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Posts posted by iRouven

  1. Conceptually I love the idea of FigurePrints, but as an actual product it leaves much to be desired.


    Up the quality of details/finish and I would consider getting one.


    I've never seen one right in front of me - too much like plastic?

  2. As some of you might be aware, in another game it is possible to have your game character molded into a 3D replica/figure.


    Now I was never really interested there - but here ... having my own "version" of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Han Solo... perhaps even with my favorite companion ... direct in front of me on my desk ... *dreams*.


    Probably a bit early, but what do you think?

  3. I sure hope the search function will be up and running soon. Then consolidate all these threads with same content or lock them pointing to the "largest" one, something to that effect.


    Interesting stuff gets drowned and all you can do is go through 20-40 pages of threads.


    Other than that - I was tempted to answer some threads - then again that only makes them stronger, so I don't feed the beast.

  4. The only customization option I want for my ship is a way to eject 2V-R8 into the void.


    Does he not feed your anger and thus makes you stronger?


    Pretty sure there is an off button on every droid - I saw that in a movie once. Or twice.


    But a good thing you like your ship just the way it is (-minus droid apparently).

  5. One thing I could imagine is having a cosmetic slot similar to the appearances of your companion for the interior.


    Different options for logo's on the outside would be nice too. Could imagine a Smuggler having, what I believe is called an aircraft "nose" art similar to what bomber pilots had (have?).


    While I'm definitely all for it I can't see them implementing like a trophy room inside the ship to hang your alien critter heads or pictures or the like (edit: anytime soon).

  6. I am having a blast.


    There are lot's of moments and views that I really like - and like someone else said, all classes (those I played so far) feel really good and have some nice moves with impact.


    My best moment thus far, which I will keep vague so as to not spoil it, typically I went the light side route with a quest, naturally I was curious and thought "ah whatever, a few dark side points are not going to kill me, this is how I feel about this anyways" - turned out that path led to the opportunity to gain double the light side points afterwards! Which again felt right at that point too! I was really pleased with myself there.


    Sure there is room for improvement, some convenience things like maybe a shared cargo hold, the main thing for me is - I'm having fun and the time flies by.

  7. Bounty Hunter:

    Upon reaching 100% heat bounty hunters will now explode. Killing themselves and damaging all players around him.


    This sounds ... interesting. Perhaps slightly modified for your expandable .... expendable companion.


    Mercenary: Mercenaries will now be permanently stuck in their hunched over “Missile launching” casting animation. As such all other damage dealing abilities have been removed from their class as they were not being used.


    Phew ... for a second I was concerned, then I noticed this does not apply to the Powertech, who in the future will force, scratch that, Rocket Jump to his enemies and then Rocket Punch melee everything in sight, friend or foe.

  8. where is this feature located at? the trainer or somewhere else. not seeing this.


    With "bag" he meant inventory. Apparently for some it doesn't always show up (bug) and I read that it might work if you open your inventory with the shortcut "I" instead of clicking at the symbol on the top of your screen.


    May the force be with you.

  9. I don't see that anyone has mentioned it yet, but activating a security key/app on your account gives you access to an extra vendor that sells cosmetic items.


    Does anyone know what those items are/what they look like?


    So, as someone else mentioned, if the key is out of sync - what do you have to do, call them?


    I have never used one before, I would assume they are based on some formula so they don't have a list of x amount of numbers and then they are done, right?

  10. (...) Yeah, that's right, and we all have dog sleds and live in igloos. (...)


    I was thinking about building an igloo once, but it seemed like hard work. So I stayed inside my actual house, sipping a Timmy's and kept warm.


    Center of North America here (calligraphically speaking, that thing with the maps), from the place that brought you Winnie :D

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