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Everything posted by Raijinvince

  1. Yep, made this comment in a random PvP thread once. It really needs to be nudged over that one spot, or detached completely from Valiance.
  2. http://www.torhead.com/ability/53FC2OL/egress
  3. I only played a Sage, and a healing one at that, so I can't really offer any tips. I will say that at time when Qyzen's gear falls below par he gets eaten up MUCH quicker. There really is a very noticeable difference between when I have him geared up and when I don't. So, likewise, it's possible that if you make sure Theran's gear is up-to-date, he may be better at healing you. Then again, maybe star mobs are just too much for pure dps specs. I really don't know.
  4. I don't think he's a sage/sorc due to the backstab comments.
  5. Every day you come in here with some new story where you are uncertain of or forget half of the details, but you're somehow always sure on one or two absurd claims that support your case. You know what, Sathid. You've threatened on numerous occasions to fraps some matches to "prove your point." Well, I'm calling you out to do just that. Stop making up stories where you don't remember half of what happened, and actually give us a video of it. Please.
  6. Weren't you saying 200k just last night? Are they losing 200k a day? AM I THE ONLY ONE LEFT PLAYING?!?!
  7. I think people think the shield is a problem because it grows more powerful since CC is a problem. Making both changes is unnecessary. Only a tele/balance sage would have enough CC to make it SEEM like he/she has the shield up all the time. However, the only problem is that they can keep you snared/rooted/CC'd long enough that their cooldown would finish. The fix to that would be, as suggested, move the knockback root further up the tree OR into deep healing. The reason the shield nerf would be a bad idea is because full healing sages don't have all of the CC tricks. My whirldwind has a cast time, on a one minute cooldown, can be resisted, heals you when you're in it, and doesn't stun you when it drops. My knockback doesn't have a root and is a measly 8 yards. My bubble doesn't do an AE blind when it breaks. My 4 second stun is the same across all specs. If my bubble's cooldown couldn't start until it popped, my survivability would plummet in both PvP, and my healing potential would drop in PvE as well. Tone down the CC of the tele/balance sages and you'll find you have more time on your target. More time on your target, and you'll realize the shield isn't as strong as you think it is.
  8. Mmm. I didn't last that long. I stopped when he claimed that all sorcs get TWO knockbacks, and one of them roots.
  9. Except for then you're killing the healing tree AND all specs in PvE because the dps spec in PvP is unmanageable. That doesn't seem logical to me. Why not pinpoint the specific hybrid specs that are too strong, find out WHY they're too strong, and nerf/reorganize the talents that make them so. Killing a baseline ability to hurt 1-2 hybrid pvp specs is certainly overkill.
  10. Regardless of their stance on that, I'm kinda disgusted at the wording/grammar of that response. Someone whose entire job involves written communication should be held to a higher standard.
  11. I'm not sure what this proves? Are you saying there are a lot of sorcs because they're all FotM rerolls. Or that everyone who played Beta picked Sorc? I think a lot of people play sorc/sage simply because it's the only true caster class. That was my reasoning for picking it. I can't be alone in that. 1 month in just seems early to be calling anyone at level 50 a FotM. Obviously there are people out there, but I can't imagine the number of people with TWO level 50's at this point is very high.
  12. I haven't seen any math in this thread...so...I'm not sure how that saying applies. I would be genuinely curious to see your videos, then it could be more than you just saying 2 sorcs beat 3 of you, and people could actually see for themselves if all of these claims are legit.
  13. Are we talking about Imp/Republic balance now? Because I'm a Sage, not a Sorc. I'm not sure how nerfing Sages is going to help balance, and they sure as hell won't only nerf Sorcs unless it's an incidental nerf due to some bug fix between the mirrors.
  14. I happen to think it's fair. But that's just opinion vs opinion. Regardless of where you stand on that it's not exclusive to Sorcs/Sages. Any class spec'd full healer will be able to withstand a single dps on them unless they are significantly outgeared/outleveled/outskilled etc. If you truly feel that 1 dps should be able to beat 1 healer, then that's a thought for a different thread. It is in no means exclusive to Sorcs/Sages. By the way, ops/scoundrel have a heal spec. They can easily survive 1 dps on them just like any other healer.
  15. Because he's clearly heal spec'd. If you were full heal spec it would take 2+ people to kill you, too. Promise. Notice how he said he's doing either running/healing or shielding/healing others. Nowhere does he say he's dpsing, so clearly he's a healer. Of course full heal spec sorc/sage's damage "drops off a cliff" too.
  16. Well Sorc and Sage are mirrored. So, one would assume every Sage has gone up against a Sorc and visa versa. You don't need to reroll to face your mirror class.
  17. Abuh? Everyone dies from fire and pits in seconds unless you're like guarded and spam healing yourself and the tank...and then only acid, not fire. What does death from fire and pits have to do with pvp class balance? O_o
  18. So move it up a tier in balance. I'd be fine with that. I honestly don't think you're getting killed by people that are some 29/12/0 spec just because they can knockback root you. You're getting killed by people 0/21/20 who would get it anyway. And I have advocated, in this thread and others, that the 0/21/20 (or similar) specs have 1-2 CC talents removed, or reloacted to the healing tree, or nerfed in some way. That or they just fix resolve. Include roots in it, and fix the bugs.
  19. It sounds like one dps spec and one heal spec. And it just seems insane to me that you think it's unfair that a healer + a dps beats a single dps. Why should ONE dps be able to beat a healer + dps combo?
  20. If you're deep enough in Healing to get the AoE heal, you do not have enough points to get the root on the AoE knockback. It's not baseline, you know. Lgt/Mad Sorcs need a removal of at least 1 CC. Perhaps the knockback root or the bubble burst blind or the instant cast whirlwind...something. But people are going to extremes and suggesting nerfs to things like removing the baseline stun or removing the shield. That will have PvE implications, and hurts specs (like deep Healing) that aren't currently OP. The CC is the real problem, and deep Heals don't have much of that.
  21. Bwahaha. I'm sure it's been said how impossible it would be to get 1 million healing by doing that, but this honestly made me laugh out loud. Awesome.
  22. But comparatively Tanks should easily be able to get 4 medals just from tossing guard on someone and taunting once in a while. Then most of them get a large chunk of the dps based medals on top of that getting 8 - 10 without doing anything too amazing. It seems weird to me that given the amount of effort required to heal vs the effort required to put guard on a target that there are an equivalent number of medals. Not to mention for a majority of the lower levels you'll never get a 5k heal, and you usually won't hit 300k healing.
  23. One stun that lasts 4 seconds. Even if they begin the cast asap, that's 1.5 gcd wait time and a 3 second cast. Meaning maybe if you don't break the stun AND don't have a range interrupt, they can get 1 heal off for...maybe 2500 - 3k...IF it crits. And in the quote of mine, I'm telling you the 20/21 Light/Madness builds do have too much CC. I propose moving at least one of them to deep healing. But the healing they have in dps spec is pathetic, and honestly NOT the problem you're having. Or heck, even get rid of one like the blind on shield break. I honestly believe that only a small tweak to the CC in the lightning/madness build is necessary to bring sorcs in line. I don't actually believe that there's any problem with deep healing builds. I consistently find other classes with competing healing totals at the end of a wz.
  24. Any heal spec'd class should, and does, require more than 1 person to take them down assuming all things equal (gear, skill, etc). He was saying healer, not a dps spec'd sorc. Also, why do you keep saying inquis/sorc? Do you mean sage/sorc? Here's his quote:
  25. This is absurd. If your one 3 second mediocre heal that's 100% susceptible to setback is really too strong, then EVERY spec with a healing tree is too strong. There's nothing unique or special about the healing of a sorc with 0 points in the healing tree. The only real problem with sorcs is the amount of CC/snares/etc available in a half Lightning half Madness build. The healing in that build is pathetic, and the damage is very much non-bursty and comparable with any other dps build.
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