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Everything posted by mhobin

  1. Hey JC, I am looking to come back to SWTOR after a pretty long hiatus. I am sure the whole landscape on JC has changed since I last played. However I would like to get back into ranked play. If there are any guilds looking to build a team for the upcoming season, let me know. Cheers, Hobi
  2. The reason people don't queue for ranked is pretty simple, people like to win. However no server has a high enough population of players to utilize the matchmaking process in place. For grouped each server has a few dominant teams that run everyone out of the queue never to be heard from again. It was the same with 8v8 when top teams left or disbanded suddenly there were new teams all over the place for a week or two, then the better players grouped up and it went away again. Cross server is not just something the community had set their mind to, it is the only thing that will allow for a healthy, competitive environment. Better teams will face better teams and new teams can practice on each other. Cheers, Hobi
  3. Enjoyed the podcast, both guys are entertaining and they have a new weekly listener in me! Great job by Musco getting the fan sites involved when releasing new content. They should be doing this more often, as it really keeps your fanbase engaged. I am a little disappointed in not having any questions about server population, but I would guess that it got shot down by BW. Hopefully, the idea about AOE not stopping caps gets the same treatment that resetting stun breakers upon death did on the PST. It would break regs. Hopefully people will test it, see that it is not the best idea and it will be off the 3.3 patch notes. Lets leave this on a positive note and state again that this is a great way to break the news of new content! Cheers, Hobi
  4. Imps are SOOOO 2.9 Hobi
  5. By looking at the opponents health bar you can get a pretty good idea of how much expertise they have. A dps/healer will have between 38k to 42k hp when geared correctly. If you see someone with 45k to 50k they are geared wrong and are an easy kill. The only point of difficulty would be a tank. However, each tank has a buff on their bar which indicates the stance they are in. If you know the tank stances by a glance you can identify them quickly. Hope that helps!!!
  6. It has also been a year since they politely asked the community to stop asking for PvP improvements or additions. Please refrain from adding posts like this in the future, and refer to the post below. Just come back and click on it anytime you think "what is next for PvP?" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7299143
  7. The change was made for players like the OP who are PTs that open with Death from Above and unload. It is a subtle way to help you play your class in a more efficient manner. Thank them for making you a better player and not someone who is kicked from group finder. They were simply helping clean up PTs bars.
  8. LOL, been a Sin/Shadow since day one. Darkness hybrid was on level with smash monkeys for the most FOTM spec in the game. It was the closest thing to invincible mode this game has ever seen. Stun bubbles were more annoying though. God I hated the stun bubble year. Cheers, Hobi
  9. mhobin


    I can't believe you made it through the smash and stun bubble era. Or the OP pyro era before it
  10. Think I am going to come back to the game this week. Let's look together. I heard it sells legacy gear for 1 credit. I know we can find it.....but will I find anyone I know who plays anymore? Cheers, Hobi
  11. If only there was a feature to organize 8v8 matches in the game.....oh wait......
  12. I premade a bit, I run solo a bit. Funny story most of the time when I am in a premade with voice, the last thing we are talking about is the game we are playing. It does not take a genius to figure out which node is being attacked, or where people are going. Cheers, Hobi
  13. That is a lot of no's in a row. You could have at least sprinkled in a few made up questions that you could say yes. How about removing F2P restrictions on all PvP. With nothing to look forward to, don't require PvP centric players to pay a sub. Cheers, Hobi P.S I just unsubbed
  14. mhobin

    A sad day for PVP

    "They" would be the ground pvp community. A community that is rarely serviced. That community is pretty close knit on JC, and from what I know from my also massive friends list (in fact it has 1 more then Rynis's), none of them really care for GSF. It appeals to a different crowd then those that have played ground PvP for the life of the game. Cheers, Hobi Prime Defense
  15. mhobin

    A sad day for PVP

    However, they are different communities on the server. For example on our server Jedi Covenant, most of whats left of the ground PvP community do not play GSF. They are looking for ground PvP content. Looking for a long time actually. And they are not finding it. Cheers, Hobi Prime Defense
  16. I guess I was wrong. I was not on Canderous Ordo, and I don't claim to know what the PvP community looked like there. I was just going off what I knew from JC. And before 4v4's came out Pillars did not have a PvP reputation here. If anything they had a bad one from Ashes posting videos on the forums, which showed Pillars premades getting beat by pugs (none of your current team members are in the video). When you became a top team on the server, with the Pillars tag it surprised people. It was not well known that there was talent sitting in the guild. Look I am not trying to get in a flame war here. I just noticed that comment where you said that the three top teams had a lot of knowledge and success from 8v8 which gave you that special something. From what I knew of those guilds on JC the only team that played ranked with success was Revelation when they were Bad Rep. I have not played much lately, and I think I might start playing more. It would be good to get a team together. I will see what I can do. Cheers, Hobi PD P.S I know your Red=Dead philosophy Fus, I remember doing flashpoints with you on KV......
  17. Im in for Wildstar, start thinking of Guild names Hobi
  18. Diesel who is back? I would love to get some PD, PoA and RG games going it would be a lot of fun. I think I will log in tonight. Cheers, Hobi
  19. I give $===s all day.....But not a single F---- will be given.... I think I am going to come back to the game....anyone still here or is it full time to Pop5 for me? Cheers, Hobi
  20. 7 Medals? Your bragging about 7 medals? YOU SUCK Cheers, Hobi
  21. Two nights in a row of fun solo ranked with not an Imp in sight. Where are these dominant imps. I saw Afterlife and Pixel superqueues the last few days, but no ranked? Whats up, all the threads lately led me to believe the imps are the top dogs now.... Cheers, Hobi #shotsfired
  22. You could have had me. All you needed to do was buy me a bucket of fried chicken first. Cheers, Hobi Prime Defense
  23. A tank who knows what they are doing is my first vote. It is the hardest job in an arena. Cheers, Hobi P.S I have only voted for 2 tanks on this server
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