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Everything posted by Slamz

  1. Minimum range: 6m Problem solved. Also, doesn't every class get an interrupt that blocks that ability from being used for 4 seconds? I know both my BH and my Agent get one. Hit them with that, hit them with a stun, hit them with another interrupt or a seismic grenade, now they're immune to CC but also probably dead.
  2. The real question is how much of the coming nerfs were based on level 50s in battlemaster gear crushing level 11s in Warfronts and therefore is data that no longer applies. Since they separated the tiers, I've stopped feeling that anyone else is overpowered. It is a death sentence if a smugger/agent type gets a knock down on me and starts to burst me down while my stun-breaker is in cooldown, but it's not as bad as when that happened and it was a level 50 in full expertise gear and stacked stims.
  3. Slamz

    Lack of content

    Where's the PvP content in this game? 3 small maps 1 pretty plain end-game open world area There is more PvE content in Tatooine alone than there is for the entire PvP game. Counterstrike launched with more PvP content than this, and that's when it was a free mod developed by the community. I hear there's 1 new warfront coming.... 1? Not... 10? I mean they're tiny. They need no "bosses". They don't drop loot. Why not just roll out a bunch more? I personally enjoy the PvP in this game but there's not nearly enough content for it.
  4. I don't know why people spend so much time arguing about class powers. You're arguing about tiny tweaks to your class while failing to notice you have been stuffed into a really small box. PvE content: Amazing! Hours and hours of voice acting! Dozens of hours of gameplay as you progress through many different worlds, each with its own style! Epic end-game raid zones and many group spots throughout the universe! PvP content: 3 small rooms and 1 broken open world zone PvP content represents perhaps as much as 1% of this game's total content. Even if classes were perfectly balanced and everything was awesome on that front, we would still be stuffed into roughly two acres of content while the PvE content is multiple square miles. I think we have the wrong priorities here.
  5. Working as intended IMO. This is why I enjoy doing AEs. Even if you don't think there's something stealthed there tapping, there might well just be someone stealthed and waiting for the right time. Throw down some AE.
  6. Yeah but it's the gear, not the level. The worst thing you could possibly have in your group is a level 50 without any of the PvP gear. He gets no artificial power boost and doesn't have the gear, so he's probably worse than a level 12.
  7. I do wonder where "Game Designers" come from. Clearly they are not actually gamers. I feel 100% certain that everyone who has said anything in this thread so far, even Captain Fanboy, could come up with a better design than Ilum currently has. It's really just awful. I don't understand how these game designers stay employed. They are terrible at their job. If this was literally any other line of work, they would have been fired and forced into a new line of employment by now. It's like Toyota hiring a car designer who comes up with a tricycle with missing handlebars, and they actually spend millions of dollars producing it, and somehow nobody gets fired over that. I mean really. Just go into the forums, pick out a random person and go, "Hey you. Yes you. Come work for Bioware and design us a new PvP map." You would be virtually guaranteed to get something better than Ilum. At least you'd be getting a gamer. I'm sure their designer is a nice guy with a rich family life and all that, but he clearly doesn't know anything about PvP.
  8. Problem is there's only 3 warfronts. By valor rank 60 you'll be sick of all of them. (I consider the one on Alderaan to be the worst. Huttball is at least tactically interesting.)
  9. And the problem isn't that Bioware invested thousands of hours into PvP content and it was terrible. The problem is they only spent maybe 1% of their budget on PvP. That's a generously high estimate, I'd say. Think of all those quests on Tatooine and Nar Shaddah and Hoth and so forth. If you're a PvPer like me, you skipped most of them. That's a huge mount of quest content, voice acting and graphics work that did nothing for players like us. Meanwhile, Ilum, where people like us could well spend hundreds of hours, has less content than a single "kill the womp rats" quest. That's what makes it so awful. You can't defend Bioware and say "oh this is their first MMORPG, give them time". They already chose not to invest in PvP content. Any one PvE planet has 100x more content than all of the PvP content combined.
  10. Content. Content. Content. Bioware understood this for PvE. There's gobs of PvE content. Intern Bob probably spend 20 hours making some quest that you blow through in 15 minutes and poor Bob had to make hundreds of quests like that. And here we are in PvP with 3 tiny warzone maps and 1 really awful open world map that Intern Bob clearly spent one lazy Friday evening throwing together. And that's our whole endgame. 3 tiny maps and one awful open world disaster. Bioware knew about content for PvE but apparently thought PvP didn't need any. Nothing in 1.1 is going to fix that. I doubt we'll see any big new content in 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5 either. In fact, I bet by the end of July, we will see 1 new Warfront, a few superficial fixes to Ilum and that's it for PvP.
  11. ^^^ Many lols were had. There are some mistakes so big, you have to question what credentials the designers even had. Even if you grabbed a random designer off the street whose only gaming experience was checkers when he was a small boy, many years ago, I'm pretty sure he could come up with something more interesting than "5 points in a straight line that you can capture in any order". Shameful display.
  12. No. DAOC launched as one of the first real attempts at PvP. They had no other game to look at and compare themselves to. UO had PvP but no objectives. DAOC was forging new territory. What's the excuse for SWTOR? They didn't play DAOC? Or Warhammer? Or Aion? Or WOW? Or Shadowbane? Planetside? Darkfall? POTBS? Did they play ANYTHING? Are the SWTOR designers even gamers? There was a ton of industry history out there to learn from. There was no excuse to making the exact same mistakes that other games solved 10 years ago.
  13. Slamz

    Let's talk strategy

    Which is amusing in itself. Warcraft 1: Orcs and humans trying to murder each other. Warcraft 2: Orcs and friends versus humans and friends, all trying to murder each other. Warcraft 3: Orcs and friends versus humans and friends with undead in there, all trying to murder each other. Warcraft MMORPG: peace declared ...wut. Star Wars: Empire and Rebels trying to murder each other. Star Wars MMORPG: peace declared; no war yet. ...wut? What is it with MMORPGs taking action packed universes and declaring peace in them just in time for a really boring RPG.
  14. This is like designing a bank with no vault door and claiming the major problem with theft is the thieves. I guess that's one way of looking at it but I'd say the number one problem is a really terrible bank design. You can either fix all of humanity OR fix your bank door. Whichever. And so it is for Ilum. A design that doesn't take the players into account isn't much of a design. Good game design would be channeling players into good gameplay.
  15. Slamz

    Let's talk strategy

    That's what I would say if this was a good PvP game. "Let's talk strategy." When you attack Tatooine, is it best to disable the enemy backline bases before you capture the first frontline base? Or should you just blitz it? How many turrets do you think we should setup at the base before moving on to the next base? Is it important to leave behind a small defense team to guard against back-line infiltration attacks? Or is it sufficient to have a group on standby to rush back if the enemy blows up a generator? After conquering Tatooine, do you think it's best to hang out for a couple days and build up defenses, or keep the momentum going and head on to attack Alderaan or Hoth? Should you attack both at the same time (split your forces) or focus on one? Are Walkers worth the resource investment? These are the questions I would be asking, if this was a good PvP game. Or if this game had any wars among the stars in it, like one might expect from a game entitled "Star Wars". I motion that Bioware rename the game to "Star Quest". There is no war, but there's a lot of quests. (Alternatively, "Star Chat" would also be good.)
  16. I finally made it out to Ilum. One word: facepalm. So lemme get this straight. There are 5 control points in a line. It doesn't matter what order you attack them in. If the enemy has all 5 you can start with any point. Walkers do not actually walk. In fact, they don't fight or do anything at all. It's far less intricate than DAOC. It's far less intricate than even Alterac Valley. It's possibly even less intricate than Warhammer open world PvP and that's saying a lot because Warhammer was just a building with some dudes in it. (Ilum does not have a building as does not have any dudes. It's literally just some stuff standing in a field.) Seriously, Bioware? Seriously? Did you get Mike the Intern to knock this out in a weekend? This is your PvP content? We get massive voice work for a random mission killing womp rats that most people won't do once and hardly anyone will do twice but for an end-game PvP zone which we are supposed to spend hours and hours playing, you give us THIS? I just... I don't know what to say. Ilum is bad and you should feel bad.
  17. Sorcs are actually the #1 tank class in the game for PvP. As we have been discovering, tank shields only deflect weapon damage -- not "internal", "external", "elemental" or "kinetic" damage. Ditto for Defense stats. And armor does not help against "elemental" or "internal" damage. The Sorc absorb shield is the only thing in the game that actually seems to tank all forms of damage. So OP being a sorc saying operatives are fine is perfectly expected. He's probably the only class in the game that CAN say this.
  18. Slamz

    Tank stats in PVP

    I was just reading about that in another thread. The tank shield is apparently useless in PvP as it only works against "weapon damage" attacks. Post from another thread that seemed informative:
  19. A level 11 has a better chance at killing a level 49 than a fresh level 50 has of killing another level 50 in full end-game gear. If anything, the brackets should be: Level 10-49 Level 50 (no PvP gear) Level 50 (champ gear) Level 50 (battlemaster gear) End-game gear is going to leave PvP FUBAR forever.
  20. It's all being changed in 1.1. Look in the dev tracker for the patch notes. This is the biggest danger of rushing to 50 in an MMORPG. You might get there and get free awesome unbalanced gear or you might get there and discover your life sucks until the first big patch.
  21. Which seems silly to me, even from a PvE perspective. Unless you level to 50 on both teams, you are missing out on a huge amount of content. Half of your $60 + $15/month is going into stuff you won't see if you only play one team.
  22. PvP servers have almost no world PvP because the two teams have so little overlap. I play on a PvP server and I didn't see my first actual killable enemy until Alderaan, and that was only because I was taking a shortcut that ended up going through some enemy questing area that I otherwise would have never been assigned to go near.
  23. False. What you are describing is called "bad game design". Planetside had hundreds of people in large scale PvP and ran great on far less powerful machines than we are using today. The main problems: 1) Games develop too many too-high resolution textures. Displaying 100 players is not a problem. Displaying them with their thousands of possible combinations of unique high resolution textures is what kills it. Yeah it's great that you put on a necklace and it catches the light and creates its own shadow on your neck but it kills the graphics performance. 2) Game designs that intentionally cram a bunch of people into a small space. For example, Warhammer was an extremely stupidly designed game and I hope the people responsible feel ashamed and have gone back to cleaning toilets. Proper world PvP has multiple simultaneous objectives so that players tend to spread out naturally. In Planetside, for example, taking over a base could be accomplished by attacking the control point, attacking the generator or attacking the spawn room. Attackers and defenders would always be split between these three objectives (plus outdoor objectives like taking down the attacker spawn). So you'd have 100 people fighting in the same area but generally not in direct line of sight of each other. Warhammer world PvP crammed both entire teams into one small room. Very very stupid game design, there. So yes, it is possible to have massive open world PvP. Just not when game designers are pants-on-head stupid.
  24. Welcome to MMORPGs, where you finally get the Uber Helm of Destruction, taken from the head of the Last Demon-King, so that you can look like the other 50,000 people who also killed the Last Demon-King and also took his hat. I'm personally not looking forward to end-game gear at all. I'm just going to look like everyone else. Especially in PvP where every BH is going to look like every other BH, etc. (On the bright side, maybe texture loads will be really fast.)
  25. You're on crack. I'd bet the bulk of the playerbase is in their 30s. Look at the population density where you are, then go back a couple planets and look there. There's a lot of people who only put in an hour or two a day.
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