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Everything posted by MelliMelon

  1. We wiped a few times, very very early in P2 of the Soa fight, and I felt a bit lost, as all guides I saw said to stack in the middle, use salvation to top everyone off, and bubble the people who are going to run straight into the lightning. I can't... really do... any of that. Anyone have success healing this as a smuggler? Who did you keep HoTs on? Am I missing something? Tips are awesome, thanks. Disclaimer: Our entire raid has done numerous successful NM EV and KP, so we kind of knew what we were doing. I say "kind of" because we obviously didn't know it enough. I realize I don't understand a lot of things. That is why I'm asking for help. Please be constructive. Most of our raid was going with columi/champion gear with some cent/tion and BM/rakata thrown in as well, besides the other healer, who was an experienced yet under-geared Sage. I think that covers the BG information.
  2. Certain phases turn my very dark sith to white. I am all lightside, and when it happens, Jaesa's face looks like Yin-Yang symbol. Very very funny.
  3. So scanning these forums for the past few days, I noticed people tend to say there are way more imperials than Republic people. On my PvE-RP server (Vrook Lamar), this is not the case. I get 80%+ huttball matches against Republic players (that number isn't made up, either. I keep a PvP spreadsheet). Is it possible that more RPers choose Republic because they identify more with... well, with NOT killing everybody they come across? Ideas? Is it Repub-heavy elsewhere? Just curious.
  4. I don't think you got my point, and please don't be rude. I'm saying that many healers (operatives included) stack surge as their 3rd stat. 10% isn't a big deal for the surge on just one crit. You'll be fine, I promise.
  5. Haha, healers use surge too (I'm a sawbones). It isn't a nerf to a specific class, just to a system.
  6. More than just scoundrels use Surge, you know? Sure, it's what many of us stack up on, but it isn't a direct blow to Scoundrels. All it does it *slightly* affect our high numbers. It doesn't really change burst damage so much as random damage (though that's a bit like burst, in a way). I'm 100% unphased, 0% phased, however you want to say it. I suck at communicating.
  7. Yes, I very much like the giggle, and doubt they'll change it soon.
  8. I am almost positive Kolto Cloud is a HoT so that they can move around after you cast it...
  9. This is very very true. I'm a scoundrel healer, and while I specialize at running away and surviving (since I have instant heals and such), WZ's where I don't get focus fired are a joke. When the opposing team marks me, I'M a joke. Mark your enemy's healers, and kill them. Most (especially sage/sorc if you know what you're doing) will die fairly quickly. It's in our nature.
  10. Just took down hard mode today. Oddly, me as a smuggle healer has more hp than you as a tank (15k atm). Anyway, I only ran it once (and won) so I don't have TOO good advice, but what worked for US (sent, shadow, vanguard, scoundrel) was healer sitting under the console (the one with the button), rotating hots on everyone. From the healer's perch, the AOE does not damage him. So if you have ranged DPS, they should just stay there. If you have melee DPS, have them run there when you see he's using it. I was fine just having the DPS take the damage, but whatever helps! Anyway, definitely read up on some strats, if you can CC the droids, they'll be out of action until the next wave spawns and the CCed ones will disappear... Umm... I think on normal mode when he enters the "defense" invincibility thing you can take the time to reheal... But if I understand you correctly, the problem is that DPS is getting owned by the AoE skill, so just watch out for that. Wish I could be more help
  11. Simply click "File" -> "Download as" -> whatever you want. I find that this spreadsheet is interesting for keeping track of personal drops, successes, and losses, with two columns that you can edit to cover different groups, sizes, or PUGs, depending on how you would like to organize it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak8CSbrhs4sCdExrVkx5aG9zRTZfMGFGNmR1RVRHRmc&hl=en_US#gid=0 Included: -Automated Google formatting to turn "WIN" into green and "LOSE" into red. (for clarity) -Functions to track your % win rate and how often you get each warzone. -Functions to show you what % of the time you get what kind of drop from Champion bags. If this is not useful to you, feel free to ignore this post and move on.
  12. If you're wondering why you always die in PvP when I'm around, it probably means that I decided you're not a good enough player to be worth keeping alive and I am healing someone else instead! My original song/video: "Ode to Corso" on . View the original thread here. I hate that guy. Melyn Meron, sawbones scoundrel, Vrook Lamar (PVE/RP), V40+
  13. Funny that you mentioned HM Esseles. Ironfist was the largest amount of wipes I've ever had to deal with. Have you looked at a guide for it? I didn't find it hard to heal, the problem was coordinating interrupts. Headshot is ridiculous, and there's no way we can heal through more than one. Good luck on your future healing
  14. I've heard Taral V and False Emperor are the easiest, but still, healing a HM FP with crappy gear is commendable! @OP Yeah, even with disadvantages (or maybe there aren't any), using your head can get you through most situations.
  15. I have done 3 HM flashpoints: Taral V, Maelstrom Prison (Given, two of the easier ones), and Esseles (one of the harder ones, so I've been told, don't flame). It's tricky, but it's nothing that I can't handle. There was never really a time when it was only my fault that we died (we got through all three first try (with deaths ofc)). Often times the fault is with the other classes and we just get blamed for it. Learn the situation and decide whether to rotate HoTs or burst heal one target, etc. I didn't really have any TERRIBLE problems. However, sages/SI's are better suited to PvE since I don't ever have to run away so our "speciality" serves no purpose.
  16. I'm guessing you figured it out by now with the helpful posts above, but yes, EMP is where we start to shine. We may have it a bit harder to heal groups, but stacking HoTs on everyone makes it much easier. Why choose a scoundrel healer? The answer is mobility, I believe. We can run around with instacasts! It's fun, and I don't find it too difficult. I enjoy the challenge.
  17. I think all of those suggestions makes sense and yes, they would be great. However, it does seem a bit of wishful thinking. Those changes would make us the best healers by far. I love our mobility, it does wonders in PvP and I would not sacrifice that for anything, and don't want to become like other classes. If HM FPs are a bit more difficult to attain, then so be it, but besides the gap closer issue (which really really really sucks in huttball), I have no issues with our class. From your Vrook Lamar level 50 scoundrel, Melyn
  18. I don't really see why we need one. Just remap the keys around WASD like z,x,c,v,f,r,t,g and you have more than enough with minimal mouseclicks. IMO. That being said, you may use more skills then I. I suppose it could be nice if they added the option.
  19. As I'm sure you have become aware of from others' messages, DA does not function if you have debuffs (or maybe just specifically DoTs on you). Use triage or dodge before. Think of it this way. If you're on fire and turn invisible, not much help, eh?
  20. Alright, thanks for the responses everyone. I'll keep it until endgame, and then decide how much it helps/hurts for HMs and such. I also PvP so we'll see what I do
  21. So, I've been scanning these forums... pretty much since before the game came out, and here is the gist of what I've read about DS: "It heals very little, but speccing into it is a great way to recover energy." Here's my question. Why would I ever need to use a 3 second skill to recover energy? The ONLY times that I fall below that 60 energy mark is when (1) I'm stupid and don't pay attention or (2) my party is taking so much damage that I need to just use all my energy and pop cool head. In (1), it's my fault and I deserve to die. In (2), if my party is taking that much damage, spending a few seconds to recover a LITTLE bit of health will kill them just as well (because you only recover 2 energy on each crit right? And DS only has 3 ticks? Maybe I'm exaggerating/mistaken, but I have experienced very faint energy gains from DS). So, despite this forum already having numerous discussions on the topic, can someone answer me how I'm looking at this incorrectly or maybe DS just really does suck. Thanks! Melyn. Fighting for the Republic!... or for credits...
  22. I haven't really run into this problem (at level 27), as I usually only keep my HoT on the 1 (or sometimes 2) primary damage-receivers. You develop a pretty good feel for the timing (I think). That being said, it would be nice to know for sure and I can DEFINITELY see what the OP is talking about. Buffs are ridiculous to see, though I have a big monitor, and can't really complain too much.
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