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Everything posted by Vetorept

  1. It's just your server. I regularly get a faceful of level 50 Troopers and Jedi rocks.
  2. Translation: "I wanna gank people and this game won't let me!!!"
  3. 1. A Valid Arguement Being able to queue for things like warzones and flashpoints and automatically get placed in a group brings out the aspergers syndrome in many people. Asperger's syndrome ( /ˈɑːspərɡərz/[1], /ˈæspərɡərz/[2] or /ˈæspərdʒərz/, also known as Asperger syndrome, Asperger disorder or simply AS, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. Facilitating the birth of a Sperglord. sperglord- Internet caricature of typical self diagnosed aspergers suffering shutin that has to provide input on everything and anything in the most obnoxious, self unaware, or creepy manner possible. Source: Urban Dictionary It removes personal accountability for ones actions in an already anonymous setting- The Internet, bringing out the worst sociopathic and antisocial behaviors. So put that in your LFD and smoke it. MMO's have been getting along fine without it since 1998 and only one has implemented it, birthing thousands of threads and QQ about ninja looters, need vs. greed, vote-kicks, griefers, afk'ers and generally not so nice people.
  4. I love my companion, and she loves me. She sends me love notes with epic gifts in the mail.
  5. If that is truely the intent, I just fell out of my chair.
  6. Yo Bioware. How come Assassin's didn't get an opener? The scoundrel/op opener is a 3 sec knockdown that cannot be defended. You cannot cc break it with your abilities. It hits for 6K or higher when delivered by a well geared op/scoundrel it is pre-loaded while in stealth with a 1k dot that gives armor pen of 50%. it is followed up with a minimum of two uncontested attacks on a player as the opener is again undefendable..un-ccbreakable. the two un-contested attacks... can range in dmg of 2-4k per attack. This is against geared players. Can we expect the Assassin opener in a future patch?
  7. I did him as a darkness tank with Talos healing. Khem just sucks period and I got sick of his crap at lvl 40 and decided to tank myself. Things have been going much smoother. But he's got such an obvious casting animation, if you carefully cycle through your 3 interrupts you shouldn't get wasted too bad.
  8. He is not joking. My assassin is level 47 and he has all the burst dps of a wet biscuit.
  9. I dislike Jedi Knights PERIOD. Because throwing rocks is for little kids.
  10. Yo. Try your interrupts. And wait till you get to the next guy lol.
  11. Say: Sorcerer, and not Inquisitor. The Assassin is hardly overpowered. I hit like a wet biscuit with the best gear for my level @lvl47. 50 Assassin's aren't happen with our lack of burst either.
  12. Operatives are out of control. Highest damage and best healer in one class, who's idea was that?
  13. You know there's an ignore feature right?
  14. Trinket doesn't work for a knockdown. It doesn't magically stand you back up.
  15. Step 1 is flawed because it's a knockdown and you can't trinket out of a knockdown- you gotta go through the "getting back up animation" every time, and by this point you are dead. Hence, the problem.
  16. Operatives currently have an iwin button going with that stun/knockdown thing that you can't trinket out of and damage doesn't break it so they wreck you before you can even get back up.
  17. Hello. It seems that Assassin burst dps didn't make it into the initial release, will this be added at a later date? Hotfixed?
  18. Calm down. Stick to the topic please.
  19. The title of the thread is: "I'm 50, now what?" With the implication that he didn't have anything to do, or was looking for suggestions on things to work on while the rest of his server gets 50. You need to learn how to troll.
  20. Because they work better with higher affection. Do crew missions faster, faster and more productive crafting. And I use a healer and dps companions. Why would you not gear them all? I'm sure you don't plan on it but you never know when you'll need them in the future.
  21. Where's your pvp set? Champ title? Crew Skills maxed? Ship geared out? Alignment maxed? Companion affection maxed and geared companions? Rank 3 Speeder Training and all cargo and equipment spaces unlocked?
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