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Everything posted by Devoter

  1. Aeh, thats wrong. The fusionmissile is the heavy thing. It explodes on contact, has an aoe effekt and leaves some dots on targets. Tracermissile just make a little boom and leaves a debuff.
  2. That would be to op. Imagine you can run around hutball and just jump up to the platform where the goalline is. And that without an enemy or friend who is pulling you up or you jump to. But to use the jetpack to make distance as an immobile Merc is absolutely needed, just on the same level i think. Like blink.
  3. I give a damn about tht pvp issues, just change the animations already..
  4. I would really like if people here wouldn't make up stuff all the time... always this "you have that, so you don't get that" ****. All BW employes or what?
  5. Thats obviously a bug, otherwise the class would stack too good with itself.
  6. They cast Tracer Missiles because the ****** arsenal tree ist designed to do so to get damage up. And losing as a sorc against a arsenal merc? hmm.. turn your monitor on Sry, but currently merc has such a lack of tools, thats hardly possible. What i can agree with is the fact that a merc is dangerous if you let him cast and ignore him. But that just like any other dps spec in the game.
  7. If they where playing Merc, we already got some jet escape and an interrupt.
  8. Anyone remember the Choose your class videos BW realsed before the start of Swtor? I quote: "when they engage in a fight, they have control over the situation", "they have so many tools..." "my strategie would be keeping the jedi away"... And they mention the jetpack... which i cant use, id rather walk around... What we learn here, the cake is a lie!
  9. Wieso gimpen sich die Commando/Merc Spieler teilweise im Forum selber? PvE only, langer Cd... Häh? Interrupt ist eine Basisfähigkeit in dem Spiel, sonst hätten ihn paar Klassen weniger. Der muss genau wie bei alle anderne Klassen auch zum BH/Com. Punkt. Die viel beschriene OPnes dieses Specs dürfte wohl mittlerweile passe sein, da jeder Dösel mittlerweile geschnallt hat, wie einfach dieser Spec auszuspielen ist aufgrund seiner mangelnden Mobilität, Interruptanfälligkeit, Tracermissile-Fehldesign. Und keiner wird auf dem selben Equip/Spielstand einen Healer besiegen, auch mit Interrupt nicht. Zumal Interrupts ja keine ganze Spellschule sperren, sondern ja nur diesen einen Skill.
  10. Im not sure if i should respec to Biochemie, so i want to know if my relicts and the Adrenals fom Biochem share the same cd when you use them.
  11. Wer hat was von alt und unaktuell gesagt? Lesen! Das Spiel ist nun bald 2 Monate alt/jung. Am Anfag wusste noch keiner richtig was abgeht und man hat sich an seine Klasse rangetastet. In PvP Zonen hatte noch keine PvP Geaer und alle rannten mit 12k HP rum. da war der Tracerspammende Merc sehr stark, keine Frage. Aber nun weiss eigentlich jeder wie man spielt, Leute rennen in vollem PvP Krempel umeinander und im Zuge dessen wurde der Merc immer schwächer. Das ist uner anderem der Tatsache geschuldet, das eigentlich jeder Melee soviele Tools hat an Slows, Sunts und Roots hat, das Du schicht und ergreifend nicht in der Lage bist auch nur annähernd die Range zu diktieren. Bis auf Jetboost ist das nichts. Rocketpunch ist selbst geskillt so schwach, das bevor Dein GCD davon abgelaufen ist der Melee schon wieder an Dir dran klebt. Maximal auf Huttenball bringt Dir das was. Gibt im US Forum auch schon nen langen Beitrag wo eigentlich jeder, bis auf die üblichen Trolls die ihre free valor points flöten gehen sehen, der Meinung ist, der Merc braucht sowas wie einen Jetescape, der ihn irgendwie 20 Meter nach hinten fliegen lässt um etwas mehr seine Range zu kontrollieren. Quasi das entgegengesetzte Äquivalent zum Grappling Hook der Shieldtechs.
  12. I think, this is the most ridiculous post i've read here in the BH forum since game launch... and there where many. I've searched my skillbook and no easy button, the trainer didn't have one either I cant help myself, but i think, the only people come here and post stupid stuff like that, never leveld a BH to 50 and played it a while.
  13. Also arsenal merc. There is no way around mako if you do some 2 hero dailys alone, as much i love my litle Blizz, he dies too fast, because i dont have the healing power to keep him alive. But lately i've equipped my Gault with descent stuff and he is my first choice know while doing dailys, he does some nice damage with his sniper rifle and whats dead, you don't need to heal
  14. Would ne nice if they had a corner in a special color that indicates the nature of the debuff, so you can see if you can cure them with your ability if you have one.
  15. I think they will think its the merc launching a tracer missile anywhere on the map
  16. Thats right, but i play with WASD, like many ppl and so i miss a button.
  17. So, it seems the problem with the unbindable hotkey stays with us for a while, i've created a little workaround for it. I am german and therefore using a german keyboard, but the procedure remains the same for everybody with that problem. I have tried it with autohotkey but the key is something special and Swtor will grab it directly from the OS i think, so that wouldnt work, so i had to come up with another approach. In my scenario i've swapped the "^" Key with "´", but you can simply take another key if you like. Before you start some advices: - It will swap two keys on your keyboard systemwide!, for every user and every application. You dont "lose" a key, they just swapped. - Its easy to reverse, nothing bad happen - If youre good with keycodes, hexnumbers and know how to handle your registry you can do it manualy, otherwise you need to install a litte tool So, lets get started: 1. First you need a litte tool called "KeyTweak", you can get it at: http://webpages.charter.net/krumsick/ I'm not the author of that tool, but it's small, fast and serves the purpose 2. Install and start it 3. Hit the "Full Teach Mode" Button 4. In the new Window hit "Begin Teach Mode" 5. Now you hit your ^ Key first and then your ´ and hit "Remap Key1 to Key2" 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5, but now you hit first your ´ and then your ^ Key. 7. Now under Pending Changes you should have two lines 8. Hit the "Apply" Button in the lower right corner. 9. Reboot Windows. Now you can bind your physical ^ Key on you Keyboard to anything in Swtor, because for your System its the ´ key now. If you want to submit a Bugreport or need your ^ Key somewhere else in Windows, it's now on your ´ Key To remove the change, just run KeyTweak again and hit the "Restore All defaults" Button, reboot your windows and all is back to normal. Hope that could help a little
  18. Im so *********** sick of nerfs that affect PvE also just because of some PvP whine.. every mmo the same all the time. Just make it unusable in PvP would be just too simple i think...
  19. That really sucks bad. It was nice when you do your dailys and are not a healer to just use it and go on instead of watch your reg animation. Why just make it unusable in warzones and everyone where happy...
  20. That pistol is a leftover from beta. It has the exact same stat as any other blaster, only difference is the color.
  21. Dont know what he is doing in his free time but i need to have a serious conversation with him... look at his buffs http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2800/3vrl5sod_jpg.htm
  22. You are wrong, Arsenal in PvP ist only 2 things: Very good OR terrible. There is just nothing between. If the enemy let you cast all the way, you do very good damage. If they get you, you loose, no way around. Every similar equipped and skilled player in melee will kill you. You cant do anything about it. You are stunned, snared all the time while they hopping around and kill you, not matter ig shield, HA or whatever. You are mobile like a skyscraper and can't escape.
  23. Laut US Forum hat der da schlicht und ergreifend sehr oft random aggro. Wenn das zusammen mit einer Mindtrap passiert haste halt verloren. Da muss der Tank wohl fix zurück spotten.
  24. And what exactly you want to use when Railshot and Heatseeker are on CD and unload hasnt procced? You can put that on a cd, but for that you have to take the skilltree apart and put it back together right this time. For startes spread the procs, buffs and debuffs apart and put them on other skills.
  25. Will Mercs/Commandos for the love of god get an interrupt any time? I only say 2 out of 16 without one.
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