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Posts posted by AlexDougherty

  1. There are way too many similar abilities for each character.


    Can we cut down on the ability spam?




    Not an issue, choose abilities you need on your hot bar, put up two more quickbars, put abilities that are useful but not used all the time on these (like your buff, vehicle, and stun droids).


    No class has too many abilities (I have played them all except shadow/assassin) you just need to learn how to manage them, even the sage doesn't have too many.

  2. It's not a free market,. It would need competition in suppliers to be a "free market". EA is the sole source of the goods and they set every variable in those goods. Cost, availability, and supply. The vast majority of things that people want on the GTN are originally paid for with real cash. The old rules of MMO economies do not apply to TOR. The CM commodities are only limited by the willingness of people to buy them from the CM, not any ingame mechanism. You'll never see the prices drop out like you do on other MMO's when those items become commonplace.


    Game derived goods (drops) and crafted items will, like in every MMO, eventually become nearly worthless.


    Interesting point, yes it does lack strong competition, but I would disagree about the dropped and crafted items being worthless.


    Several plain Jedi robes drop in game (moddable too) and these sell well, armour inserts, mods, and enhancements still sell, as do augments (I augment my characters pre level 50 as it give me a slight edge over tough bosses, allowing me to defeat them quicker). But of course crafter blasters and vibroswords are virtually worthless. Artifice still crafts several good Lightsabers though, and these still sell.


    On the whole, it's a mixed bag, numerous goods have become worthless, but there are still good ones out there. My Operative is still wearing a purple moddable jacket from Nar Shaddaa, the cartel market has nothing nearly as appropriate looking, and if I came across a second one I would charge a high amount for it (seriously it is perfect for an agents look).

  3. you have to scroll down to see other posts anyway, and ive yet too see bioware comment on what is an appropriate size for a signature, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean its spam.


    It's a form of harrassment, and I have reported you for it.

    You clearly know exactly why it's harrassment, since you've said there is nothing specifically banning it.

  4. People are mixing things up it would seem. :rolleyes:


    Last I checked, I'm not referring to a period such as the one where the Senate ceased to exist or Republic space itself was invaded by an outside force but rather a complete shutdown of the government itself, at a military, financial and political level, regardless of ideology or socio-political leanings.


    They're not one and the same.


    Um,Disarray means in chaos, those things DarthDrymond described would fit the term. The complete shutdown of government rarely happens for other reasons, and when it does a stronger term than Disarray usually applies.


    A government can't be in disarray if it is shut down, you have to be active to be in chaos, and it better fits a government reacting badly to shocking events.


    (Disarray literally means out of order (in the wrong order to be precise))

  5. I personally don't understand why they can't provide a perma-disable PvP open world option that makes it so we cannot attack or heal other players who are PvP flagged period. I would set that and never take it off if they added it.


    This would probably sort it, make it an option in preferences to deactivate Open world PVP, that way people can always turn it on if they change their mind.

  6. Why don't you make a patch that lets the player use cheat codes?


    Because they are cheat codes.

    You want the benefits level up, you want the game to do something it shouldn't, well you can't, tough.

  7. Nope, if it were 24 hours. people would be complaining that it should be 18. If it were 18, people would be complaining that it should be 14, etc,. etc. etc.


    The impatience of people is astounding.




    True, but I would be happier, and it would essentially half the wait (because it is really two days, because very few people play for 12 hours)

  8. 1. You would have to choose, it's a security feature, so no exploitable weakness.

    2. There used to be some crystals, not sure now.

    3. Probably not, it came with some rare armour, and the vendors had some rare items, and the Vendors have been updated, but nowhere near enough to get the collectors edition (unless you see it going really cheap)

  9. Basically, only one side got to see what actually happened, as in the case of Balmorra for the Republic and Taris for the Empire. To the other side, it seemed that their faction wholly succeeded. That is until they give the "victorious" faction a try. That just seems poorly done. Everything that the "losing" faction did was pointless, simply because the "victorious" faction got to go to the planet later.


    Um, this is war, everything the losing side does is ultimately pointless, and one side has to win, this doesn't make what you did pointless, because what you were doing was supporting your faction, and that's all anyone can do.


    Plus we know ultimately the Empire has to lose, because 3600 years later the Republic is in the films, and if the Empire had won there would be no Republic. So we all knew what was going to happen eventually, does that make half the game pointless?

  10. Both are also incorrect, and something TOR came up with itself, unless Disney axes that part of the EU - Near Humans and Humans have been able to have kids in tier 2 (Lucas Approved fiction) EU sources, and half-twi'leks have also shown up more recently.


    Then again, in the EU Chiss weren't found until the galactic empire era, Killiks fled Alderaan 20k years before TOR takes place, etc etc. TOR takes liberties with the lore.


    You might be right about Doc and the Mirilian Knight, but the Sith-Pureblood Warrior and Vette are both Near-Humans so the Genetic mismatch is more severe, thus presumably disallowing offspring (unless the warrior discovers how to do Sith Alchemy).

  11. Lol that's not a reportable offense. Open world PvPers are not malicious/trying to ruin your life carebear, it's just fun.


    The guy is hanging around to kill him when he respawns, read the OP.


    That is harrassment, also the guy was hanging around hoping for him to use an area attack (derived from context), this is using an exploit as well as harrassment, both are reportable.


    When it is a genuine mistake it's understandable, but it happens far too much, and most open world PVPers who do this are just being jerks. Yes it has happened to me, and the open world PVPer moved on, note that moved on, he didn't stick around and pick on me.

  12. I don't think this one makes any sense.

    First, if the comms are for buying gear for an alt then what's the problem with making them accessible on said alt? No clue what these shortages are that you're talking about, but people are already moving the modifications via BoL items and mailing them which is just a round about way of accomplishing what I suggested.


    The point I was making, and which you have missed, was that each character never has enough coms, if you can share, then the alt you are transfering from has even fewer. Which means he has borrow from another alt to gear up, which leaves another alt with still fewer comms. And so on and so on, until you get an alt who has no comms and no gear.

  13. Social System:


    1. Players should be able to see friends/guild members from the map. What I mean by this is implement a specific color of dot for friends/guild members. So for friends they might appear as blue dots and guild members might appear as green dots on your map. This would be WAY EASIER for a player to find a someone they know when they could see them appear on the map, especially on crowded areas such as your fleet.


    Only if you can turn it off, otherwise a planet full of friends/guildies becomes useless.


    2. There should be more social missions. What I mean by this is implement more missions that require more than 1 people to complete it. Currently the only missions you would actually group with others are HEROICS. Most of the class quests and normal quests you could just complete it by yourself. This will increase social interaction within the game and allow players to find friends way faster/easier.


    Ok, more social missions wouldn't hurt. But you can group for any mission you know, even with others of the same class (might need to tick "allow other players of same class"in permissions for class missions), it makes it harder for some missions, but you can do it.


    3. Players should DEFINITELY be able to add players from another server or opposite fraction. It just doesn't make any sense to me if you can't communicate at all with another player just b/c he is on a different server or opposite fraction. Just b/c the story line makes Republic and Imperial characters enemies doesn't mean the players have to be enemies as well, lol.


    Cross server chat is problematic (because some servers are on different continents). But cross-faction chat is not done because some people will just shout abuse at the other faction, I've seen this were they are close enough for their posts to register on the opposions chat.


    Group Finder Ques:


    As of now these are literally useless when you get to a certain point. For instance, once you get to level 50 and have the ability to start HM flashpoints, you will almost never find a group. You might find a group if you are a tank/healer but if you are damage you will be stuck in Group Finder for the whole day and the que will never pop up. So WEEKLY missions such as Galactic Conflict or w/e is called that rewards you Classic/Basic Commendations for completing a HM Flashpoint is basically impossible to do. I think a solution to solve this problem would be to combine servers or even fractions so finding groups in HM flashpoints/OPS are actually possible.


    Again cross-server isn't going to happen. Cross-fraction is problematic too, because you have different flashpoints, so one side will be doing fps that don't benefit them apart from drops they pick up.



    1. PvP open server is almost a complete disadvantageous system for all players below level 55. Unless you are level 55, you cannot obtain PvP gear that would actually benefit you. You could obtain trash gears from fleet vendors but I seriously doubt those would help you survive against a level 55 player. I believe the problem with the PvP server currently is that you can attack whatever level of player you want. This means that a level 55 could attack a level 20 should he see one, and that is not entirely fair considering there is no bolster system on the server.

    Old system used to do this, but most of us ignored it until we were post level50, new system is a response to how the majority play. Literally the Devs can't win here, but I believe the new system is better.

    2. You rarely see any player that is of your opposite fraction. Occasionally you might get lucky and find one in the open but most of the time if you want to find them you would have to stand in front of your opposite fraction's base to see them. This again is disadvantageous to all players below level 55. In other words, you either get camped by level 55s, or you die to level 55s while looking for opposite fraction players at their base. Right now the PvP server is a place only for level 55s. Honestly I feel that a more active PVP planet would be way more exciting than a warzone game.

    I still bump into lower level opposition players all the time, I just don't want to fight them, I want to do my missions. PVP zones were set up for those who do want to do PVP in world, they are abandoned, this tells you what most people think.


    3. This is the most annoying thing ever and I do not understand the point of this at all. Why do you not gain anything from killing a player on an open server? This is another reason why rarely anyone would pvp on locations other than wz/ranked wz games. Because you gain absolutely nothing. Killing another player should reward you with credits/valor points/xp or even commendations. If you reward a player for kills I guarantee you people will start PvPing way more, and that would make this game way more exciting.


    I think unless you are on a PVP server, most people don't want this, some do, and some of them are grievers.


    Ways to fix this:


    1. I think there should be more areas where players of same fraction could attack each other. Due to the fact that it is extremely hard to find opposite fraction players, allowing players of the same fraction to pvp against one another would make the server way more exciting than it is now.


    There are PVP zones, nobody uses them, nuff said.


    2. Add bolster system to PvP contested areas so that level 55s won't just instantly one shot level 20s. Yes this will eliminate the point of PvP gear but in turn you could remove bolster system from WZ/Ranked WZ so it still stays relevant.


    3. If the second option isn't viable, then you could always create a level range or limit in which players could attack another. Like a level 20 should only be able to fight another player 5 levels within his/her range. This would definitely eliminate the obviously prejudiced PVP system we have right now against low level players.


    There are PVP zones on planets, the fact they are abandoned speaks volumes.

    Monetary system/GTN:


    1. I feel that monetary system in this game is just awkward. Low lever players will never get rich. There really should not be a limit on the amount of credits you can have rather if you are a F2P player of P2P, that is just taking the difference between a subscriber and a non-subscriber too far. Also, the commendation cap is pretty pointless lol. Remove those. Like what is the point of setting a limit?

    The monetary system is fine, people earn money at the rate they need to buy abilities and gear, apart from the cost of speeder license 3 there is no issue, especially as you can amass money in blackhole quite quickly when you reach level 50+

    2. GTN you should be able to sell expertise items or items you bought from basic/elite/ultimate vendors. This would allow players to indirectly convert their commendations into credits which is definitely a good thing.

    The gear you buy with basic/elite/ultimate vendors is usually what you are playing the end game for, if you buy it without earning it people will say it's pay to win.

  14. OK so I am on an RP server but flag or not, people claim "well if you didn't want to PvP then you shouldn't have activated your PvP flag" but I didn't activate anything.


    Yes, what happens is that they stay close to you, you use an area attack on NPCs and accidently hit them, which ativates the flag.


    As I said Report them for grieving, it's a known issue and one they need to fix quickly.

  15. The wait period to transfer items off your toon is fine. That stops gold sellers from destroying the market too fast.


    What they need to do is make any purchase on the CM account wide for claiming purposes.


    That way if you buy a Black dye off the CM on one character but later want to give it to another character on another server you can just claim it on that different server any time you want.


    Actually the countdown is too long, 24 hours would be better, since it would stop scammers and most of us would be happy to wait a mere day.


    The idea of buying once and claiming multiple times runs counter to the dyes being single use only, now if you said that once you buy it, it would then unlock so you could buy it from collections at that price whenever you want, that I could get behind.

  16. For a game about alts there is a surprising lack of synergy between them. I propose the following:


    1. Shared credit pool.

    2. Shared Cargo Hold with a different tab for each alt.

    3. Ability to queue all your crew skills from all your characters from the character you are on.

    4. Shared Comms between all characters with an increased limit on the number of comms you can have of a single type.

    5. Shared Vehicles.

    6. Shared Pets


    Why some of this stuff wasn't in there to begin with I will never know, but these would be huge QoL improvements.


    1. Most of my money is on one alt, have several 50+ who can raise 50K per day if more is required.

    2. A combination of planning and the Mail function does this for me.

    3. I would prefer an option to buy three more crew skills per character, this would solve most of the problems (like most crafting skills needing three mission/gather skills(usually slicing as the extra)) and keep the feel of my alts being seperate.

    4. Um, no just no, the comms are for buying the gear for your alt, and sharing them would just extenuate the slight shortages (as they would build).

    5. Collections

    6. Collections

  17. A know right, Starting a battle from a choke point.....I guess they never took a military tactics class or saw the movie 300.


    Actually an attack from a breach point was their only viable option, it was a tactic used during world war one and two (early stages breaching outmoded defenses erected against germans after ww1), and if done correctly work well. The explosive force of the breach stuns the people inside, and allows the attacking troops a brief window were they can surprise the defenders.


    This wasn't shown very well in the film, since it was already too long for the film companies liking, and it would have needed another five minutes plus reshooting to get this across (plus it was in the seventies so people had some idea about successful ww2 tactics).

  18. First question, probably not, it replaces stats you probably need, and you can't mix it up, because the game messes up the stat if you do.


    Second Question, only if it's a pvp area (or enemy base), otherwise it's because you click on the symbol, or attack them (usually area attacks)


    Third question, it's for PVP only.


    Fourth question, yes, there are mods and enhancements with expertise on them.


    Ps. report the grieving sod if they do it again, it's taking advantage of a known weakness and harrassment, so report anyone you see doing it.

  19. Hello, everyone,


    I found this article elsewhere - reposted by someone else.




    It has 2 pages.


    It's funny and it is indeed a good way to tell whether you are getting too old for video games or not. ;)


    The other articles are also interesting.




    is way number 6 that you read articles saying you're too old for stuff :p

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