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Everything posted by cycao

  1. Group or solo because if I'm not mistaken the #1 solo ranked is a sniper.
  2. "on demand 12k crits"...Yep, that is not a thing. 2nd, spike does not hit in the ballpark of what hidden strike does, it's not even in the same sport. They're a high burst low sustained dps spec. The devs said they will not attempt to give them more sustained without having to take away some of the burst.
  3. How would it ruin it? While cross server is only a band-aid fix it does open the door to other possibilities like drastically improved matchmaking.
  4. Yeah well legacy storage is something that is tied into the CM and I guarantee so will guild ships in one way or another. Both, along with the new player housing will generate money while cross servers will not increase their revenue, at least no where near as much as guild ships or player housing.
  5. I think this thread should be deleted until 2.8 comes out given how much damage is being thrown into PvP.
  6. Get videos or take pics and send them to bioware.
  7. cycao

    Marauder Paper Doll

    This is what I simply don't agree on. For one, there is no way to actually prove this and two, all burst melee are highly subjective to CC. You should see an average game when I'm on my madness sin, I eat a ton of CC. When I'm on my merc or sorc the last thing I want to do is start casting in a melee classes face, I CC and kite which is why all melee are subjective to CC, it's not just marauders. Also given that carnage's raw burst potential the last thing anyone wants is to eat a full ravage.
  8. cycao

    Lowbie PVP

    I get some pretty good lulz from lowbie/midbie PvP. Just take it as it is, a leveling aspect of the game to gather commendations and valor while accumulating some class knowledge and warzone medpacks/adrenas.
  9. Stack presence all day.
  10. Healz to stronk, pls fix biofail
  11. Revert back to 1.4, boom. Problems like 80% solved.
  12. Assassin CC -Electrocute: 4 second hard stun -Spike: 2 second hard stun (can only be used from stealth unless speced into Hand Of Darkness) -Whirlwind: 8 second mez with a 2 second cast, breaks on damage. -Mind trap: 8 second mez, only usable from stealt, breaks on damage. -Low Slash: A specced 4 second mez, weapon damage which is subjective to defenses, breaks on damage. So there are two (2) stuns the assassin has which do not break on damage, the rest do. As far as killing someone in 4-5 seconds (1.5 gcd would land just two hits) is next to impossible unless the stars align on a terribly unfortunate sorc. As far as stunning someone for 8 seconds, yes almost all classes can do this with a mez and for any duration longer than that (IE another form of CC like a hard stun or mez) will result in a full white bar.
  13. Well apparently the devs will disagree with you. They feel fine with the high level of burst with low level sustained damage output which is why they're not even going to attempt to balance those two types of damage without giving from one and taking from another for a while.
  14. Seriously man. I'm open for ideas but knock this two vs one crap. Have I done it, yes. Have I done it against decently skilled players, no.
  15. 'spamming volatage(?)/dischage/maul'...You know that two of those are not spammable and possibly 3 of those since I have no idea what voltage is.
  16. Why? Because the best spec for 1v1 situations has tools to be the best 1v1 spec? With taunts, peels, guard and heals it's not a major issue unless your team is majorly lacking in competency.
  17. Well premades don't ruin warzones for me, I'm going to go eat some shrimp for lunch now.
  18. I'm fully aware of how hard maul can hit, you make it sound like it's 10k+ every time which is hardly the case. And yes, deception can get 'double' recklessness after 15 seconds of combat at the cost of using their combat stealth.
  19. Who would eat a steak that someone spit on...knowingly? Where do you keep coming up with these terrible analogies?
  20. I am going to step on a very thin branch and say that having a shellfish allergy isn't really an opinion but a hard fact which isn't like this opinionated thread.
  21. It wont even matter, the damage has been done when they initially promised cross servers with ranked then removed that over two years ago. I would eat my hat if they ever put cross servers in within the next two years.
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