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Everything posted by Romulusss

  1. im guessing you play empire. When sith have you out numbered 6-7 to 1, trading is the only thing left to do, and hope they dont slaughter you and any other republic players around
  2. first off, average 60 comendations a game, less if your a healer. im rank 42 and have all champion gear but chest and helm, which i use 1 pve and 1 centurion to replace. PvP is fun currently as i feels like (at 50) your a big dog and charging into a group of lower lvl players is satisfying, or having the lower lvl ppl duke out around you while you have a mini-duel with another 50. But thats it, the mindless grind is starting to make me log off. I keep reading those i quit forums (as annoying as they are) and find my self agreeing and wanted to unsub as well. Im not basing this on expectations or hype, just experience, but this game is rather disappointing. It seems the dev's talked and talked about how great pvp was, showing it off, having videos ( the "who will win" ones). So many people on my server have apperently quit, with que times at luanch being 20 min now there is never one. People just arent impressed with a game that is supposed to compete with WoW (or rather, the WoW when it launched according to fanboys, yay a 2011 game is the same lvl as a 2004 game!)
  3. lol serious professional player........ If your "team" is that good/geared u shouldnt need to heal that much to begin with, aka cast a few dmging spells. Healers can get a ridiculous number of medals. Not everyone needs healing all the time, learn to deal some dmg every now and then, that will make u get 10 kills/75k dmg/1 killing blow medals easy. Pug healers on my server walk away with more medals than you......you must be that good or sumthin if you use the arguement "im a healer i only heal" then you need to L2P. Healer is support, but u dont need to heal every bit of dmg. Ive seen good healers (i guess their professional if they get more medals?) get 12 or more medals. You. Are. Just. Bad.
  4. happens to a trooper ability that regens 20% of health over 15 sec (forgot the name). Ill spam reactive shield and that and only reactive shield will activate, its frustating, but honestly this game is so crap, ill probably quit in a month or two. You shouldnt have to spam an ability 20 times for it to work. This game is just designed really bad, and im ashamed i play it, let alone pay for it
  5. open the fight with battle focus, MV, throw down smoke grenade, and proceed to use SS, HIB, SG, and Ion Pulse, then pulse cannon, rinse and repeat oh and use taunt every time its up, ur aoe taunt is ur emergency taunt
  6. drop cybertech, its totally worthless are you make grenade and mount. Currently there is no way to make any armorings or mods worth using
  7. I am not sure if this has been resolved or not so id thought id make a thread. Dropped cybertech Still able to use grenade, still able to use mount, nothing else is useful (hence i dropped cybertech) letting community know in case they did not
  8. on Saber of Exar Kun, ive won every single Alderaan or Voidstar ive que'd for in the last 2 days, around 8 or 9, at all times during the day. Huttball, on the other hand, we get absolutely worked by sith, but i guess they get alot of practice
  9. im about to drop cybertech as soon as my grenade finished making, ill make a new thread to see if it pans out
  10. On my trooper, while we win about 40% on my server (mostly late night), but there are crazy amounts of sorc's on the opposing team every time. That or tracer spamming merc's. And both thee classes get healz, and are near impossible to kill because 60% of enemy team can heal each other. I can understand the need for more medals for REAL healers, but something needs to be done about off healers. SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the healing of offhealers, and then make new medals such as 50k+ healing, then another medal every 75k or something (w/e comes as balanced). This would encourage healers to join pvp to heal, and lightning spamming sorcs or tracer spamming mercs to do what they apperently like best.
  11. They should make another speeder level, there are no money sinks in this game. After buying all skills and speeder training at lvl 50, i had 40k credits. Now, a week later, i just broke a million. Yes, ill go buy a vip wristband once i get a few more credits, but a million credits should be a feat, not just something you get without noticing just from pvp and 7 dailies
  12. they are all easy. if you need help, visit GTN to purchase better upgrades
  13. its an ok game. I have nothing better to play atm so ill see how it pans out. I agree with most points you made, maybe not the wet dream thing. Also, bioware is not "bug-stomping" at all. There are many major bugs that were reported the FIRST day of beta and made it to launch. -Ability Delay -FPS issues (maybe not a bug but im sure they can do something) -Abilities not working properly -Classes NOT 100% mirrored (Operative has 60 sec CD, scoundrel has 90 sec../ trooper full auto dosent work if dmg is taken, but bounty hunters unload does full dmg not matter what/ death from above is instant, while troopers mortar volley dosent do dmg until halfway through and final shot is a FULL second AFTER the channel ends....../ inquistors do instant dmg while sages cast take a second to do dmg) Post is getting too long ill stop for now
  14. nice tracer missile spam, good job bioware also glad to see unload works for Bounty Hunters, while full auto is broken for troopers. At least we barely get huttball
  15. its not possible. To get B or B quality you have to buy them from vendors. Armormech and Armstech cant make the best stuff for themselves, why should we (i have 400 cybertech, big dissapointment). Seems like Bioware gave up on alot of the game. BW's next move will be to destroy biochem so that no proffessions are even worth getting, and any alt will just lvl up with just slicing as anything is a waste of money and pointless
  16. i honestly think there is no way to get good mods/armorings this game other from vendors with commendations of some kind. I have yet to find anyone with knowledge of how to get lvl 50 mods/armorings, since all i got are lvl 49 ones. I think its impossible and Bioware just decided to not even think about crew skills since so much of the game is crap already
  17. You are 21..............why dont you go quest and actually do something rather make a pointless thread on the forums. Pro tip - quests give you credits
  18. idk its pretty fun at 50. As a vanguard i just put guard on a lvl 10 and watch him kil a lvl 50
  19. I dont think its game breaking and as a vanguard i dont use full-auto anyway so i couldnt care less. But you, my good sir, are in complete denial
  20. the only problem with pvp atm is mercenaries SPAMMING tracer missle, the rest i dont care about. I am sick of getting hit by 4-5 missiles before i even know where my opponent is then dying because, u guesed it, they keep spamming tracer missile. maybe stealth combat too, ****s stupid. My hate in pvp is is spread 85% towards tracer missile/ 10% towards stealth in combat / 5% towards people who dont know how to play huttball
  21. the first week of my server, imps dominated. Then a few of us hit 50 and now we win about 70% of our matches Its all about confidence, if you go in thinking you're going to lose, you probably are. People are more willing to cooperate with each other once they realize it helps them win (which is what the OP claims to have happened on his server)
  22. Huttball is incredible fun. Making or catching those clutch pases, or killing the ball carrier a yard from the goal are better feelings/accomplishments than in any other warzone. Oh it helps to be republic, i get huttball maybe 20% of the time, kinda sick of voidstar tho
  23. Your server sucks, went 21-5 last night. Most games we had lower lvl players than empire. One game i was the only 50, while empire had 7, and we capped voidstar with 4 min left
  24. although you mde valid points, there is one area that needs fixing more. People should NOT be able to stealth in combat, either to run away or trying to gain advantage. Well maybe marauders cuz they have nothing else
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