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Everything posted by Elfindreams

  1. You know who I feel sorry for, the community folks who have to go through all the threads created last night and close and post for the umpteenth time "No really guys, keep it on one thread stop making new threads about the same subject, really."
  2. >.> <.< Conspiracy theory time - what if they are choosing what server to move by looking on the forums at who complains the most and doing them last.... j/k - Here is hoping everyone gets done today.
  3. Umn, link? To my knowledge they never claimed to have a working and tested transfer. They claimed to be working and testing a transfer mechanism, but it is my understanding that they were testing and tweaking this right up until the transfer.
  4. Help me out, if you had multiple characters across server types and zones before the transfer how are you worse off for having those same characters on multiple servers that are alive instead of dead? I understand why people want to consolidate, but what is the deal with having it right now or else? I would think getting the characters to a populated server was priority one, priority two or three would be getting them on the same server.
  5. Makes sense since 11am EST is 10AM in most of Texas which based on a "normal" 9-5 day means it gives them an hour to catch up on whatever server information was collected overnight, evaluate the next list and prep for transfer.
  6. Because I think their stated goal is "mega-servers" which is to say very very few servers with increased load capacity. The only way to accomplish that is to severely limit destination servers and basically do it on rails. Now if they could have made multiple options available it might have been better, but this is a good start.
  7. Ok sorry about the above corrections in the quote, but I had to make some just to try and understand what you were trying to say. (Note the above isn't 100% correct grammtically or spelling wise, its just at a minimum level for me to understand it.) Now to answer some of your points: Most of the servers already have people with perfect armor sets and the like. That was supposed to be (I thought) why they were doing ranked warzones, but from the PTS I am not sure that is where they are going with it. This is a problem regardless of the server moves. I can understand where 15$ a month is a lot of money for a lot of people, but its not enough to pay people to work 24h/day overtime to get it all done in one day. They have committed to fixing the problem and each day they have been adding more and more servers (over half now). By have patience, I think most of us mean, "You should be fine in a day or two". If waiting a day or two more as the process completes is too much for you, then you have an inflated view of what 15$/mo should get you. I don't think at this point 50% are considering leaving, most of the people who would fall in that category have already left, what are left are the people who want to see this game succeed and are hoping bioware can pull it off. Sure there are some, but despite what the forums reflect, most of the people I talk to in game are happy with the way the moves are progressing.
  8. I believe they are, I am at work so can't log into the PTS to be sure, but I am 75% sure they are there.
  9. This is purely conjecture, so do not take this as anything but my thoughts. I think what they are doing is aiming to use more of a "one server per category" with multiple switchable phases for large populated areas mentality. Having purchased a number of servers lately, the amount of memory and CPU you can put in some of the newer models is staggering so if they can accomplish it, I think this would be an awesome thing. If they can also figure out a way to cluster and use separate servers for instances/phases but keep it user transparent all the better. My guess is they are keeping the caps and adjusting them slowly and manually is because they are trying something new, there were probably concerns raised and they are doing it incrementally in order to evaluate since models and numbers can only get you part of the way there.
  10. Out of curiosity, why implement something like that when the existing /ignore functionality already provides that?
  11. I would suggest a compromise. There are legitimate needs for custom or variant UI and there are ways to do it that don't create an unfair advantage for those that don't have it (i.e. bots that auto heal are an unfair advantage as then you really aren't playing the game you are just an AI that happens to have a human that can move you around). For example some people need to use on screen keyboards and pointers due to disabilities or health reasons and a way could be come up with to create an addon that could streamline their gameplay such that it is still human interaction which causes the effect, just the selection process is more streamlined for their use case. So basically I am suggesting allow community add-ons but make them undergo a review process (which would in all likelyhood require a small fee) or set strict guidelines on what they can and can't do and start banning if people use ones they shouldn't.
  12. To be fair they never said "All of you are getting transfers the 3 rp-pvp won't." They said in this initial wave the can't transfer you since they don't have anywhere to transfer you to but they will be looking at the issue and working on options to fix it.
  13. Storage vMotion is not actually easy from a coding perspective, it took them many years to get it to a stable point, it used to be attrociously finicky and would mess up your data more often than not. In addition since in that kind of scenerio, the data is remaining distinct. You have obviously never had to do a large database merge or data transformation on a large database before. The two are not the same level of complexity at all, and pretending they are only demonstrates you don't know what you are talking about.
  14. Its not that complicated, all you need to do is fill out some paperwork and pay a court fee (small court, not large so not a "trial" like many people think of when they say court, more like a next, ok you want to do?, ok any objections, no good sign, next...) and get a judge to sign off on it. Edit: Oh wait... I forgot about the putting out notification stuff... yea more complicated
  15. I get the frustration, I really, really do. But the reason those 3 RP-PvP EU servers are in this position is because they have no options to consolidate. Now they seem to be willing to break the zone/type barrier in extreme situations (they did a RP-PvP from west to east coast if I recall correctly) but they have to be very careful when they do it because: 1) There are performance considerations, esp on PvP 2) There are language considerations, slamming all three RP-PVP servers into one would be a bit of a tower of babel. 3) There are type considerations. Not all of the people on an RP-PVP server differentiate it from a normal PvP server, but a lot of them do. The same is true of RP-PvE vs PvE. (to anyone who is going to say there is no difference, please the truth is just because you don't treat them different and don't see the difference, doesn't mean there isn't one. Find out where the RP people hang out and the RP channels and compare. The RP channels on the RP-PvE servers are /very/ /very/ active (at least as active as fleet chat), on PvE servers, they are virtually dead. Basically this isn't saying you don't have a serious situation that needs dealing with. All it is pointing out is that Bioware has a lot of variables to consider and that they need to consider them all no matter one one or two people think they shouldn't consider. They have said they are committed to dealing with the issue, right now they have the 90% of the userbase to deal with, I am confident that once they are dealt with they will be working actively to solve the problem for the remaining 10% that didn't have an "easy" solution. And for people who think that is unfair, well... yes. But it is also unavoidable... If they give up and choose not to do anything, then I would be angry at them, but let them get through their 90% and then engage with them to see if they can fix the remaining 10%, if they choose to ignore your concerns, be pissed. But being pissed now is a bit premature.
  16. Its not false, its just not comprehensive. There is something preventing you from rolling into HM LI as a level 40. Same with rolling into say Hammer Station in your newly hatched level 12. They do have some restrictions, but they have admitted in a post in the test forum that they are aware more needs to be done and are evaluating ways to do it for the future.
  17. I spent several long days on the PTS testing whatever I could... yes there are a very large number of people on the PTS testing the lfg tool (relatively speaking, really not a _large_ number but enough)... however almost all of them for whatever freak of nature brought over their DPS. Every time people were polled in fleet about who was queued up for what the lack of pop was due to a missing type (usually tank or heal) that no one had of the appropriate level.
  18. This is true. I have done this several times in the PTS server and it works quite nicely.
  19. If you are worried about it, hedge your bets and get character names on both now.
  20. Yes, I think by nature that would have to work, since you couldn't transfer on top of an existing name...
  21. For some the problem isn't the 122 you opened, its the one you didn't yet... namely theirs. There is a lot of "its all about me" going on. So I want to take a break from all the negative and thank you guys for putting in the extra time to get this done. You listened to your community when it asked for more servers, (which got us in this mess to begin with) and then you listened to us when we said the servers are to low so we need to transfer. As far as I am concerned in this issue, you guys have done nothing but listen and try and give us what we want/need. So bravo.
  22. They said they are there till 6pm CDT and there definitely wouldn't be ones after that. They also said that the reason they were doing that is because they had to be there to monitor when they released new servers... so they are giving themselves three hours to make sure everything is ok and if necessary fix anything that isn't. They will start back up in the AM no doubt.
  23. I am starting to think that they included some randomness in the decision process for when to do which servers, for fairness. Namely they have source/destination servers in mind and just randomized the list as to order so that it would be more fair. But again just speculating.
  24. Methinks we are getting slightly off topic (ducks from impending deletions).
  25. LOL, I love that link. My point wasn't to complain, it was just in the hopes that one of the devs sees the post and goes, yea that would be nice and puts it in. It would be a nice convenience thats all
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