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Everything posted by Amien

  1. Playability wise? Nah. BUT His story has been my favorite since all my travels! His dialogue is pretty funny, always asking to devour people for me. There are also a few, rare moments that just make me want to hug him, which 2 people already pointed out a few. PLUS, if you don't like him, he is the only companion that gives the option to replace him with someone else.
  2. Yes. Hard stuns and CC are different from the interrupt. When it says it's un interuptable (Spelling I know.) they simply mean each classes' hard interrupt (Except merc/commando). In the Merc/Commando healing tree, they get a similar buff that they can't be interrupted while their shield is up. I know that you propose that the skill should not be interrupted by stuns and knockbacks, but that is the point of a stun and knockback also-- To stop all current actions. TL;DR: a skill that can't be interrupted simply means the skill cannot be interrupted by a hard interrupt (I.E. Kick for Guardians).
  3. Hey Sweet, I'll try that then! I've just started getting into the cool talents at level 23 (Venting heat every 6 secs is pretty amazing!) Also, the DoT on command from Gut is great for Railshot. I will spec into ST until later levels then. I appreciate the advice!
  4. Thanks! I've recently switched back to AP on my BH. There isn't really a point to me speccing into right now since I'll be missing some crucial abilities like stealth scan/charge. Once I get into the mid 30s and 40s I will look back into the tank tree to give more support than DPS to my group!
  5. Thanks! I'm aware that it would be most useful against Sniper and Maras, but they can really pump it out!
  6. Does anyone know what spec this person is talking about?
  7. I'm thinking about switching to the Tank tree for some more group utility down the road- currently only lvl 21. So, is oil slick worth it in PvP? I'm sure it's very useful in PvE.
  8. Alderaan is Chapter 1 still. You'll know your starting a new chapter because huge things happen at the end of each chapter. You've caught targets on Balmorra and Nar Shadaa. After those your immediatly hustled to Tatooine and Alderaan. They probably promised something big at the end after Alderaan. For example, Zash says the last relic is on Alderaan and the last cell is on Alderaan for Agent. They probably said something along the lines of, "Your last target for the first round is located on Alderaan."
  9. Look at Satele and the Kiera. Also as for Ashara:
  10. I went full DS and still thoroughly enjoyed the story. It made sense why Thanaton hated me. I was part of Zash's power base, so I had to be cleansed.
  11. Amien

    New class

    I went with Operative, currently he's level 32. I have only done a few WZs with him, but from what I've experience, I don't like the healing as an Op in WZs. I rolled a sniper too for WZs only. I enjoy the Op more than the sniper in PvE though because you have to keep an eye on your procs for Tactical advantages that allow you to use your quicker heals. I can also offer healing in PvE, so I don't feel as replaceable in a group .
  12. Amien

    New class

    Imperial Agent has a wonderful story with lots of plot twists (STAY AWAY FROM THE AGENT FORUMS AND LORE FORUMS. They will ruin it for you, even with the thread titles because people are stupid.). SW has a strong story as well and actually involved more corrupting than the Inq, which is weird. The Inq story was fantastic for me, but some people hate it. You start a slave, become apprentice to a mischievous younge Sith lord, then you begin to build a power base which ends up climaxing or War torn Correllia.
  13. I believe the missions wil reset and change by logging out, entering then leaving your ship, and entering a WZ (not 100% sure about this one, but I do the other two all the time. )
  14. If you wouldn't, don't. Just interrupt yourself. I HATE how fusion missile on the merc is a target AoE.
  15. I actually enjoyed him tattling (loved to hate him!) He became what he loathed in the end, the fact the way he finally died really showed that the Dark Council supported your claim over his,'sense he clearly lost in the Kaggath and then further dis honored himself.
  16. I think whole point of him was to bridge the gap between the old republic Sith and Darth Vader's era. Plus, BWneeded a DS poster boy Judt like how Zallow is their LS poster boy even thgh he's not even in game.
  17. One thin that I find interesting is that an Admiral AND Keeper both say something along the lines of, "the Sith do as they please, and we have to make due". I would like the ROLE of playing a support class, but the story would be miserable because of the way the Sith- anyone who doesn't treat them with respect and fear is killed. I even do it all the time on my Inq.
  18. Can't wait to get him to see what he's like! As for the nobles on Alderaan, just make an IA. Kalyio says something along the lines of, "I've never been inside a palace before. Makes you want to kick out the nobles and run around naked." haha!
  19. I have a 27 merc. And a 14 pt (lol!) And I wish I hadn't wasted my time leveling up my merc. At this point. : / hahaha
  20. Based on your anecdotal evidence. My advice to you is to roll a sorc. And you'll quickly realize that we have a stun on a 1m CD then must spec into madness to make whirlwind and instant soft stun (damage breaks it). Our rotation doesn't revolve around "stun lightning stun". You'll also realize how weak of a 1v1 class we are, and how low our survivability can be.
  21. Didn't realize there were 2. yeah I meant the a-300 smuggler one. DANG! It's such a cool looking weapon.
  22. Any Idea where the Sonic Needler is from? And is it available to Imps?
  23. Consular gets Qyzen, not SI However, I like Khem much better than Qyzen!
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