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Everything posted by Motav

  1. As an Assassin I do rarely get snared while Shrouding. I must point out however the obviousness of someone using Undying Rage versus Force Shroud. Personally Shroud is only super amaxing in Huttball, anywhere else I'd take Undying Rage. Simply due to the substantial difference in CC usage. In all reality it's situational and seeing my mega crit doing 33 damage sucks as much as everyone else's resisted grapples as I go to score.
  2. People rage often without knowing what they're talking about. They also usually start it. Just ignore em, no logic will ever make them see the light of day. They'd rather debate with you on the exact hue of the sky rather then continue playing.
  3. This except the only pubes on my server tend to queue at the same time as another premade. Still 60/40 solo 90/100 with guildmates.
  4. PLUS it's a hard jump and very easy to mess up!
  5. There is a minimum of 10 ranks of valor to get to Battlemaster because valor caps to your level. That's 10 ranks of pvp without BM gear. With the new changes you can have a full set of decent gear for straight up money. That isn't fair to the rest of us who did it the right way. If you think pugs are bad now, wait until anyone can enter a WZ with the new lolgear without any skill.
  6. The speed boost is there so after I force jump across I can use it to quickly plant a bomb before any respawns stop me.
  7. The Pubes still seem to manage however and use it to their advantage. It probably won't be changed because it has it's own ups and downs. I wish my shock hit at the same moment my discharge did creating the allure of more damage at once. But they wish project did damage right away as well.
  8. I've never had a problem unless they were healers and even then... they just last longer.
  9. You should try doing more damage. The last thing the pube healers want on my server is back to back 4k crits from me and the other 1 to 2 people ALSO hitting them for that much. While being stunned.
  10. I'm talking about valor and gear. Long ago when I was a wee little Assassin I decided that my role in life wasn't killing some monster or giant robot, it was sending other players straight back to Hell with all the other demons from whence they came. Pvp was so mindlessly fun and I figured I was really good at it. I hit level 50 and the difference was severe. I had gotten 6 bags to open right away but I was amazed at the crippling disadvantage I had. But through this I learned tricks to make myself useful while I grinded gear. I stunned people, I spammed Taunt and Mass Mind Control at every major battle, I knocked potential ball catchers down, I Mind Trapped healers, I ninja'd capture points, I did everything I could to help and I learned so much. It didn't take long to get a decent set of gear going and I relish that time because it made me have to work with my teammates in other ways that didn't involve random slaughter. Now new players are going to simply buy gear and turn level 50 pvp into the slow burn of low level pvp. I know all the necessary strategy to win and I either learned it by watching others do it or by figuring out my own tricks by myself. You might be thinking to yourself, "Motav why build the Great Wall of China to tell a story we don't give 2 ***** about?" I write this because I solo queue'd all the way to Battlemaster. I was unguilded the entire time and lost a lot of matches. But it can be done, and it's doable with not even 2 hours of your time a day. In less than a month anyone can be a Battlemaster with full on good purples. It's not hard, and if you can't handle that then we can't afford to have someone with your bad mentality in our pvp. Pvp needs a lot of things, but it really needs good players. I fear that if Bioware goes through with these changes that the new pvpers we get will just be dps practicing dummies for the rest of us. But maybe it's just me.
  11. Your friendly neighborhood Assassins will happily cap turrets when this happens. I already do this in fact.
  12. Not everyone in the Star Wars universe is Force Sensitive. I like the choice of NOT being that as well. It adds needed diversity, something NEEDED in an MMO.
  13. Those are the best games, even if you lose!
  14. Most of these will require using Heroic Moment which requires a companion. Also if your group doesn't have one of every class to buff already, then no one deserves that buff.
  15. Something no one seems to get is that the margin of failure is high for jumping the gap. You have to jump at the VERY last moment and sometimes that doesn't help. If it was a bug that movement speed increase power-up would not be there on the other side. It is meant for you to quickly get to the door after you make it. Someone planting the bomb is however easily averted, just kill yourself. (lol) No really just jump off and die or pick a fight you can't win and become the door guard until your other defending team mates come help you. As someone who seems to be the only gap jumper on my server I can tell you that the easiest way to stop me from doing it is tom have someone there already to stop me. It's roughly 15 seconds from the jump itself to having the bomb armed. Just sit up there and watch the doors and if you see me just smack me upside the head.
  16. Working as intended. That's the main reason the acid is there in the first place.
  17. How about you lazy bastards SUPPORT your force using ball carriers instead of trying to do it yourselves when your class is not suited for the job? I don't care if you're the best sniper on the server, you are NOT supposed to carry the ball. You should be killing the people snaring/stunning/attacking me so we can score and therefore WIN. I can force shroud and walk over the first fire, and sprint over the top corner past the second fire, anyone with a brain can grapple me back or knock me off or just plain kill me. Do your job so I can do mine, if you wanna be a ball carrier then re-roll and let a harder working person take your job.
  18. With how very bad rng bsttlemaster comms are I would suggest highly against skipping champion gear.
  19. I imagine the other players in their underwear. Then I'm too distracted to be that bothered.
  20. It happens to everyone and you either join up or man up and take your lumps. I've never been in a guild, invited to a premade or ANYTHING. I've gone straight up solo all the way and ya know what? I'm almost rank 60 and manage roughly a 50% win ratio every day I end up playing. I go in, do my best, and actually try to WIN the warzone and not just derp around for kills. I make a difference whether I'm forced to suck my thumb and defend all game or I'm spending the whole game knocking down pass targets. Every player makes a difference!
  21. They are already slowed and pointed out with a giant god damn beam on top of them. They ALSO can't stealth. They are already inhibited enough by having 8 people all targeting them while moving at a casual pace, knock down the waiting sorcs and don't stand in places they would want to jump to and they will have to walk the entire way. Huttball is working as intended.
  22. Yes as an Assassin now that Mass Mind Control tooltip for using it in stealth will be there so now EVERYONE will know they can do it in stealth. I mean GOD that was my only secret weapon and now everyone knows about it, the legs got spread on that one and I am not happy. I'll just have to manage that horrific and crippling blow to my class and man up and SOMEHOW move past it.
  23. Motav

    Battlemaster Bag

    For some stupid reason this was triple posted at weird intervals while I was at work, I am sorry.
  24. Motav

    Battlemaster Bag

    For some stupid reason this was triple posted at weird intervals while I was at work, I am sorry.
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