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Everything posted by Vetorept

  1. Vetorept


    Obviously there are people who are totally fine with farming noobs and want to protect the current system. There are also those who facepalm everytime they Q as a guild and the enemy team quits or just lays down because they are sick of being farmed. These folks want to be competitive, others just wanna grind gear quicker.
  2. I spent all day pvp'ing and got rolled by premades, didn't get credit for my weekly, and opened 15 champ bags for one piece of gear.
  3. There's a guy on my server who was one of the first 50's. Him and another guy both take turns playing the character so it's almost always online. He's full Battlemaster geared rank 60 valor too because that's all they do is grind warzones.
  4. I don't need the game to hold my hand and tell me when to push buttons, no thanks, leave the hand-holding addons in the kids' games please.
  5. Without burst- an Op/ Scoundrel would do what Assassin's do. Use a lackluster rotation and get creative in warzones. Do things like defending, capturing, infiltrating, skirmish, harassement, CC, escort, guard, rather than killing folks and posting up big numbers.
  6. Vetorept


    The point is: everyone who says: "premades are nothing special, we can't help it if we are pro, I just wanna play with my friends." These folks should have no problem going up against other premades, and for the guy who suggested communicating with your team- the premades are on vent, TS3 or Mumble with each other. You try to type out instructions while getting grav round spam in your face.
  7. I'm the guy who knocks an opponent off the ramp who's about to score. I'm the guy who cc's the ball carrier in the fire so he dies and drops it. I'm the one who charges head first into an enemy group to get them all to kill me while the ball carrier goes the other way. I'm the guy who sits there staring at the door in Voidstar waiting for that Operative to uncloak while everyone else racks up the damage and kills. I'm the guy who plants the bomb on every door. I'm the guy who guards the turret that one single cloaker tries to cap all game while everyone else is AE'ing the middle. I get no MVP's and a couple medals.
  8. Vetorept


    When people see certain guilds on the opposing team they just automatically drop the match so almost every one I'm in starts off discombobulated because half the people left before it started.
  9. Grav rounds and tracer missiles in my face. All the live long day. I see grav rounds and tracer missiles in my sleep.
  10. I'm not getting credit either. Which makes me wanna scream when the wins are few and far between.
  11. Vetorept


    I thought premades are supposed to fight other premades or is that a myth? All night long I and whatever team I get stuck on have been getting steamrolled by premades. These guys are the Chuck Norris ninja olympics Jett Li on steroids e-sportsmen of the year. Warzones got really one-sided when the premades geared up. These guys will score 5 points in like 3 minutes in Huttball then spend the rest of the time farming the "noobs" for medals. There's no way for ungrouped, uncoordinated teams to compete with these well oiled machines who are probably on TS3 together too. If there's gonna be a 50 bracket there needs to be a premade bracket too because the premades are worse than 50's vs. 10's were.
  12. Dude. Seriously. Have you glanced at the forums lately? Fix this fix that add this add that take this out add this in nerf this nerf that why this why that...??? I guess all we were missing was an "Omg why are they fixing things?!?" thread...
  13. Because Blizzard is good at propaganda and fanboys are fanatical on forums. There's a handful of games with many many more subscribers than WoW.
  14. I have problems with my Assassin 1v1 all the time. I'm pretty disappointed with the class so I re-rolled an Operative. And yes my sin is lvl 50 and I'm Champion rank so I've played enough of it with all 3 specs to know it's lacking vs. other classes.
  15. Was it the heavy armor, personal shields, best heals in the game all the while shooting you in the face and topping the damage chart that gave it away?
  16. Ops are completely fine. Do not nerf them. I just rolled one.
  17. Vetorept

    Best PvP Class?

    Clearly Operative. Op is a Frost Mage, Holy Paladin, Blood DK, Mut Rogue and Hunter all rolled into one
  18. I'll screenshot everytime I get hit with that opener stun and whatever combo is next that removes 3/4 of my health this evening and post here.
  19. 1. Operative/ Scoundrel 2. Powertech
  20. My legacy name is Blackthorn. Blackthorn was the name of the mage who helped the god Bane in the Forgotten Realms "Godswar" series.
  21. Would you believe me if I told you there was a game with an amazing raiding community that has been wildly successful for many years. Helped birth and shape raiding into what it is today and it has zero addons and combat logs? You probably won't. But when people say "hardcore" pve or pvp or hardcore anything they generally think of WoW, which is ironic because much of WoW was cloned from this game. The game is Everquest. Over 12 years of epic 54 man raiding with NO RECOUNT.
  22. EVE Online is the ultimate pvp experience because you have real penalties for defeat and basically you can be attacked anywhere. Everything else is staged and instanced and loaded, no matter how much you spin it.
  23. Yep. I'm having a blast. And I see tons of hardcore pvp'rs in the warzones doing there thing, my guildmates who enjoy pve are doing there hardmodes and flashpoints and gearing up and stuff.
  24. I can't stand questing so I've been doing warzones and just my class quests, I am 49 atm and should hit 50 today. Been playing since the third day of EGA.
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