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Everything posted by Motav

  1. Motav

    Battlemaster Bag

    Im rank 57 now and i havent gotten one free champ token and i know im not always very lucky. That system would make it seemed like I earned my gear without pissing me off. I really hope im not unluckylike others because that system is so very flawed.
  2. Motav

    Novare Coast

    I really hope that isn't it. I'd rather have 2 rounds of blowing up said gun turrets and least injured bunker wins.
  3. The ranged can have inflated numbers all they want, but when my team wins because I only killed the ranged and accomplished the objectives then numbers won't matter. 1v1 me against a ranged, they're down to 25% or less by the time they can even move. Most of the time they're injured when I start combat from ranged on ranged fighting. We either jump across the map or ambush them from stealth and crap all over them. Sorcs are not overpowered and ranged isn't unfair, you just do NOT know how to properly play your class in pvp.
  4. Plus you leave and get put back in the same match anyways!
  5. Motav

    2 vs 8 ?????

    I would never betray the Empire and help the Pubes win!
  6. It's not exploiting your workforce if youre banging all of them, Khem Val included.
  7. Cloak is a vanish spell and u cant touch the ball at all when stealthed. Force SHROUD on the other hand...
  8. Im rank 55 and not only do I love this idea, but I feel QUITE retarded for not thinking of it myself!
  9. Motav

    state of pvp

    I'm an assassin and I know how to LOS, gap close with stealth, and crap all over range who scramble to get away from my lightsaber. The only people I don't like fighting are the warriors, and even then I just have to stop maul spamming and get crafty to win. You don't even know how easy you have it as this class.
  10. It's ALWAYS the door to the right (from attacker point of view) that I get to ninja. No one EVER protects it in the first 30 seconds. As if everyone doesn't want to die first so they herd like cattle all on one side. Then as they derp on the bridge I jump the gap and get the right door, no one ever dies on purpose to prevent it. This same type of behavior is seen by lonely guards in the middle on Alderaan and on bored guys chilling in your endzone in Huttball. Players are too complacent and I wouldn't complain if they weren't on my team as well.
  11. I absolutely love being an assassin, enemy sorcs/sages fall to my blade and mercs/commandos are unimportant unless they're healing. (BOOOOOOOOOOORING le yawn)
  12. I assume that means the extra accuracy damage bonus really ain't worth it huh? I AM slightly over 100% on it (just from the stalker set, I have not messed with anything yet) and figured that was a good thing. Does anyone EVER miss anything in pvp if you don't have enough or is that PURELY a pve stat?
  13. I just figure after a while reading the skill trees and attacks and my own experimentation can only take me so far, some things I can't figure out on my own.
  14. I'm a sith assassin on Terentatek. (did I spell that right lol?) I'm about valor rank 50 and am quickly replacing all of my centurion gear. I think I do fairly well in WZs, ninja capping points, scoring balls, but even though I can do a pretty good amount of damage (people die when I start hitting them decently fast) but I think I could be doing better! I can hit a person for over 3k at most but I'm seeing myself take much larger hits from enemies as well. Is it just their gear or do they have an edge I don't? Should I be getting as much power as I can or should I be happier to get crit/surge? How do other (and I assume more skilled assassins) actually start a fight? Is Spike basically mandatory as my opener or is it mathematically more efficient just to Maul and get my proc on the first global CD? Should I save all my CDs to finish someone off before they can save themselves or open with them before they can get away? Any advice would be appreciated, I'd love to do better than I already am BEFORE I have BM gear as a crutch! Love, Motav *Sexy Grammar Edit*
  15. Motav

    Nerf healing today

    As much as I hate 1v1ing someone only for them to suddenly start kicking my teeth back in my mouth, healers got it hard. Wow healers needed to be limited like swtor healers are. I sorta always feel bad picking on the healers because they don't have much to defend themselves with aside from healing themselves. It might actually be more fair if they could somehow take jolt off my mouse button.
  16. Motav

    Stop it. Please

    It doesn't fall apart because you still can't prove they designed the Imperial Fleet first. In order for your argument to have any weight you need to have some factual evidence. Hell maybe ugly brown was their favorite color? And it's all over their favorite faction's fleet. The Imps got stuck with whatever else the light spectrum could vomit out.
  17. In all honesty Socialism is something forced on you. If you don't want to share someone comes to your house with a gun and takes it from you. In magical video game land, I just go play more TF2. No one is forcing you to play.
  18. Motav

    Stop it. Please

    In all reality, who in their right mind wants to be a Pube anyways?
  19. Motav

    Stop it. Please

    Or did they just mildly change the Republic Fleet to Empire stuff?
  20. Motav

    Stop it. Please

    How do we know they didn't design the Republic Fleet first and just recolor the Empire stuff gray/black and red???
  21. Because there's mad amounts of skill lapping around Ilum by yourself for 2 hours picking up armament boxes. Oh man what a horrible change, not having to go to an abandoned crap hole planet everyday and WASTE that time of my life for a purple bag. The other changes are pretty ****** though.
  22. So the server I joined is cool and all but my brother told me to join it because: "We're all playing on it" and in the time it took me to hit like 25 I noticed my guild was abandoned, friends list inactive, and contacting anyone else only brought up weird excuses for not getting on. My problem is that my work friends are ACTUALLY on all the time and even though my main character is only level 39 I would really prefer not to have to start over again. While I don't mind the storyline I don't want all my effort well... wasted. So are realm transfers even kinda sorta planned? I wouldn't mind paying a fee or anything I'd just prefer to have the option to go to one where the friends who invited me to it are actually PLAYING as opposed to not being around.
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