource management of those products keeps BitDefender in the running fairly well. Their Game Mode is a gimmick though. All it really does is suppress notifications from the software while its enabled. It does very little to reduce resource usage.
  24. I just noticed, Poly's character name isn't spelled correctly in the OP. If anyone is trying to whisper Poly in-game for an invite, the correct spelling is Polgarath.
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