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  1. Hi guys, I'm about full on Ebon hawk and needf to start on a new server. Any suggestions? I don't pvp much, mostly FP and pve. I know that servers tend to have differant personalities so I thought I'd ask around. There isn't a general server forum area though. Sully
  2. XSullyX

    Republic WZ queue

    How old is this bug? I don't go in very often and I hadn't noticed anything.
  3. So I've finished the stories for the IA and the Sorcerer so I'[m going to run a Jugg now. For PvE and pvp is there a best tree for leveling up? And what stats should I be looking for in gear. I'm level 25 right now. This is my first try at a melee toon so any suggestions are welcome. Sully
  4. Wowzers. I just found a guide (It was at the top of the PT forum thread. I don't know why i didn't see it last time i looked. ) written by Taugrimm that is fantastic. If anybody come in to this thread with similar questions, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=154123 head there and read up. Also great for Vanguard troopers. If anybody knows of an equivalent, hell even close, guide for Mercs please post it. Sully
  5. Thanks for the help so far guys, So how melee centric is PT combat? There weapons slots are one pistol and a shield generator right? Also how is PT and AoE attacks? Sully
  6. I don't thing that there is a post 1.2 topic about this yet. I just hit lvl 10 and have to choose between the two AC's. I'm told that the two Ac's are a lot more different that the two trooper ones so I thought I'd ask here. So is one better that the other by a large margin in PvP or PvE? I mostly prefer range DPS game play, but I found that the Trooper Vanguard is actually a lot of fun with good range DPS as well. Also I'm not really into the post 50 game right now so that's not really a big factor for me. Any general feel/play-style/info would be appreciated. Sully
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