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Everything posted by Ifolad

  1. I've been getting some bad latency on the game lately, i'm not talking about random ping spikes that everyone seems to experience. I'm talking 2 or 3 bars for an extended period of time. At first i thought it was my stuff, so i did the normal overhaul of my computer and my network then contacted my ISP just to make sure i covered my bases. So far so good for my network being prim and proper. Then read about the massive DDoS attacks going on Spamhaus which also claimed that the entire country's internet connectivity was being effected. Has anyone else experienced some latency when they normally don't for an extended period of time? The only reason i ask is it might not be all BW's fault on the server lag. Yes i know a lot of you hate the hero engine. Yes i'm aware of the BS that is congruent with that. Yes i'm aware of server population and crappy computers etc etc etc. Just saying.... it might NOT be BW's fault this time.
  2. BUMP! I agree, i have a bunch of synth, cyber, armormech, and biochem schems that are BOP. I would love to be able to use some of the extra mats i have laying around in our guild bank to turn them into BOE columi and tionese parts for guildies. Help Synthweavers and Armormechs make a comeback to be useful again for more than making augments.
  3. Ifolad

    Lag Hacks

    One of these days someone who actually does hack/cheat whatever you want to label it as will grow some balls and admit it. Why would he do this? Because he no longer cares. This person will be someone everyone knows/trust/believes is a legit player and who is seen participating daily. This person will finally get bored with the game and say F*** it! Hey dudes, guess what........ When this happens a few things will occur. 1) The people who say that cheating doesn't exist in the game will have to eat the hat of my choice. 2) The game designers and their suits above them will have to openly address it to the community and fix it asap. 3) The majority of offenders will get banned, the legit players will stay, and once and for all we'll know who the best pvpers REALLY are. 4) PVP will improve which benefits everyone. Number 3 also benefits everyone involved. In addendum to number 2, yes i'm aware that BW has addressed speed hacks etc. I do read the launcher when i log in. I'm simply referring to a NEW "state of the game" "we're dropping the hammer" type of response. Remove the bad apples and the rest of the apples don't spoil = all apples are fresh and ready to eat when you expect them to be.
  4. honestly....... who cares, just don't let your kids play and by the way i totally understand not wanting your children to witness something that makes you uncomfortable. What's ok for one family is not always ok for another family i get that. Personally though it doesn't bother me either as I as well come from a country where gay relationships are common place. Oh wait... I'm from the United States........ oh crap I live in the bible belt too....... wait... i don't hate people for being themselves so it doesn't bother me.
  5. Shout out to Boris for always having a pocket healer and generally being a pain in the butt to kill even when he doesn't have a healer. On that note... Boris you DO KNOW that i purposely pull you away from your group as for some reason you MUST kill me and get super tunnel vision when i'm out there on Ifo haha. Well played! I will keep kiting you farther and farther away! Shout out to the marauder i wish i could remember your name who decided to jump my sage and get beat down via alacrity buff in about 5 gcd's. You scared me with your 23k hp..... might want to invest in some PVP gear.
  6. Some of the issue with people performing badly is crappy computers or old graphics cards (insert catch phrase here) Also, game stability has some to do with that. Not saying there are not bad players, not making excuses for them either... just saying, those people you see not attacking or not moving either A: are lagging out B: don't see the stealther that just uncloaked as said cloaker has not loaded in yet on the screen C: are acctually a new or not a strong pvper or... D: are afk ( we all know those emergency bio brks happen at the worst times sometimes ) some people find out the hard way that the FPS in warzones when you have a bare minimum computer leave something to be desired, in good time though it will improve.
  7. It would rock if you guys made a pub side team, i hate my current imp characters haha, i'm already at 10 slots and saving the other 2 for new species.
  8. lol that's so true, first thing i thought when i made my first warrior
  9. NEW PVP TACTIC Kill lolsmash first, objective second, get your whole team on this and grief enough smashers, they'll start rolling snipers and stealthers hehe.
  10. I love the idea, i'd like to name my salky hound Hoss However, as cool/fun/interesting as this is...... we all know that when they do that it will bug and reset everyone's names again lol. Such is life. What would you name your Salky hound or womp rat?
  11. as much as i hate leaving warzones, this kinda makes sense. This is what would happen, 8 man premade que for both ranked and non-ranked, "oh que pop for everyone, must be ranked" and without looking at it they accept and they find themself vs pugs in non-ranked. Well, so the pugs quit after 2 min, the premade gets the win but they don't really get to abuse anyone and are left with hands in the air "where did everyone go why did they quit?" The outcome of this is: 1) the premade doesn't care and reques ( the most likely scenario )... 2) pugs reque and hope they don't run into said premade 3) premade realizes no one is queing ranked disolves group into two fourperson groups and reques non ranked. lastly, i'm a sub and I think it's unfair that f2p have to que against us in pvp since they can only que 3 times a week and have little to no chance of getting gear and getting rofl stomped is just not fun, understandable. please promote individual ranking system, gear score, and an arena system with rankings to improve pvp quality for all, some other games did this and it worked...........
  12. that's kickawesome!!! and may i say kickawesome! tanks in pvp again for the win!
  13. Don't knock the Irish rows! but seriously, what about the NPC's that i SWEAR are Chuck Norris clones, ever seen those guys? And i'm not talking about Theron and Doc either haha.
  14. that is true man....... ugh, rock and a hard place
  15. i'm all for them assigning rankings to each player based on gear/wins/losses/medals etc etc, it would help level the playing field i think, but as it stands the best thing we can do as a community is try to get everyone's skill level and gear up and hope for the best. Right now it's the only thing short of qqing about it (not a personal attack just saying....) so as a community if we see some bad behavior, not guarding a node, standing in a bad place etc, send a POLITE /tell /say w/e, " hey stand here so you can LOS the ranged or kill their healers etc etc."
  16. thanks for the input guys!
  17. Indeed, I hear ya and agree. The ones who do this have only ONE rebuttal "this game is a group oriented game" they use that as a cop out to justify their satisfaction then tell OP's like yourself to find a guild. This will kinda go back at you OP and I don't meant this personally as an attack on you, but if humanity would quit worrying about the needs of the few and worry about the needs of the many and have some compassion towards others everyone's experience would be a lot better. I think i'm the only one that feels bad about beating a bunch of recruit gears 6-0 in huttball in 35seconds. Not only do I feel bad for the team we just backalley'd chicago style, but it's not fun to win like that. There are a few though who live/breathe/die off of making others gametime a living hell as this is the ONLY source of enjoyment they get in their lives. i have a real life friend who does this thank god he's on another server and i give him the short end of the rope daily lol when we hang out. Though when he's not in game he's not a jerk lol. I don't get it and he can't explain it either. On that note we must have compassion for people like that as they don't know any better. Only through example or by death from old age will they ever learn and most of the time they are good people who don't realise the stress they cause as from their point of view they would laugh it off and move on and wonder why the victim doesn't do the same. Sorry for the long reply but i had to get it out. I'm sure i will also be flamed, but such is life and I have compassion for you who choose to do so and you are forgiven, but not forgotten.
  18. Hey this isn't a QQ I'm not complaining about 5k flame bursts and 8k smashes, that's all fine and good. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong in WZ's in heal spec. No matter what i do, where i run, how much I cc how much I kite, i can't seem to get away from anyone when I'm focused. Is this a positioning problem or are am i just running into better players who actually know to mark/kill/focus healers. When I spec dps it's a lot of fun and i don't get focused as often obviously. I want to be a healer though, i play a sage, and i don't want to run the stun bubble build. I just want to heal, but it's nearly impossible sometimes cause lets face you guys rock and even with full warhero there are 3 or 4 of you who can still kill me through my bubble and rejuvenate buff with 3 or 4 gcd's lol. I'm not the best pvper but I'm working on it. I get my daily's and weekly's done ok for the most part and I try to complete 9 or 10 wz's a day just on this toon alone. I guess my biggest deal is i want to heal my team but i feel helpless most of the time. I have a scoundrel healer, which i love to play too, but my sage is my main and my favorite toon. I'm wondering if I made the wrong choice on class for pvp. I don't mind not being guarded, i don't mind when people don't taunt for me, and i don't' mind losing. I just want to be helpful as a healer, any advice from healers who I see throw 800k healing consistently would be appreciated! Thanks! Take Care and see ya on the battlefield!
  19. If you can remember what/when/where "cranking to 11" comes from i will give you a cookie. And just to avoid it, it didn't come from a movie hehe even though most will say it did. caugh....... marshall amps ftw!!!!
  20. Well there's a few more to add to the blacklist for needing on everything, horrible selfish greedy attitude you guys. Did someone steal your Halloween candy when you were younger?
  21. 1: the person who yells WEST or GRASS in all caps...... ON PURPOSE repeatedly 2: getting tossed on my face from behind by a sin's knockdown.... hey at least this doesn't happen to me in a back alley on Nar Shadaa 3: Getting pulled into firepit 5 times by the same powertech flamethrower guy b/c when he tries to dps me i take no dmg from him and i'm not on my vanguard to return the favor 4: the sound of getting shiv'd in the back, then stun'd and shiv'd again, then stunned and shiv'd again, repeat to infinity until all your health pool is gone. 5: not being able to laugh back at PT's when my scoundrel gets a charge of upper hand anymore 6: seeing 5 of my teammates fighting at snow over a node, then as soon as i roll up all of the enemy present target me regardless of their current hp and their current targets hp, and I know this b/c I tab through them and i'm getting planted/stunned on my face, <<< hybrid sage healer so i get that one 7: operatives in recruit gear who try to ranged you down from 30m....... 8: snipers who put their back to the terminal, OR on the same token, players with body type 4 males who camp on the terminals in Novare with their large sweaty dirty selves (mostly PT's are the dirty ones) 9: Seeing DarkYoda on the other team, (epic battles with that guy since pre50) though the fact i did kite him to death once on huttball and once on novare (out of 100's of times getting faceplanted by him) makes me all warm inside. 10: pugging sub 50 only to find physics or ID doing 8man superque's sub 50
  22. Ifolad


    This was one of the greatest reads i've ever had. Just amazingly humorous really made my day
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