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10 Good
  1. Let me start by saying this: instanced, organized, and structured PVP can be fun at times. It is great to see where you and/or your team stand with regards to skill level. That being said, that is NOT what an MMO is about. An MMO is not about arenas or battlegrounds. WOW has corrupted the designer mentality with regards to this. An MMO is about immersion. The greater the immersion level, the better the MMO. Instances degrade from this. Instances should only be used to allow all players to see the content of an MMO: for example, an instance should be used for a dungeon so that instead of boss X dying after the first person on the server kills him/her, the next person can also experience this and can also kill boss X. If the instance needs a reset timer, so be it. Leave that to designer choice. But instances should NOT be a main focus of any game. The instanced PVP in this game is ********. It completely degrades from the immersion of the game. If you would like to leave SOME instanced PVP in the game, sure, go for it, but DO NOT center PVP around instances. This is what ruined WOW. PVP should be epic. It should mean something. It should show who the most powerful people on the server are. With open world PVP, the possibilities are endless. The player base dictates where PVP will go, how the game will be experienced, and what the end game will be like. There is less need for new content when a "sand box" feel is implemented. I will never forget my experiences with world PVP in WOW. If WOW had just stuck to world PVP, I doubt any game could ever compare. I will never forget my first Crossroads raid. I will never forget when another guild attempted to kill a world boss (non-instanced raid boss) out of turn (the guild politics of our server dictated who could kill the world boss), and my guild ran in and completely destroyed them without a single death, and then proceeded to take the boss kill. I will never forget when my guild opened the gates of Ahn'Quiraj and the entire server, every guild, every player, was there to watch, and how everyone watched peacefully, horde and alliance, as we opened the gate, because although the opportunity was there for us to kill each other, guild politics dictated who could kill who without being corpse camped. So, I ask you this. Do NOT make gear solely for PVP. Do NOT make gear solely for PVE. Everything a player does should improve his character's viability in PVP, whether it be PVE, PVP, crafting, gathering items, goods, money, whatever. Everything should go towards the larger goal of owning everyone else in world PVP. People like to progress their characters in an MMO so that they can show everyone else how much better they are than them. People progress their characters to have in-game power. What better way to do this than in PVP? With this, the possibilities are endless. Guild towns? Cities? Fleets? Starships? Let the invisible hand work its magic. You get the idea. I'm tired and don't want to think anymore. But yeah, don't eff up. Thanks.
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