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Everything posted by MelliMelon

  1. Pssst, you already said that. P.S. I wouldn't quit your day job for sales...
  2. One time during a raid, I was explaining boss mechanics, and our sorc healer afked and went to the store. I will never forgive her.
  3. Thanks for doing this, Nariha!
  4. Awesome, thanks guys. I look forward to watching them.
  5. Here's a list of Bastion PvP streams. If you want to include yours, just post with your guild name and I'll update the thread. <Hey im MVP> Gudarzz Wakalord Cameronz Krxnchy Sharkyo Justbodies Scold Wurdlol <Synergy> Hood-rat Rokuthy <Don't Panic> Fusebox <Illegal Test Kitchen> Melyn Ushanev/Syberjugg Inspra <The Elite> Detrimental Akilzen <Crescendo> Blue-oh'snap <Lukewarm Tauntauns> Psinical <Breakfast> Pillows and Blankets <Good Talk> Man-iac Jiraya Sphyg <Into the Darkness> Xandrila <The Elite> Eliteduelist <PvP is Hard> Tulkas Others Scrups Murk1n Xertasian Jesupe Feken Plaje Vespel
  6. Illegal Test Kitchen will be transferring a full team from Begeren Colony.
  7. Y'all will just have to wait a few more weeks for me. I shall seek to comfort you in any way I can. In the meantime, time to make QQers QQ about exfiltrate.
  8. Well.... since it looks like we aren't going anywhere, I suppose we'll have another week of BC ranked with ITK! Sharcie, the only (current) public set up nights are Friday evenings. ITK queues around 8, but there are many other guilds queuing that night as well. Good luck and welcome to the scene.
  9. Lots of fun matches from tonight, including a 26 minute (I think) civil war against Ascension. Well played. I think the teams that queued were... Ascension, Infamous, GD, ITK, Notorious, and maybe another Republic team? We mostly got Infamous, though eventually Scyn got in contact with me and we managed to rotate the queue rotation. Unfortunately, it seemed all teams lost someone around that time, so I sat around for 45 minutes (no joke!) playing qwop. Maybe I'll upload that footage too . Very good last final Friday. I encourage everyone to follow the stream as we go to Bastion and root for us! (lol). BC pride? Videos Sorry for the 30 second commercials. If you plan on watching multiple, just open them all at once and mute (can't mute while playing, but can mute before). My twitch -> Youtube is not working atm. Twitch highlights (just a list of all my ranked videos): http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/videos?kind=highlights Infamous NC 1: http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393769 Infamous HB 1: http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393771 Infamous CW 1: http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393778 Infamous HB 2: http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393781 Infamous NC 2 (DC) http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393786 Infamous CW 2: http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393788 Ascension CW 1: http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2393794
  10. Video online at Pictures of the contestants with custom judge-created nicknames can be viewed at the end of the video and also at the following link: http://imgur.com/a/sEyZX
  11. As a reminder, I will be streaming our matches on my channel tonight, all are welcome to join! This could also be a good way for teams to communicate (we can all type-chat each other on the stream) throughout the night. http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron I will also be making sure all the stream stuff is working beforehand so if you see me on before 8, I'm likely doing normals.
  12. Omg good idea! .....brb.............. (yes, I did half of it and completely forgot)
  13. OK: king of pictures right here: http://i.imgur.com/Mr25S0m.jpg They call me the 80s star.
  14. They have confirmed that cross server is not in the works.
  15. Even better. Fun times in HM TfB: http://i.imgur.com/y99RYpa.jpg
  16. Beautiful! http://i.imgur.com/oR72fz4.jpg
  17. That's hilarious. To the OP: transfers are very expensive (1800CC for one, 3600CC for 3?), I doubt many people will transfer many characters. We'll see though.
  18. I'm on the wrong side of California. Would be fun though
  19. That is what I was referring to. Are there any more thoughts on that?
  20. Oddly enough, it was our node guard who taught me (also my brother). I guess now we know what he does during ranked matches QQ
  21. Now that transfers are confirmed for 2.2, this will likely be my last ranked night on BC (unless I can get Melyn in with a team; I'm only transferring imperials). Come one, come all, and let's make it a big 'un again. ITK will queue at 8PM PDT (though I have a final at 8AM Saturday, so we'll see how long I last). Feel free to watch the matches on my stream, linked in my sig.
  22. It would be a program that basically clicks your skill tree very quickly to respec in about 4-5 seconds. So it isn't breaking any of the rules posted in the linked BW comments, but it does allow you to respec very very quickly in a warzone, and that may be frowned upon.
  23. Oh, I should probably clarify. I wasn't talking about field respecs, I was talking about respec macros. The main BW posts are http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=3310172&postcount=288 and http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=4681103&postcount=41 But I think it's still pretty gray. Didn't know if most people used them or whether they were considered taboo in the ranked community. Thanks for the replies, all.
  24. Hey all, I'm transferring as part of a ranked team when it becomes available, and I was just wondering if the ranked community here had any mutual understandings about certain "gray areas" in SWTOR and what the general consensus was (if any), so we can more easily transition into a new community. I don't want to discuss the issues themselves (if possible), but if you could either say each thing is generally allowed, disallowed, or fend for yourself, I'd appreciate it. This is mostly wondering about top end ranked PvP. 1) /stuck in warzones 2) Corner capping in Novare (BT 1 females hiding nameplate in corner while capping) 3) PvE gear (apparently there's a big controversy in the PvP forums) 4) Instant respeccing in warzones (using macros, takes 4-5 seconds) 5) Anything else I'm forgetting.
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