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Posts posted by iRouven

  1. OMG Where Are My Arms = Two double-ended lightsaber?


    is this for jedi consular/ shadow?


    Legacy lvl 50 unlock when you played a Besalisk sniper ...





    (j/k - just to be on the safe side)

  2. I'm a fan of transparisteel........Giggity:cool:


    I envision personal force field armour ... your choice of colour if any! Sparkles on demand!


    This is the look you will get




    (minus what this smily apparently stands for)

  3. I use geekette =^.^=


    That rhymes with coquette, love it!


    To be sung, spur of the moment.


    There once was a geekette,

    She was very coquette.

    She endured all the jankers,

    to mow down them clankers.

    So dude do not trifle

    with the girl holding the assault rifle.


    (insert accordion solo)

  4. (...)

    oh and slight edit since I missed it: I prefer cold pizza play in my room since its the most comfy place enjoy a good beer every once in awhile or a decent mixed drink.



    Apologies for a potential double post - but I feel the urge for a WARNING and DISCLAIMER!


    KIDS - do not try this at home. Not only does it take years of practice to balance the side effects of adult beverages with your gameplay - any liquid is lethal to your professional gaming keyboard with 2 million different light options.


    Additional tips for boys. Au contraire to our female counterparts we are not known to multitask. If there is a need for refreshments (water only!), remove both hands from your keyboard/mouse, turn or move away and begin the liquid intake from a safe distance. Put the glass/bottle down and return to your game.


    Alternatively you may ask mom (pro-tip, better chances with dad) for a water proof keyboard.


    Pizza crums are easier (thus the evolution towards cold pizza) to vaccuum/blow or shake out of the keyboard - in case of using a vaccuum ask your dad (pro-tip, better chances with mom) on how to handle professional cleaning devices.

  5. Why on earth did I misread this is "...any lingerie credibility"? :(


    That's probably a freud thing. But sometimes a cigar is just a cigar! :D



    I usually tell the guys in the raid I'm playing from the kitchen, on my mobile hooked up to the microwave :p


    Now I'm torn and confused. Worry not, it's a natural reaction, we learn to cope early on by going to the basement and play some games.

    I read here: I eat my pizza hot, that's why I'm next to the microwave.


    Then we have the opposite - pizza cold! (sorry, don't know how to quote more then one post)


    We can not establish a good picture from contradicting facts!


    If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have to convince my wife to move the microwave down to the basement. Thinking monitor on top of it ... I might have to take the door off so I won't have to move my keyboard...

    Hot pizza, I'm up for an adventure!

  6. This is a good question. I have often wondered this myself.


    Where do you mythical creatures (female gamers:D) game from? in addition to the cold pizza, do you drink Code Red Mountain Dew as well?


    We need more facts in this thread about facts!


    Please answer us.


    Hey, if I am a geek, does that make you a geekess?


    How do you juggle hairstyling and make-up with game time? Or don't you? It is commonly known that we save time by not changing our underwear - how do you cope with the timely demands, maybe we can learn something!

  7. Quite frankly I think it would be super boring if we were all the same.


    Not sure about the toes, might be an x-men thing (you know, evolutionary leap forward) but it's definitely not an extra finger thing. Now that would be imba!


    I wish for everyone to be able to laugh about himself, there are two words that I like very much:


    Don't take life too serious, you're not getting away with it.


    (This one is translated)


    Happy is, who hasn't lost, in the struggle of life, his humor.



    Now, I do wonder, if supposedly all the male (young) gamers are in the basement ... where do the female gamers game? More importantly - do you eat your pizza cold as well??

  8. Don't take it too serious. I had a blast the first time, watching myself punching deadly combos, seemingly straining myself (see, the techniques look easy, but they are clearly not!) and I still like to throw in a demonstration of my prowess here and there.



  9. Well we still need you guys for one thing yet , but we got top scientists working on that problem :p , then "To The Moooon" with ya =^.^=


    I am being constantly abused for the lack of a handy aluminum stepladder! While the solution is there I am way more practical it seems.




    Not to mention snow shoveling, taking the garbage out ... all the good stuff :o


    Did anyone say "massage"?

  10. It's too bad I payed for something that was broken and am in too much denial to admit it cause the wheels are so shiny. Did you buy a used piece of crap or a brand new 2012 model?


    Correct me if I'm wrong, this is what I understand thus far:


    You really love your car and you are quite fond of it. However it is just a piece of junk and you realize it's only a regular car and not an all terrain.


    My honest opinion in this analogy - maybe ride the bike a few times, then try it again?


    My model was brand new and I love it. Yes, it doesn't accelerate to 100km/h in 6 seconds and the trunk could be a bit larger (although I can fold the seats down). But the mileage is really good for me.

  11. There should be no hostility in this thread, especially from the OP who posted ... some of her replies seem aggressive..


    Girl gamers are girls, guy gamers are guys, gamers are gamers, we are all human, now **** and get along. In the end we all live on the same planet, for now ... >: )


    What? I thought there was something about mars and venus going on there ...



  12. So basically you'll just pay what people are asking for whatever product you're interested in?

    I guess I could go to a used car lot and by that shiny car I always wanted, so what if it's got a couple dings and dents.. The price is just like all the other models ive looked at! I'll just pay to get those minor dings and dents fixed later! Later comes and now I have to pay to get the tranny fixed on top of those monthly car payments, but who cares if I was sold something that isn't working properly! I'll just pay to get it fixed cause I really really want it!


    Right, it's a pain that they don't fix and service my car for free. Funny how they also don't upgrade me to power-windows or a bigger engine down the road. Did you buy the car or are you leasing it?

  13. I like how a decent amount of the posts a go something like this.. "If you don't like it don't pay for it!" or "it's none of my business".(btw not once did I say I "didn't like" paying the fee) This is exactly why these companies can charge a monthly fee for a game, Because you are all willing to pay without question! (I just think most are in denial because they have been paying monthly fees for certain mmo's for so long. I'm guilty of it too.)bottom line is if the next expansion pack ended up being $100 or heck even $200 most would pay i without thinking twice... Btw I'm no just talking about swtor I'm talking about the entire MMO community.


    Realistically you are talking about everything. Anytime you see something on sale, half price for example - do you really think they are selling it under cost right there?


    Do you think games go f2p because they don't want/need money anymore?


    All you are saying basically is that you think $15 is too much.


    I think next time I'm going into a movie theater I'm gonna ask them what I'm actually paying for and why other theaters can show me the movie cheaper in two months. Plus I demand to know why the popcorn is so expensive.

  14. Oh boy, and here I am, not liking chocolate at all. Does this mean I'm a guy? :confused:


    Sometimes it comes as ice-cream, does that help? :)


    My wife is a Peggle/Tetris kind of girl. Boy does she ever get competitive there, she won't rest until she beats my scores. But MMO's or any other games, no way.

  15. As Eternalnight said - the points only register once you completed the mission. Afaik the social badge has nothing to do with it - it's just an intro-mission to show how the system works.


    However - if, for example, you finished the first flashpoint run (Esseles or Black Talon) and you have not received your social points by then - you might be affected by a bug.


    From reading here on the forums I think there is no solution as of yet, I would nevertheless send a bug report/create a ticket.

  16. Maybe you have like, the Voidwolf (Main Smuggler enemy), Captain Tavus, and other class bosses sitting around a table talking about all those times their respective enemies rezzed after being killed like 7 times and how unfair it was. :p


    Lol - not to mention that we always bring a sidekick. Funny enough some companions often hint at that. Just had one of those "you come alone" and Doc was like "maybe you didn't see me?".

  17. Possibly, but they're unlikely to admit it in public.


    I mean, to all those who claim they were "wondering" about this or "unsure" or any other variant... this isn't delicate humor that's just a shade beyond plausible. This is out-and-out over-the-top ludicrous. Short of having a running text underneath reading "This is a joke... This is a joke....", I can't imagine how it could have been more obvious. It's self-evident farce, and while I understand some people might not find it funny, I have a really hard time believing *anyone* would not get that it was at least *intended* to be funny. (And, I mean, if there was any doubt, any doubt at all, the fact it was posted on APRIL FIRST really should tip the balance...)


    Hey, I went in there pretty innocent. In my defense I hadn't had my coffee yet. I watched the vids and thought 'uh huh'. Coming to the romance thing I laughed. The arcade game then finally made me look at the calendar *grin*

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