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Everything posted by Motav

  1. Even if queues were solo ONLY people would chill in voice and queue all at once. It's not our fault you don't have friends! God forbid we all know how to play and we play together! I play with people I met on this game, why can't you?
  2. Unfortunately as a Merc your job is either dps or healing as much as possible. Other classes are more suited to completing most objectives. It reeks but often enough you'll have to depend on others. I suggest getting a good Assassin/Warrior friend ASAP. You kill or heal and support him as he does what your class ain't so good at.
  3. Motav

    Where's my set bonus?

    Yeah I never swapped out my mods and my set wasn't complete until 1.2 (friggin BM bags) So maybe it's JUST ME but I'm thinking Bioware should give me back my little over a million credits. (400k augs, 200k in mats since I made the pieces myself, and 600k to transfer every mod/enhancement/armoring bit)
  4. I spent over a million credits mod swapping, getting augments, and crit crafting the entire War Hero Stalker set. I put every BM armoring/enhancement/mod into them. So where's my extra charge of Recklessness and my increased Force Slow range?
  5. Why should PVE have it's own endgame content? The same reason PVP has it's own endgame content. Because they're both equally important in a modern day MMO. We don't want cosmetic gear, we want our OWN gear. PVP is challenging for completely different reasons than PVE and therefore they should not be interchangeable.
  6. Why even have the different gear sets if they're both usable for the same thing? They shouldn't be usable for the same damn thing and they should be gotten separately! A guy in Tionese Gear is about as effective as putting lead in your balloon, hoping it floats. He has to do dailies and grind Flashpoints to move onto Operations and PVP players have to grind out valor to be ready for ranked warzones. It's called gear progression! I should not be main tank nightmare mode ready just because I did lots of pvp! The lack of experience with that aspect of the game would just NOT be there! It's the whole POINT of gear progression! You get better at PVE/PVP, and so does your gear. They both go up together and in the end you WIN.
  7. That person in recruit gear should've saved comms before hitting 50 and had a few BM pieces before his first 50 match. Before 1.2 I got my 6 champ bags all set before I hit 50 and jumped right into the game and did just fine. Oh sure I took more damage then everyone else but I still had fun and still contributed to the team. And that effort rewarded me with nicer gear. PVP shouldn't hand out free gear unless they hand out free PVE gear as well. Unless you can get a full epic rakata set without ever setting foot into a flashpoint or operation of course... No? You can't? Then how the hell does it make sense to hand out pvp gear to new players before they've ever played a match? ****s sake they made Recruit Gear that you can buy and STILL people complain. It's a lesser piece of COURSE it isn't as good! You don't expect people in full Tionese crap to farm Lost Island do you??? Copied and pasted from a different thread to save my fingers.
  8. That person in recruit gear should've saved comms before hitting 50 and had a few BM pieces before his first 50 match. Before 1.2 I got my 6 champ bags all set before I hit 50 and jumped right into the game and did just fine. Oh sure I took more damage then everyone else but I still had fun and still contributed to the team. And that effort rewarded me with nicer gear. PVP shouldn't hand out free gear unless they hand out free PVE gear as well. Unless you can get a full epic rakata set without ever setting foot into a flashpoint or operation of course... No? You can't? Then how the hell does it make sense to hand out pvp gear to new players before they've ever played a match? ****s sake they made Recruit Gear that you can buy and STILL people complain. It's a lesser piece of COURSE it isn't as good! You don't expect people in full Tionese crap to farm Lost Island do you???
  9. Any skilled player can stop an idiot, even if that idiot has SOMEHOW gotten full War Hero. That idiot picks fights in the road. That idiot abandons a turret or door to chase someone who's knowingly bait. That idiot refuses to pass the ball before he dies. That idiot keyboard turns and backpedals. The reason people hate premades is because it's a group full of skilled players and everyone else is just THAT idiot and they can't mentally handle it. That group roflstomps them in less than 10 minutes per game, whether you have gear or not. The difference in gear is so that you can't be a pvp god and go right to nightmare mode raiding and so pve gods can't go right to ranked warzones.
  10. You either buy the Recruit gear or that couple matches a night turns into a full BM set. People talk like you need full-on War Hero already to PVP. There's no Valor requirement and no rng daily bag determining whether or not you get an item or not. Play a few matches, buy a piece go to bed. Next day rinse and repeat. Just an HOUR a night can get you nice PVP gear.
  11. Full BM doesn't even require 60 Valor anymore and people STILL complain about the grinding. Then they try to talk big when PVE is just fighting an NPC who does the SAME thing every fight, at the same times as always, to the same person, in the same way, it NEVER changes! WHERE'S THE SKILL?
  12. The queue system almost knows to put ya on the bad team. You're not alone on your alts lol.
  13. PVE is for kids who can't handle PVP. PVP for your PVP gear and PVE for your PVE gear. Simple. Without Expertise there's no point in having pvp because then it's just PVE. There'd be no defense against people stacked with a primary attacking stat and no way to attack someone stacked with a primary defensive stat. Heck I'm tempted to say healers would die even easier.
  14. The Gunslingers on my server crap all over people, I KNOW they'll be in ranked!
  15. The One Republic group on my server is often on and playing, and they'll stomp you if you can't get your act together. But mostly it is Imp on Imp.
  16. That's the reason I rolled an Assassin on a pvp server.
  17. Never happens to me. Maybe it's because I have a decent amount of expertise. I warzone and 1v1 people to try to get it to happen and it never does. How ODD.
  18. I just asked for hugs, got one, then killed the person who gave me one. Then I got a guild invite.
  19. Motav

    Trophy Stealing

    He did his job which is to kill the enemy!
  20. My little friend subtly warns you I'm there stealthed and to not even try to take what I'm defending.
  21. A good augment on my server is 300k IF it's even on the GTN atm. A weapon can run ya 125k. So don't feel so bad, heck you don't even have 5 pieces of regular gear to do it to!
  22. Motav

    Rocks rocks...

    Aside from buying the recruit gear if your jolt is not on cooldown why not just interrupt it? Or use electrocute and stun them? You could also yank them to you. You could line of sight the caster. You could pop force shroud and lol at their failure. You could sprint up and low slash. There's more but really I think I got it covered.
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