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Everything posted by Radzkie

  1. Honestly I dont expect to see a change for about a year. Just my guess. Lots of time to monitor it.
  2. Never said we feel unloved. That's your own added drama. lmao So much unbridled emotion over people asking for a ugly statue.
  3. That's right we have titles and get to be douchebags level 4 on the forums, not sure how it means we wont feel appreciated if we get more.
  4. I don't think anyone begrudges those who qualify. It just could be less strict to qualify and make many more founders feel appreciated. It is pretty meh looking though.
  5. because this well thought out post prevents people from complaining
  6. Oh! I vaguely remember seeing that picture actually. The live stream was cutting in and out for me so I guess I didn't catch that it was a founder reward. thx for the link
  7. Well yeah. I probably shouldn't be posting here because I don't even know what the statue looks like.
  8. Only according to EAWare. This random person who joined after me seems to think he has a better definition. legit, I love people. Laughs for days.
  9. My Sith was sired by an upper echelon imperial and still visits his family members from time to time. Because of this, he enjoys political intrigue, provoking people with thinly veiled insults and upsetting his family since it's so easy. Though he actually cares about imperial life and old imperial traditions, thus his extreme dislike of aliens and watered down bloodlines.
  10. They aren't recognizing founders. I'm a founder and I wont be getting one because I don't always sub between patches/expansions due to the lack of content in this game. It should be founders who are currently subbed. There would be way more happy founders feeling appreciated that way,
  11. You must be new here. Bestia farming starting long before 5.0 hit. Though it's popular AGAIN because 5.0 just hit. If it was an exploit it'd already be addressed.
  12. I don't care about SWTOR's ranking, not here to argue that. The reason I don't like this list is because ESO and FF14 are multiplatform (and therefore have split income between PC and console) so they're not fairly ranked.
  13. Very little if you compare it to more successful AAA MMOs, but the story is worth subbing for at least a month. Very worth. Group content has been wanting for years now. Even if they add a new Op, at this point the GC (gearing system) will sour the experience of everything but the story mode version(ill personally enjoy the story mode so...). If youre a seroius raider, this is the absolute worst choice on the market for you.
  14. I choose Torian. Torian is human so it was an easy choice for me. My main character has always been xenophobic and that will never change. As a side note, I laughed pretty hard when my character told Aygo that he doesnt like Bothans. Plus alien or not I found Vette annoying.
  15. This is not a shocker. Once I hit rank 50 with only two set bonus peices I realized that my chances of getting a complete tier 1 set was slim to none. I wouldnt be shocked if I never got a complete set of any tier. Good thing I dont take this game seriously anymore. Lmao Crafting is going to end up being the way to gear, for mods, enhancements, mainhand and offhand at least. I may have to drop my set bonus armorings for crafted armorings at some point but we'll see. My guilds farming some NiM bosses and HMs for schematics now, not cxp. Hahaha... Basically its not going to be possible to rely on GC crates to gear.
  16. When I got that mail from the republic, about peacefully coexisting or some garbage like that, I laughed.
  17. If I could I'd execute all the ex-pubs under my command then take over the Sith Empire (kill or marry the Empress) and merge Zakuul into it. Making my Empire the largest in the galaxy. Then go back to crushing the republic.
  18. I wouldn't call what I do "progression raiding" but I'll roll with it anyway. In theory you're suppose to get "the best" cxp rewards from NiM raiding (which atm doesn't hold true, I know) so we are suppose to gear up or at least level up faster than others. I can see it being an issue for PvP, but if they adjust PvE rewards I'd hope they'd also adjust PvP rewards. To keep the top tier players of both relatively even.
  19. I've cleared a couple 5.0 NiM bosses already in half 224 and half 230, but we've been hitting a DPS wall on some bosses. As a healer I've tried to help DPS -- but there's only so much I can do. It would have been nice if those NiM bosses dropped actual gear instead of schematics. Also would have been nice if we got good schematics instead of the **** ones or ones the guild already has.
  20. I think my thread about Koth may have been briefly mentioned during the livestream, so I feel special. Could be wrong, but I hope they saw it. I really am pleased with the KOTET story. Looking forward to more story in the future.
  21. Some probably are but I did have a friend legitimately ask how to unsub(a couple years ago). He couldn't find the button. lul
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