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Everything posted by Romulusss

  1. just finished my first 24 hours as 50, opened around 12 bags. Got hands, legs, relic, and bracers, then i bought implant with commendations. System is good Agree with OP on duplicate items however
  2. In pvp you can definitely see when kids are queing up for Empire. Republic on my server win constantly all night long (had a streak of 9 at one point), then at around 6 am, we get demolished (i assume from adults waking up and playing before work) until around 9am. From there we win most of the games, less but most, until around 5 (people getting back from work?). In the afternoon its just stupid how many 50s the imps have on our server. It might be me as the only 50 or 1 more if im lucky, then an assortment of much lower lvls, while ill see 6+ 50s for empire
  3. Its definitely harder than other planets. On Belsavis i was able to take on 3 elites at a time, on Voss i would sometimes die to two strong mobs (Vanguard Tank). I had to recruit help more than once to finish quests that would normally not be a problem. That said, i enjoyed how hard it got, it was a really nice change of pace, i used every CD when they were up . Its lvl 44-47, no one is going to quit if they get that far, at least not over a planet. I never noticed the travel times, and the pvp was awesome. However, i do not see the point of neutral guards if they dont react when some1 attacks another player, as i found out.
  4. all of you who are saying +1, im guessing your all empire right? If you were able to choose WZ, then NOBODY would choose huttball making the ques for the other 2 astronomical. Stop whining OR roll republic (these are the ONLY choices). I was a lvl behind the content on my trooper at 42, so i did nothing but warzones for lvl, and out of 25ish i got huttball twice................... If you choose to stay empire, at least you'll get alot of pratice if you ever do play a republic team lol
  5. you guys must have crappy servers. On my lvl 43 trooper today i won 3/3 alderaan, 3/5 voidstar, and 1/3 huttball. Repub on my server knows whats up. Empire is just so good at huttball, i wonder why lol.
  6. On Saber of Exar Kun, i run into more imps than republic players . Ive had about a dozen battles, and as a shield tech vanguard, they lst upwards for 5 min and its pretty epic. On that note however, i have gotten jumped by 2 or more imps more times than i can count. I know its christmas and all but 5 people on belsavis on primetime..........
  7. Republic on any available server. The best pvpers/pvp guilds have already set up shop on various servers with astronomical ques, so go for them if you want. Honestly tho, if you have to ask this question, you already missed out, and the best pvpers are probably outta your league. YOU make pvp good, if you expect people to make pvp interesting for you..........well, thats not gonna happen. Very childish mentality of I WANT THE BEST NOW!!!! imho
  8. Same here on my server (Saber of something Kun), luckily i got into a friendly guild and it makes it more bareable. For a full server with 400+ ques sometimes, i see a another repub player every 1/2 hour or more while questing............its just depressing
  9. making mods for yourself is incredibly useful, but reusable stims are just as good. Its a mtter of prefrence. Cyber tech has mods, armorings, grenades, speeders, and useful trinkets. Biochem has reusable stims, and potential to make money. You decide now
  10. this thread makes me sad. I have a HP pavilion g6 and there's a half second lagg on everything, on lowest settings possible with no shadows lol. Saving money for a video card and praying
  11. i find heriocs a good side quest. You ask if people want to do them while your near the objective, past that they are not worth it. And u should be able to solo elites, especially as a tank
  12. forcing people to vote will just make it worse. They should just pick a system (idk what most dmg/healing, or flags captured or defended, or balls captured) or just get rid of it
  13. if you were actually good, you yourself make the class good. Since you played wow, ill give you a reference: When 1400 rated pvpers copy the best comp, they are still 1400. If you pick a class based on others peoples performance, you will never be as good as if you just picked a class you liked
  14. exactly what i was thinking lol Im absolutely shocked by the amount of people complaining they didnt get in today. Pretty much everyone gets an extra 2 days, and instead of thank you, its OMG @#$% you bioware for not letting me play an extra 96 hours instead of 72. (i ordered in december)
  15. You need to think that idea over.........Instead of wasting all those credits and time on alts, you should ask your self if is actually worth it to try to get every single proffesion especially when lvl 50 FP/Operation with probably be better than most of the gear. Biochem and Cybertech look like the only useful crafting professions at lvl 50 once the gear starts coming in. Sry if this is mean, but this is a very childish suggestion IMO. I WANT EVERYTHING! kind of mentality just dosent work in MMOs
  16. i dont think there is any comminications between the two factions (they just had a decade long war remember?) or else that would be a bit silly IMO. Huttball is cross-faction however, and all the streams i watched this morning got huttball 90% of the time because everyone went imperial lol, which is why im going vanguard for instant ques and not huttball
  17. dammit.........this fully addresses my fears. I want to roll a vanguard (omg no way republic *** noob!) but my friends all want to shoot lightning...................Screw them i dont want to wait 20 min for huttball
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