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Everything posted by Dasri

  1. You could ask for something from the Security vendor. You can only have access to that if you have a key. I suppose they could authenticate, buy something, then remove it, but you have to trust your guildmates a little.
  2. Another thing I haven't seen mentioned (I haven't read all the posts yet) is that if you do not put an authenticator on your account and you are hacked, they can place one there quite easily. It's a whole new ball of problems if you not only have to restore your account but prove that you are really you to get the spurious authenticator removed. Trust me, I know. Heh.
  3. I don't understand why the "crafting alts" can't be actual characters.
  4. I'm ambivalent about slicing, but I'd question making statements like yours and presenting them as fact. Could they have caved to all the whining? Yeah. Could it also have been that people play a release client a great deal differently than beta? That they got numbers back that were not in line with their overall goals? These are possible as well. I know of no person that created an army of alts just to run slicing missions in the beta, but I know of a few that have in release. Money was worthless when the delete button was hovering overhead at all times. Could be that it has nothing to do with the money at all, and they just want to encourage people to take up the other crafts. If they see that a high percentage of people are taking slicing over anything else then it's also in the interests of the game to change it. I suppose my point is that we don't know why, and a week after launch means they have live server information to base the decisions on. They didn't have that before launch.
  5. I had assumed that they just gave you the ability to gather instead of your companion so that you could still pick up nodes while they were off on a mission.
  6. It's worth it for the account protection alone. The in game vendor is just a carrot to get people to sign up for it.
  7. So you want to be able to interact with everyone just so you can do jerkish things to them? Okay...
  8. It's there for a reason. I'd suggest that if you are dying that much that the timer is a huge issue that you take the option to rez in the medical bay and find something less dangerous to fight or bring a friend.
  9. It would either be unbalanced or they would balance everything around every class using them in which case it would end up exactly where we are now without them. Except you now have another thing to buy and keep in your inventory.
  10. Are you sure? I just looked and was able to find my armor that I had posted in the search.
  11. I'd say they either make it so I stop getting recipes that are nearly worthless to me or make discovering them a lot more common. I think I've gotten just one schematic that I can actually make and use and 5-6 that are for republic classes.
  12. They might be decoration? Not everything that looks like a crystal is a resource node. I'm not sure.
  13. There is the GTN. I'm not really sure what you are asking about, honestly. http://www.swtor.com/gamemanual/exploring-galaxy/galactic-trade-network
  14. I agree. I never bother with reporting a name unless it is obvious report-bait (Racial slurs and the like). I'll happily oblige them in that case.
  15. I'm not sure my social life could handle being able to do companion missions and crafting from my phone.
  16. I know you can occasionally crit a crafting and make an exceptional version of green quality items and such, but is it possible for an orange? I've not been able to find anything about it.
  17. I'd imagine that it is just a unilateral decision to not allow any disease names. I agree that anemia isn't so bad as a name, but it probably got caught under a broader rule created for the people that think lololoaids is the pinnacle of humor.
  18. Burned into my memory these past 30 years... Load *.*,8,1
  19. We are way more chill than this guy: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/15/light-saber-assault-oregon_n_1151687.html?ref=crime&ir=Crime&icid=maing-grid7|aim|dl1|sec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D120543
  20. I don't know either, but it otter be something cool!
  21. "Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. It was I who allowed the Decemberists to know the location of the E-mail generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best IT admins awaits them." ―Stephen Reid to Rory Williams, The Man Who Waited.
  22. I've got coffee, an English muffin and a strong urge to use the word faff somehow.
  23. *yawns and walks in with a large pot of coffee* Morning crew! Coffee anyone?
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