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Everything posted by Amien

  1. Just keep in mind that your role in the story is an enforcer. I rolled a Marauder and got him to 21, but I rerolled as a Jugg and am much happier for it. Personally, jugg feel like an enforcer to me in the intimidating heavy armor (Plus I can use Vetter and Quinn more effectivaly at lower levels.). I'm 25 right now on my Jugg and have been *Mostly* LS. I have chosen a few DS choices, really I've just been choosing stuff the lets stay an honorable warrior. But I will also manipulate any chance I get ( there are lots) because I am making up for all the manipulating I couldn't do during my Dark V SI story! It's a little muddled, but I'm REALLY enjoying it!
  2. I have no issues with Free-to-Play. Where I have a problem is when F2p because Pay-to-Win. As long as they don't do that, they will still be getting my money.
  3. Is there any chance that we could see an overall reduction in Expertise on PvP gear? The 800 or so recruit gives was a step in the right direction, but fully augmented war-hero players have upwards to 1300 expertise rating. Something else that could be done is have recruit gear give a flat 1000, Battlemaster- 1100, and Warhero giving 1200 or 1250. This way you keep the grinders happy that they have the gear they like, while keeping people who want to play on a more even playing field satisfied.
  4. I don't think removing expertise is the solution. They should just normalize it across all gear sets, or lessen the gap between sets. Such as, Recruit give 1000, BM gives 1100 and WH would give 1200 expertise.
  5. One thing I have been really disappointed in seeing, were the city wide planets such as Nar Shaddaa and Corusant. Most of the time we are restricted to tight corridors on these planets. I would love to feel as free as I am on Dromund Kaas, Hoth, and Tatooine! If any more city-scape planets are introduced, is there any chance of giving us some more freedom, or allowing us to see the scale of the surroundings beside during a speeder ride?
  6. Thank you for posting this. I agree whole heartedly. I want to be a unique class! Not have a jump like 2 of the other tanks. 30m Flashbang and Lacerate being 10m would go a LONG way. I would love for Corrosive grenade or something in the Lethality tree to give me a ranged TA proc. You know, since we have to spend 34 energy (Shiv+Cull) and snipers only have to spend 25 on Cull.
  7. One thing about the LS sith is more about their allegiance to the Empire, not following the Lightside of the Force. Your still using Force Choke, and Force lightning (Both are exclusively DS powers). LS on the Sith means that you are MORALLY good and want to genuinely help the empire. Darth Mortis I believe is a "Lightsided Sith" He isn't overly cruel and seems to want to do stuff for the good of the empire. Where-as Darth Ravage, is your over-board DS that every thinks of when they imagine a sith lord.
  8. Recruit and BM field healing rifle too!
  9. If you want a challenge, do the Act III battle at level 47 like I did. That was tough, but I was resolute about doing them solo (I wouldn't have felt like a Darth if I couldn't do it on my own.)
  10. Sith Inquisitor has alot of "Force Duels" in Chapter 2 and 3. The very last cut scene in Chapter 3 is pretty awesome. I highly recommend youtubing it!
  11. Amien


    Seems to me, that they are alot like humans, in that there are "bad" hives and peaceful hives. I also don't think that they turn people out of malice. They look at the joining as if they truly are doing the person the biggest favor of their lives. They also don't have a moral compass like ours. Vector explains this when he mentions that his "betrayal" of his hive won't be met with hostility because they don't see it as a betrayal. It's a DS choice to take her away, because she sees herself as a part of the hive and enjoys it there. The DS choice involves you forcing her to leave against her will. Sorry, I'm very tired and don't really feel like proofreading this. haha
  12. Tionese is tier1 Columni is 2 Rakata is 3 BH and Campaign is T4 with campaign being better. For PvP: Recruit and Champion Battlemaster War-Hero Hope this helps! Rakata comes from Hard Mode Operations and Story mode Denova.
  13. I agree. I'm primarily a PvE person, but every once in a while I get tired of just having to run behind a boss the size of a building. I think, "Hey, it sounds like alot of fun to go against other people who can think, not just NPCs!" Then I get into a WZ with my 3 BM pieces+recruit and remember why I still don't have the full BM or WH stuff. I'm too casual of a player to bother grinding that stuff out. Don't get me wrong- if it were a fun process I would do it, even if it takes alot of work! But getting roflstomped and groundpounded for so many WZ's gets very disheartening very quickly. I've been playing since launch and am a MAJOR altaholic, so I have trouble focusing on gearing up my sorcerer solely.
  14. Ahh, thanks for Posting this! Yeah, SCORPIO is definitely interesting, but Kaylio will just be so much easier to gear up at endgame.
  15. I disagree that Khem gets ruined at the end of Act I, it gives him one of the most interesting companion stories, imo. I prefer the Sorc to my Shadow's story. Even when my consular chooses a DS choice, he still sounds like a wimp. Where-as my female sorc's VA is FANTASTIC! She know how to use her voice quietly and convey emotions. 2 of my favorite moments include when my Sorc was getting the mission for the Black Hole area on the fleet. The other was during the flash: Foundry with the way she says things like, "Killing you will be SUCH fun!". Romances, don't roll a SI if your planning on RP'ing a happy family. The SI female really just gets a boy toy. The Male gets someone who is trying to turn you to the LS. The Companions themselves are definitely not the most compelling, but they are far from the most boring too.
  16. Hi all! After seeing the members of the star Cabal, I only recognized Kolovish, who is the matriarch for the twi'leks on Tython. She is obviously spying on the jedi for the Cabal. Are there any other people from that meeting that can be seen in the game and other story lines? I'm still on Voss, so try not to spoil anything on Corellia and after! Thanks!
  17. Darth Nox is currently trying to solidify her power. After securing an alliance with Darth Marr, the two have been able to manipulate the council to serve their purposes. Knowing her enemies are everywhere, her base of operations is constantly moving with her fleet. She has also been testing the effectiveness of the Silencers on asteroids, and plans to move the trials to a planet's surface. Khem Val: Works as her personal enforcer, whose main task is to weaken her enemies power bases, so they can't hope to attack her without completely destroying them. Andy & Talos: She has given her pirate full control of her Fury class fighter, coupled with Talos Drelik and an elite outfit of commandos search for dangerous relics, and force apparitions strong in the darkside. Ashara: Still maintains her stubborn adherence to a perversion of the lightside, while staying loyal to Darth Nox. Darth Nox uses her as an agent to attempt to bring padawans to her cause. She is also the maintains control of Nox's Vanguard (first ones into the fray) forces. Xalek: Her loyal apprentice has been given charge of Darth Nox's small, but growing spy network. He has been placed in charge of expanding her spy network, with goal to one day rival that of Darth Baras. Ashara is really the only who stays in her fleet, because she is the one Darth Nox has the least amount of faith in. Although her skill set is perfect for a Vanguard, being able to charge in and cause as much havoc as possible.
  18. Actually He is "normal" until the event of the ending of Act I. That event is why they fell they *have* to manipulate him.
  19. I would have to say the Sith Inquisitor ends up being in the most powerful position, even with out making the final DS choice ( ). I would say that making that last DS choice over the LS one would be enough to tip the scales with a toe to toe fight against the Wrath. All of this is of course Darth Nox, not Darth Occulus and definitely not Darth Imperius.
  20. Which class do you think has the VA, that can convey the best range in emotions and that fits your class best? For me, it would have to be female SI, and male Agent. Both with body type 2.
  21. I really think the idea behind SCORPIO is really neat, and reminds me of Khem Val alot, with all the swearing to murder me in my sleep and to watch my back. The only problem is that SCORPIO is really squishy right now, and I have no clue where to get the orange parts I need to gear her. I'm a cyber-tech and haven't found any orange droid schematics.
  22. Oh man! Where does one find that bowcaster?? I have yet to see anyone with it.
  23. I also have to give Doctor Lokin a recommendation too. He can turn into a Rhakghoul at will:rak_03:. Also, keeping his cunning into consideration.
  24. Can't believe no one has asked this yet... What role will he fill? I'm assuming DPS, but he could always be a tank too!
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