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Everything posted by MelliMelon

  1. Saw you guys in ranked last night. Always good to see new teams forming. Good luck!
  2. Question for everyone else here. Does this happen on the fleet or while questing? For me it seems to only occur in warzones.
  3. I have that. Last night, we had 3 people disconnect (at different) times from the voidstar. 2 of them did not disconnect from TS.
  4. Brick-squad is on hiatus from the game, so I expect he will miss his match.
  5. Dang... missed the memo. @OP. There's really nothing to worry about...
  6. I wish someone had an operative named MelliMelon
  7. Melyn vs. Legendaryquan 2 - 0. I'm coming for Scoldy.
  8. Had it happen in hypergate about 20m away. I wasn't facing the target. I moved away from the node to where he was visually and got him there.
  9. Quite often that is too early for most of the teams, usually don't start queuing until 8 or 9 (most teams).
  10. Can you update the main thread with this?
  11. Phase walk mid cap. I'll tell Threid and Unsaid to get on it.
  12. Oh yeah, those Crescendo guys are sneaky.
  13. I'm gonna put the OP in concealment operative. It's gonna be the next big thing.
  14. I'd do it. ITK keeps track of our win/loss and who we play anyway. If other people are interested, we could do that here. Idk.
  15. I was going to post my vid but a poster already did . They see me rollin'... they hatin'...
  16. Look forward to seeing y'all in ranked. Can't say I'm ecstatic about having Mark'zuckerberg + Jiraya on me at once but I'll pretend!
  17. Crazy happenstance. I just did that last night. Only problem is it's hard to safe an ally's life when you have to click on them. This game looks so good without UIs and zoomed in closely. http://www.twitch.tv/melynmeron/c/2652319
  18. Personally, I get enough dog-fighting in voidstar and enjoy the chess-like feel of AH with smaller groups. Still, it's good to organize these things for those who want to participate.
  19. I don't even think we play synergy often... but despite all the comp hate they get I sincerely doubt one team convinced another to pay 1800cc+ each to not face them. I don't blame synergy for running 3 scoundrels. I blame bioware for making it work so well.
  20. ITK has been queuing almost every night for the past 1-2 weeks and we've played quite a few games against The Elite. I think both us and them queue a bit earlier than most other guilds.
  21. Does Republic have a custom ranked channel? That's a large help for us impside. Might be a good thing to make.
  22. That's why I like ranked. If people suck, they don't get into the team XD.
  23. Updating with Ushanev/Syberjugg's stream (against his will? Without his consent?)
  24. Remember if you have an imp alt you can /cjoin rankedwarzones and ask if anyone can get a team together. Often we can't during your primetimes, but it never hurts to ask.
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