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Everything posted by BoMbY

  1. Gibt's denn keine Imp-Gilde mit public TS? Wobei stimmt - es gibt ja nicht mal eine Imp-Gilde mit Homepage oder so (oder ich finde sie jedenfalls nicht). Ich würd ja prinzipiell meinen TS-Server zur Verfügung stellen, aber die Ressourcen sind da recht begrenzt momentan (ich glaub viel mehr als 16 Leute wird eng) - außerdem bräuchte ich dann ein paar vernünftige Leute als Mods. Und wie läuft das z.B. eigentlich bei der schwarzen Sonne im Moment? Vielleicht können wir ja unsere Ressourcen mit ein paar Gilden verbinden? Ich würde zum Beispiel auch gerne mal PvE-Operations spielen - da finde ich im Moment eigentlich gar nix. Gruß, BoMbY aka Velara
  2. One nice thing would be to award medals to healers for medals they made possible. Like if the players you healed earn 5, 10, 25, 50 medals together (before they die) you would get a supporter medal for each step.
  3. I just wish they would make it a little more interesting. Like more different objectives/tasks to earn commendations, or to finish dailies/weeklies. Maybe something as simple as capture a base at Ilum and hold it for at least X minutes (there should be only one valid base for this of course, because people will start swapping otherwise). And maybe lower the amount of warzone commendations, but give us some ways to earn mercenary commendations instead (like for killing enemies on Ilum).
  4. Happened to me yesterday. Well, I don't know the exact score, but I remember perfectly clear that in a complete LVL50 Alderaran Warzone our team got exactly zero kills (yes, absolutely no kill), and our complete team ranked below all members of the opposing team on the final score screen. That was very funny ...
  5. And how should anyone get decent PvP gear if he's not supposed to do PvP? There is a big hole in your logic.
  6. Have you ever played a lvl 50 warzone with no level 50 gear? I tell you, on my server the opposite fraction is currently very overpowered, and all warzones end with all players on my side being ranked below all players on the other team. This is total bs.
  7. Well, I've to say, I do understand now why people are leaving warzones. It's kinda frustrating to all the time have a) a total stupid team against b) a totally overpowered enemy team and c) having therefore never ever a chance to win a match. Warzones are in fact totally broken and useless.
  8. I've to say, I'm kinda disappointed, too. I think it should've been easy to add a little bit more variety to the quests. Maybe some puzzles, or guarding of something, etc. It would also be nice, if your decisions, your class, your standing, etc. would make more/some difference in the plot, or the way how to solve side quests. I would also like to see much more about the PvP. Maybe a planet, where you can conquer outposts and cities, and the longer one side holds them, the more the area changes (including for example more guarding NPCs).
  9. There are many reasons why someone get's out of warzones without his choosing. 1. Bugs: Got booted from the middle of Hutt Ball match to the character selection screen just yesterday. 2. Connection Lost. 3. Staying in the wrong place: Not noticing a "safe zone", and the kick warning message - maybe you should make the messages more prominent? At least in cases 1 and 2 a penalty would be very wrong ...
  10. That's logical (sort of). It's just: Nowadays they seem to need more 3D power to view a simple web page (or similar things), than to render a game like swtor. And just because they want to make every text extra blurry (so called "clear type") and render a few milliseconds faster. Well - at least for me, at this time - the positive results of hardware rendering in browsers, simply don't overweight the negative effects like higher power consumption and more fan noise.
  11. What do you mean, this funny wings on your shoulders? And where's the jet engine?
  12. There is a major bug which causes disappearing item modifications - reported for weeks now, but it didn't get any attention: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=42255 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=90216 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=139651 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=115534 You really need to get the ticket escalation and customer service running. This is really frustrating ...
  13. I think it would be nice if you could switch factions with any char, maybe based on light/dark side points.
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