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Everything posted by Raijinvince

  1. I'm willing to agree with what you've said except for in regards to Healing too much. With 0 points in the Healing tree your only serious heal is 3 seconds and is 100% susceptible to pushback. If that's honestly helping you in a fight (not talking about out of combat after a battle here which is pointless since everyone has a ooc recharge ability), then people are playing you very, very wrong. Healing Sorcs/Sages have very nice healing once they get the HoT and the channeled heal with the instant bubble combined with the Conveyance/Force Bending buff, but then they lose out on most of the damage/utility that comes from the other two trees. The Healing tree already has some pretty lackluster talents. Fadeout isn't that good in the first place, but on top of that requires you to get Dark Resilience (also pretty terrible use of points) first. And why? They aren't even related. One reduces the damage on your life tap ability, and one adds a speed boost to the bubble. It should be nudged over one spot, and require the bubble activation time talent as a prereq. It makes NO sense where it is. So, if you move 1 - 2 of the CC abilities from the other two trees deep into healing, then you wouldn't have sorcs with high CC and high damage (but low healing). You'd either have high healing - average CC - low damage or high damage - average CC - low healing. Replace Kintect Collapse with Egress, and move it over to above Preservation. Relatively small change, but might just be enough.
  2. Sorcs aren't the only class with an AE root...and Sorcs only have it if they go 12 points in Lightning. Most dps builds do that, but not all heal builds do. But I mean...I think the only thing to even contemplate would be the ability for balance/tk (madness/lightning) sorcs to have a lot of tools at their disposal. But these sorcs have virtually no ability to heal unless they're out of combat/not being targeted...but then so does everyone in that case. Again, maybe the number of abilities available to that one pvp build could be worth a look, but nerfing the bubble is not the right way to go. It impacts too many aspects that people aren't considering.
  3. In any serious battle a heal spec'd Sage/Sorc has the choice to either do bad damage, or heal people. Unless you're just trouncing the other team and have lots of time to lay down pathetic damage, you're not going to get very much done OR you're going to sacrifice the betterment of your team in order to do your terrible dps instead of healing. You can't heal and do dps at the same time. There is an opportunity cost.
  4. Backlash, Overload Root, and significant dps out of DoTs are all from talents, and I don't see how any of this has to do with a nerf to bubble which affects all Sorcs regardless of spec or if they do PvE or PvP. If someone made a logical argument for rearranging some talents in trees to make it harder to get the root or the blind or whatever, I'd take it a bit more seriously. Removing the shield is overkill, and is a bad route to take even if you think sorcs need a change in some way. Maybe because I'm full Seer spec is why I don't see my class as OP. I don't have a root on overload. I don't have a blind when my shield breaks. I can't chain spam Tele Throw (Force Lightning). It really seems like DPS sorcs is what people have the biggest issue with, so why are you suggesting a change to an ability that if removed would absolutely destroy the heal spec as a casualty of your war. If it's the CC/Damage you have a problem with, why is the Shield your crusade? I don't understand the logic.
  5. FFS people, it's been said at least 3 times in this thread alone that force lightning does not go through armor.
  6. Ah yes, the Scoundrel that agreed with you was representative of every Scoundrel - Sorc engagement. The Scoundrel that doesn't, clearly must be low level or poorly geared. No chance the Scoundrel that had problems earlier was low level or under geared. Certainly not! How convenient!
  7. I? What? I again am having a hard time understanding what you're saying. Are you saying you did 80% of your damage on the initial attack. What does that even mean? How do you know what % your first attack will be until the fight's over. The initial attack becomes an increasingly smaller percent the longer the fight drags on. You're just...making up numbers for some reason that don't even make sense. Can you please start to make sense?
  8. Can you spend the extra 10 seconds to proof read your sentences. I honestly don't know what you're saying here. Not being mean...just hard to have a civil conversation with someone when what they say is illegible.
  9. Okay guy. One person's testimonial on a thread online is not even remotely close to proof. Who is this guy? We don't know? Maybe he's level 12. Maybe he fought one really good sorc, got owned, and came here with a story. Just because you found one person to agree with you in this sea of people proving you wrong, does not prove anything. Secondly, even if we assume that's true, maybe that sorc was full healer spec. If that's the case, then do you REALLY believe they should lose a 1v1 battle. What good would any healer be if they can't outheal a single dps. There'd be no point in ever healing, because the heals would be so pathetic that it wouldn't make a difference in the battle. For the record, I never top damage. I'm usually at the bottom. And kills are shared by anyone alive and in the area. You don't need to do damage, so it doesn't really prove anything. Anyone could get tons of kills without being good at all if they just stay out of the way.
  10. Personal attacks don't make your points sound stronger. People have cited very clear, thought out, factual arguments against your claim that the bubble should be removed (or have a giant cd tagged on it). You're free to disagree, but that doesn't make the people that don't agree with you ignorant. Try to keep it civil.
  11. What do you want people to say? It's not true. I don't see that at all, and frankly think that you're simply only remembering what you want to because it supports your argument. But all you'll say to that is something along the lines of how you're telling the truth, and you see sorcs at the top all the time. So what's the point in debating that? That gets us nowhere because it's an unquantifiable personal experience that we're trying to measure against each other. It's useless. We can't debate it because there's no facts. Even if you go do three WZs in a row with a sorc at top of damage, I could go do 5 WZs in a row with a merc at top. Plus, it's dependent on so many things. What if in your wz pics a sorc that topped damage had a pocket tank shielding them the whole time. What if mine, the merc had a pocket healer? I mean, we'd need literally hundreds of screen shots to even start to build a trend. A handful shows absolutely nothing.
  12. I like how you're speaking out about people complaining on the forums here, but you're the one who made the, "Which lulzy class should I roll," where you use unveiled sarcasm to bash multiple classes.
  13. It didn't always use to be this way...
  14. Hey screw you man. That guy doesn't know what he's talking about, but lay off the Republic hate!
  15. Nobody can heal 3v1 unless they're being guarded...and then it's not 3v1. This is just a flat out lie. You think you saw something, but didn't notice that someone else was healing them, or guarding them, or whatever. It just cannot be done. Any healer should be able to outheal 1 dps. If a healer can't outheal 1 dps then there would be no reason to heal.
  16. You know all the classes are mirrored right?
  17. So....Sorcs are OP because they can beat you 3 on 1? Gotcha. You should roll one. Do enjoy.
  18. Look. I'm sorry you feel scorned, but Sorcs/Sages aren't the reason that your class got nerfed. I personally don't feel like you should have gotten nerfed. Just because you're angsty about your nerfs doesn't mean you need to try to drag others down with you. Here's a good test for you. Level up a sorc/sage and try surviving without using your bubble. Don't put it on your bar. See how well that goes.
  19. Did you play WoW? Just because they have heals doesn't mean every spec can heal well. Just because they have dps abilities doesn't mean that every spec can dps well. It's like asking that ret palading to heal your raid. Without being heal spec, sorcs only get TWO heals. And the only one that heals for any sort of significant amount (which still isn't much) takes 2.5 seconds to cast. If you let a sorc get a 2.5 second heal off, then you're just not playing them correctly. That's all there is to it. Likewise, full heal spec does terrible damage. I'm full heal spec and can't even kill anyone 1v1. I have to spend all my time healing myself, unless they're absolutely terrible.
  20. Jesus. Sorc attacks do not bypass armor. How long will it take for people to stop propagating this falacy. Sorc damage is Energy. Energy does NOT go through armor. Read the tooltip. And invis? Are you serious? PLEASE know what you're talking about before spewing your rage over the forums.
  21. 20 seconds in PvP is an eternity. And, I have no idea what you mean by damage bleeding over?
  22. I'm in the 1-49 bracket and I get crit for over 3k pretty consistently by one attack. So I don't see how a bubble that you can only apply once every 20 seconds, and doesn't even absorb a full crit from one attack is overpowered? I wouldn't call it under powered either, seems about right to me.
  23. I'd be fine with separating premades, but I REALLY don't want cross-realm queuing. It's actually been a lot of fun getting to know people on my server that play at the same awkward early morning time as I do.
  24. How come I never see anyone complain about disc priest shields, but people are being wacky about this one bubble?
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