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Everything posted by AndasKastor

  1. I spent mine on a bunch of unlocks - more inventory, cargo space, quality of life stuff. Now that I have all of that stuff bought they just tend to accumulate. I think I have around 7,000 cartel coins on my account that I will probably never use.
  2. Skype to the US from out of the country is $0.03 per minute. I have called home from China, India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, and South Africa with no problems. If you have a smart phone you can use the Skype app with a wireless network. Now I understand why he might not want to call (he was clear in a subsequent post), but cost is not that much.
  3. Here is a new one http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/irvnr
  4. Different strokes for different folks. Some like to be challenged and some don't. I'm not passing any judgment here - as long as there is a way to turn it off everybody can be happy.
  5. No clue, but I have seen it posted that there is a item or something that you can buy to turn it off. I assume that it would put a debuff on you to disable the 12 x. I would assume (again) that you could clear the buff/debuff to re-enable. This is all speculation on my part, though.
  6. Some people (myself included) like the illusion of challenge or progression while leveling. I like nearly all of the planetary arc quests and a fair number of the other side quests. I also like to do heroic +2 and +4 on level. For this reason I prefer to be a couple of levels lower than the quests. Now to add perversity to the mix - I don't like intentionally gimping myself - like being under geared and the like. I understand why people like 12 x and I am happy that they are getting it as it does not affect me in the slightest. Actually since I am scheduled to drop down to preferred on April 30 having an opt-out won't affect me at all either, but I am glad that they are going to have it available in case I do ever re-sub.
  7. Don't confuse Eric with a developer. As far as I know he doesn't write any code. He has the unenviable task of reading the forums and acting as a go between for the subscribers and the developers. Quite often a thankless job.
  8. Yep, that should make everyone happy See? How hard was that for them to do?
  9. I liked the LS sorcerer. The story worked really well with the LS choices.
  10. Yeah, I have at least 1 or 2 slots in all of my characters holds taken up with exp boosts. You level up so easy in this game that I don't think I have every used one.
  11. I think this happened to me the first time I let my sub lapse. I never use the CC anyway so I didn't do think too hard about it.
  12. Yes. The stories are good and that is what I look for in Bioware games.
  13. Well, you can do the heroic 4s on each planet and any other content from flashpoints on down. I'm not sure what you are looking for.
  14. JC seemed ok the last time I logged in - but that was back in January.
  15. I didn't read past the first few posts, but I would need more story. Since this doesn't seem to be a priority for them I doubt if I will be back. I'm not upset. I hope those that still enjoy the game have a fantastic time.
  16. Why on earth would anyone be interested in price controls? It is a video game. If people are not willing to pay what you think you should get... guess what? You are overpriced.
  17. Odd, I just updated for the first time in a couple of weeks and it only took 6 minutes using the streaming interface.
  18. Not to pick specifically on you, but this is a good indication of the modern MMO player. If you darn kids would just get off my lawn...
  19. Sorry, I submit them so infrequently I don't know the exact steps. I think in your main overhead bar (where skills, legacy, etc. icons are) there is a help icon. Click on it and follow the instructions. I think they will make you search the FAQs first, but it isn't too bad.
  20. You were so good you caused the scorekeeping system to melt down? That is some awesome stuff
  21. If you are in the US or have low cost international calling I would recommend calling their support. I have heard that you may have to wait for 30 minutes or more (my personal experience is 5 minutes or less). I have gotten good results when calling on account issues, but I don't know if they would be able to help with something like this. The repair option mentioned above is definitely worth a try if you haven't done it. Good luck!
  22. I would still file a ticket just to be sure. That way you can get some reassurance and if it doesn't work when you get to the appropriate level you can refer to the original ticket.
  23. Actually it sounds more like you gave your credit card away to a random stranger at the airport. The analogy is not very good. It is more like you were caught in the 'family member is in trouble and needs money wired to them ASAP' scam. Then after falling for it blaming the police or Western Union for not returning the money. You have my sympathy and I think your GM should have gotten a better worded canned response, but personally I don't think they should help. It is up to you and your guildmates to decide whether to keep playing.
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