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Everything posted by translucentwolf

  1. Again with the 'force me to pvp, boo hoo, woe is me'. I guess, if you *want* to have the companion, you'll have to earn the companions respect via some PvP. Seems like you're putting effort into something to achieve a goal. PvP requirement is working as intended. For the rest of folks, who just *have* to have shiny gold augs.... You too must grind, to get the things you want, but do not need.
  2. You transferred to buy. You're gaming the GTN. Bioware doesn't need to provide you with an easy way to buy across multiple servers. Cost should be increased, as 1000 cc may not be enough of a deterrent to rampant GTN manipulation
  3. Read back through other posts. People don't do this 'just for themselves'. Read the post from the guy who admitted buying cheaply one one server, and selling on another. Look on star forge right now. You've got people buying republic and imperial guards from a fleet vendor for 200, and reselling for 4000. 'Playing the gtn' is a term that gets passed around. Don't get mad that you and a few others admitted to being shady on the forum. Be shady. And try not to get your nose bent out of shape if you get caught out by your own words.
  4. Does anyone who exploits really see themselves as the bad guy?
  5. This sort of behavior leads to problems with the economy. That's why I care. I'm not insulting him. I'm saying I don't like his attitude regarding GTN manipulation. And I don't care if *anyone* here agrees with me or not.
  6. I have a problem with Tuxs and any other player who is up front about how they manipulate the game to the detriment of other players. He stated, clearly, that he wants to play the GTN, cross server. That's wrong. Sorry. You say it isn't, I say it is. You've got your opinion, and I've got mine. Note prior posts, where it's explained how cheap server transfers can be used to easily 'wintrade' on servers with a less adept pvp population. There are reasons why server transfers are *not* encouraged. It doesn't really matter *why* you want it to be cheap. Easy transfers are not good for server heath, of they'd still be here. Get a new way to make credits. Make fresh toons on the servers to play with your friends. Or don't. Come here and post about how cc costs should be this or that. By all means, boycott the game till you get what you want. I wouldn't hold my breath while doing so though.
  7. In any case, EA/Bioware don't need to go out of their way to provide him a cheap / easy way to game the GTN. Cross-server ques, account wide legacy, and *no* character transfers at any price. How would that be?
  8. Swapping servers to game the GTN is one of the several reasons the economy is a wreck. It's an exploit, pure and simple. Moving to play with friends is admirable, I suppose. Perhaps you could you know, roll up a new toon on that other server, and level it up. 2x xp / cxp periods happen all the time. Easy enough to level up on the new server 'with your friends'. And 'backing up my legacy' is.... not a feature.
  9. You don't need to move characters to PvP. Roll up a new toon over there, and have at it. You don't need to jack up the prices on one server GTN by moving things around. Buy what you want, on the server you're on. You don't need to backup your legacy. Your legacy is 'backed up' on the server you're on. But you want to do all these things. You're the kind who'll use an exploit Tux. The 1000cc cost is to make sure you pay for it.
  10. Pretty sure fewer, more highly populated instances was the entire point of merging servers. A few people prefer to play solo. I get that. I saw threads immediately after the merge saying 'I'm not the only person on fleet anymore. Dev's, please fix'. But, there are also a bunch of threads out there, before the merge, saying 'we don't have enough people on the server to do content'. If the devs can't please *everyone* they will try to please the largest portion of the population. I wonder which would win in a poll, for this particular MMO? "Do you prefer to play alone" or "Do you prefer to play in a group".
  11. Rata, before opening your mouth, open a dictionary, maybe? Or just wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_game Once more, with feeling. Deal with the game that is. Not what you wish it were.
  12. You have a right to solo. I suggest a copy of KOTOR II. It's pretty good. You'll love it. Every single npc will be waiting for you, and only you. MMO means Massively Multiplayer. Deal. Or leave.
  13. It was a random chance to get a code. Kinda like a lottery ticket. But you didn't pay a dime to get it. If you won, cool. If you didn't.... stop crying about it, please. It just makes you look petty, greedy, entitled, etc.
  14. I think it's the sneaky underhanded slimy hiding of the link by calling it 'this or that' or 'things and stuff', or 'such and so' that's the violation. And if ti's not technically a violation, it's still kinda pathetic.
  15. If your monitor has automatic scaling, that'd do it. Check that you don't have automatic scaling enabled ( buried in the menus on my Dell monitor ). You could also go into the game settings and choose a different resolution and see if that fixes things.
  16. And yet, here you are. Deal or leave.
  17. 600. Million. For a title. [ bleep ] that [ bleep ] If you've earned 600M in game, you've hopefully played enough to do a NiM Op without having your hand held. Then again... maybe you're laundering?
  18. Grats Found a screenshot on Dulfy. The helmet has a kind of 'black panther' helmet look to it. Kinda cool. Once you get it dyed, share a sheetshot.
  19. You don't 'soar' financially by paying more than you need to for promotional items.
  20. New players is.... new players. And that's usually the basic goal of everyone on the business end of an MMO. Existing players are already getting a *ton* of freebies this year. See the anniversary vendor.
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