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Everything posted by Radzkie

  1. JeffKretz, that sort of sounds like me(the healer; I was the only one geared in a team finder group) but our group went differently. We told our tank to bring Malgus to the edge about THIRTY TIMES and he didn't understand even after we showed him exactly where to go. We wiped four times because of him and then one of our DPS' left. After that I gave up too. Some people just shouldn't play tank class, to be honest. I don't dislike people who can't play a certain class though; not everyone is good at everything. /End Rant As for coping, I got in a group for Lost Island and our second Sage(me being the first) was assigned as DPS even if she thought she signed up as healer. She re-spec'd and rolled with it. And guess what? We got through Lost Island, one shotting every boss but the last one. It was damn fun too. The sad thing is, a few weeks later the same thing happened to me. I got placed as DPS in Lost Island and a bunch of people in my team had hissy fits, spitting, crying and saying we'd never make it through because of having a DPS Sage. It's sad to see some experienced players unable to accept that not everything needs to be perfect to work.
  2. I have done LI a bunch of times, as healer, with tanks that had a mix of Tioese, Columi, Rakata, BH and Campaign and have ONLY failed when the tank was not competent or the DPS was severely lacking. Moral of the story: play smart and you can get through with almost any type of gear. Of course, that why I prefer going there with guildmates instead of random people from Group Finder. There are some really horrible players that sign up for it.
  3. Yes... You have to have all of T1 Flash Points selected to get the Black Hole coms. lol Also, I'm aware of being able to get the Daily Black Hole coms quest from T2 Lost Island, but whenever I select that one I always end up waiting one-two hours for a group unless I am que'd with guildmates. Thanks for all the replies though. I guess a lot people on my server farm that Flash Point for Columi offhand. Ugh.
  4. When I use the Group Finder to get the Daily Black Hole coms quest(which requires you to have all Hard Mode Flash Points checked for random placement), 85% of the time I end up in the Battle of IIum. Once I got it three times in a row. On General Chat I notice that, every day, someone complains about getting placed in the Battle of IIum. Some people ask for a group to go to any Flash Point BUT Battle of IIum because they're so sick of being placed in it. Is anyone(or everyone) else experiencing this problem, or is this just some kind of weird fluke happening to only a few people? Honestly, if it's some sort of glitch, I'd like to see it fixed. Because everytime Group Finder places me in that Flash Point, I die a little on the inside.
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