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Everything posted by Bakarn

  1. Probably got to do with the stability of the meta game. If they're going to make open world (re: Warzone Planet) PvP mean something, it has to be balanced along the same lines as the main stream instanced PvP. Meaning, no companions.
  2. Bear in mind this state of affairs was not always true for World of Warcraft. For several years hybrid classes in particular went through a state where their abilities simply did not work as advertised. Some problems like the feral druid hit box had to be solved by giving every single melee class in the game a snare. Others (like the completely broken state of Ret paladin mana generation) remained that way for nearly 3 expansions. Various classes were completely broken. Some absurd bugs made their way through. One glitch became a mainstay of PvP because the class that had it had no other active combat abilities. WoW's current state is not how it always was. It was much laggier at launch than SWTOR is now. I would also note that I have never had Master Strike fail.
  3. The only way you can ever enforce exploration in a game is to enforce the concept of empty space. Exploration games largely consist of 99% empty space and 1% effort spent on the environment. Games like Elite work largely on that principle. UO was once 99% empty space, until everyone built on the empty space and it became a megalopolis. You can either have a rich, involving world, or an empty, explorable world. Can't have both. Ever.
  4. The recent patch seems to have alleviated a lot of the problems with cast time spells, but hasn't fixed the UI bugs that go with them. Basically if you spam abilities now as you did pre-patch, the UI will do its best to try and reset the ability's GCD but it will not actually reset the ability. Very odd behaviour. However you can now move at the instant a spell is cast and it will cast as required. The UI will state it has been cancelled, but the effect will result.
  5. Have you ever played on any of Bioware's in house engines? You should be praising them to the high heavens for not inflicting Aurora 3 on us. Or Warcraft 4 for that matter. Something remarkable when WoW runs worse on my computer than Arkham Asylum.
  6. In terms of PvP systems, DAoC by a mile. In terms of actual PvP game balance, WoW by so far it's not even funny. If SWTOR can strike an even balance between the two, it'll be in a position to pull it off.
  7. So basically they intended on level 50 brackets all along, but they just wanted to keep them in normal warzones until there were enough 50s to actually carry the bracket by itself? In other words, it was not only a brilliant business decision but an intelligent game design decision?
  8. Is bugged. DoT effect is around 50% of what it should be. Not sure if this is tied to talent specs but it is pretty consistantly doing 788 DoT damage instead of the 1697 as advertised. It does this on virtually all mobs, and in PvP combat. Are Sith Juggernauts finding the same effect with their equivilent?
  9. Bakarn

    PVP Lucky Dip Bags

    The game desperately needs some means of leveling up in PvP besides grinding and winning valor.
  10. You absolutely do not need to spec as a tank below level 50. Don't bother. Spec Vigilance. It even makes FPs easier because you can always switch to Shien to get rid of weaker mobs.
  11. The toggle should be that if you're targetting a non-viable target it should toggle off. If you're targetting a viable target, it should jump to that target. As it is, I do a lot of target switching with Guard atm and I'm used to having to double tap it, but it would feel much more responsive if it worked that way.
  12. Ah, I see, so the starting point of any MMO now must be around 20 raid level encounters (15 of which are depreciated) and 5 years of player driven balance endeavour. I suppose you expect 4 star Michelin chefs are your local Burger King, too?
  13. Oh yeah, that straightforward linear leveling pattern that every single MMO including EvE online has is so damn dynamic and infinite. MMOs are actually more restrictive than single player games, not less. There will never be a multiplayer game with the openness of Elite or Skyrim or even Freespace 2. Ever.
  14. What exactly do you gain from posting another in a long line of these crappy threads that you wouldn't have gained from just unsubscribing? We get it. You don't like the game. Just leave and go do something else.
  15. You were stood by a turret. You would think someone stood by a turret would understand why they gained objective points.
  16. LFD didn't make WoW a successful game. I would argue that Addons did in some part, though. Dual spec definitely didn't.
  17. I've -finally- pinned it down after a hell of a lot of testing and I can consistantly make it happen with any ability where the effect is even slightly delayed along with ANY ability cast immediately after. The main four are Force Sweep, Blade Storm, Riposte and Force Push. Suggests to me it's something they can deal with. I could have found this out a hell of a lot earlier if people had actually answered my damn question. Also seems to be related to travel time.
  18. In this case I'm pretty sure the problem is between chair and keyboard, rather than with the awful AI which has actually healed 4 player heroic quests for a pair of us in the past. I don't think you're a fundamentally higher level player than me given that we're both playing DPS specced tanks and I'm not having any trouble with my content.
  19. Look. MMO players are like lightning bolts. They will take the easiest path to everything because they are fundamentally lazy. All you are doing by including that option is reducing the number of people who can actually group up and do stuff. In other words, the stupid people who are stubborn about who they group with and want to group with people on server. In that context, both you AND I would be stupid to press that tickbox and reduce our chances of finding a group. I read your post. Your idea isn't a solution to the fundamental problem, which is LFD absolutely wrecks server communities, which is a large part of why WoW sucks so much atm. I like the fact that in SWTOR, when I play a Warzone, chances are I can play with that same person again, next game. It fosters a sense of team work, and more importantly keeps the trash talking down in raid chat. If you're gonna play with the same people 4 or 5 times in a row, you're not likely to slag them off. Cross server anything is hugely bad. I say that as a proponent of the system when it first came up for WoW.
  20. You don't have to be a pet class. You just don't use your companion. Yes, I know this makes things harder, but that's the price you pay. What you're actually asking for is for your character to be made more powerful, and the game made easier. No offence, but on the list of things I want to happen to SWTOR, that's slightly below the game's complete implosion. The fact I have to actually pay attention to this game is one of the things that keeps me here.
  21. No. Just no. No multi-server looking for group. Seriously. There is no need for it. There was never any need for it in WoW. It came about as a result of battleground servers, which were the result of population imbalance on servers sometimes being skewed 80:20 in a given direction. That was due to poor design on Blizzard's part with racials. SWTOR has no such problem.
  22. I've actually had the itemlevels of my crafting keep pace with my real level for the first time ever in an MMO. There's no way I would ever have done that in WoW or even EQ2 which arguably had one of the better crafting systems. Simply put, crafting is tedious. The less involved it is, the better.
  23. Loads of people are back at work. Only teachers tend not to have gone back yet.
  24. Let's go through them one by one. Chat bubbles: Only necessary for roleplayers. Most roleplayers would rather have seating, then chat bubbles. Add a combat log: Combat logs are important, but they are not necessary to progress in PvE. Trial and error works pretty well. They're necessary for the top 0.5% of content rushers, and not even them most of the time if the game is well tuned. ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game: Agreed. I want this in game. Add FOCUS TARGETS. : Focus Target is already in the game. Check your UI. Overhaul the GTN: The GTN works fine. All it needs is an option to search by slot, and for the functionality already in place to actually work. Namely, it should search by class. SERVER FORUMS: EQ had an immensely strong community. Much stronger than WoW's. It had no server forums. Communities made their own. Seriously. Just do it. It's much nicer. Trolls get banned in minutes, you get differentiated forums, and you can post pictures, write stories, make guilds. That's what we did in the old days, and you know what? It worked a hell of a lot better. More camera options: I suppose it's a fairly low priority but I'd say so. Implement a threat parse: No MMO in the industry has ever shipped with players actually knowing the mechanics of how threat works for tanks. It is not only immensely complex to represent, but tends to require MORE UI BARS which is invariably a BAD THING An LFG system over-haul.: Really. I have found groups inside of 10 minutes every single time I've wanted to do a damn instance. TALK TO PEOPLE. I realize WoW has gone a long way towards making people antisocial. Fix accessibility to PvP gear: PvP gear is fine. Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.: Yep. ADD MACROS.: This is the UI priority, not addon support. Addons do nothing but make the game easier. They're a long term plan. I'd rather have them implemented in a manner that is not half arsed than rushed because some people are so unused to actually playing the game without addons doing it for them. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. - Click to heal made the game into whackamole. Real healers (meaning arena healers) wouldn't use click to heal if it was the last option on earth. Seriously. Wake up. Learn how to play. A fix to optimization issues.: A lot of this is self inflicted. Bad machine builds, poorly updated drivers. The main issue right now with optimization is the particle effects in Warzones. They need to be flagged up and fixed, but of course, people just blame general LAG instead of figuring out the exact problem. A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency: Yep. Though it would help if people actually pinpointed the specific ability and didn't whine about how they can't do anything at all with their Jedi Guardian - which has maybe three abilities that are actually effected by this problem. Increase the number of players allowed on a server: Just a note. If they wanted to hide sub numbers, they'd deflate server size. Not inflate it. I doubt that's the reason they've got so many servers. Have community managers COMMUNICATE : And do what? Spend their whole time saying "we're looking into this" for every single problem no matter how minor? Not even WoW did this, and rightly so - the bulk of MMO complainants are whiners. Dissolve the universal PvP bracket: About the only thing I would say is 50s go in their own bracket. Nothing else. I've seen level 17 healers put out 120k healing or more. I really don't think there's a problem once you remove Expertise from the equation. Address content-related player concerns: They've already said they've got a content team working overtime to add more stuff to the game. It's been out about two weeks. I'd rather them fix what's wrong with the stuff that's already in the game than adding new crap. A space overhaul: If you're going to pick a game to base space combat on, at least pick a good one. SWG Lightspeed was horrible.
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