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Posts posted by AlexDougherty

  1. not to mention it would have been awesome and really cool - noticed in NWN you did the same.. and I thought after seeing the mistake blizzard made with WoW, that a game based on genre that has flying an integral part of it would have done it.. I'm really curious as to why you did not.


    There are two scenes with force leaps in the films, both are a matter of desperation, which is why they don't do them like that in the game. Think about it, you leap ten feet or so into the air doing a backflip, when the enemy cuts you in half with his lightsaber, because acrobatics like that are showy not practical.


    As for the flying, remember this game is based on Kotor 1&2, which had no proper flying. Part of it is that you follow a straight story so no need to explore space, part of it was the desire to capture the Kotor experience (minus the turret fights which were a pain).

  2. What people are saying is not that they cannot keep the droid gear up to date while levelling, but that they cannot rip out armoring from high-end gear (like Oboran, bought for comms) and slap in into droids version of that gear. Those armorings are bound to specific slot, like "chest" or "head", and droid do not have "chest", but "torso" and "sensors" instead of "head"...


    Ah, sorry, now I see. Yes this needs changing, maybe they could have a vendor on the fleet that changes armourings and mods with these specifics for droid friendly mods they can use, ie armourings with "Torso" and "sensor" etc.

  3. Collections are a "simple" system, that has nothing or very little to do with engine. It is a XML file or some database that checks what you have.

    So adding stuff to it should not be "that" problematic. The question is if BioWare wants to have non-CM stuff there.


    This is true, the main reason is that they would have to enter these mounts into the database for collections, then they would have to add all the old weapons and armour into it as well, because they would have no reason not to.


    Even if you limit it to stuff you can currently obtain (thus eliminating mounts, armour and weapons that has been "removed") it's would still be a sizable uptaking, with people complaining that their suff hasn't been added yet.


    The main reason is that it's supposed to encourage you to buy stuff off the Cartel Coins, since everything that is sold there unlocks, and thus you can have it on all your toons/alts.

  4. it's a small thing, but it's one of those annoying things. Toons that have robot companions are really hard to update their gear at max level because i can't transfer armorings from specific items to them.


    Do you not notice how rarely droids are used as companions across the board? too hard to give them old gear. I do propose that you allow any armoring from head/chest/hands/wrist/waist/legs/feet to work on any of the droid parts, rather than lock them out. This will make droids much easier to upgrade faster and at least allow them more uptime till the player can update their fave companion.


    Secondly , I do understand that the way off hands work and the lack of legacy items for them is very much intentional.. noticed how they are intentionally made easier in a sense to get the good stuff via comms, same as drops, and maybe the down side was to make them not legacy transferable.. I don't like this though, and it should have gone for all off hands, but since you can have gun and saber off hand transfers, can't we have a legacy one? and something done about scatterguns & vibroknives.


    Also, can you update Artifice to be able to make customisable off hands, and also give them some Aim off hands for the level 51-55 range


    First, use cybercraft if it's that big an issue, then you can craft moddable droid parts, and if you have multiple toons you can craft armour mods with armormech, and enhancements with Artifice.


    Second, Moddable droid parts come up as rewards for all classes periodically.


    Third, you can buy moddable droid parts off the GTN, and the modds you need for your droid.


    Droids can be easily kept relatively up to date, it just takes some thought and planning. They might not be as easy as some companions but they aren't that hard either.

  5. Leland Chee is writing up the official Star Wars Lore, this will overwrite the previous system, and establish what is officially lore once and for all.


    He has stated that they are not wiping the entire EU, just rewriting certain pieces, even the post ROTJ will have some surviving pieces, although each book will probably be mostly non-canon. This will be a relatively gentle Retcon and the OP is blatantly scaremongering, unfortunately for him the news about Leland Chee was broken first.


    SO everyone stop panicking.

  6. None are reliable, they register brainwaves in a relatively crude way, and thus can't be considered reliable. They were shown on the Gadget show (UK PROGRAM), and were shown to be approximate tools rather than precision, and were barely up to the task of controlling cranes moving a crate (a task which took three attempts as I recall).
  7. http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?news=846162


    Would this have made the 1-3 trilogy any better? Was his death orchestrated by the empire. Thoughts?


    Step away from Star Wars for a few days!!


    Empire is fictional, so asking if they killed Tupac is lioke asking if Bugs Bunny killed him. On the idea he would have made a better Mace Windu, arguable, Jackson's poerformance is flawless, and Tupac would have done it differently (if he did it at all), and I can't say whether he would have as good as Samuel L Jackson let alone better.

  8. They insult everyone that plays this game every day with the way they communicate and support their subscriber base and they expect us to keep paying them. All's fair in love and war.


    Well maybe if people stopped being so hostile towards them they would communicate more, every so often them post in threads that aren't actively trying to burn them as witches. Funny that, they actually talk to people if they think those people will read what they've got to say, and not overreact or go ballistic.

  9. Am I just hallucinating, or did I saw some Black Dye on sale in the Cartel Market a while ago ??


    Because I can't seem to find them now for some reason :confused:


    Yes during the christmas period they sold Black/Black Dye, they were selling a different dye each day, they gave out the schedule. Obviously this finished with new years day.

  10. Hi,

    Is it a bannable offense to do guild recruiting in Gen chat on fleet?

    I'm a recruiter for a guild... and plenty of people keep whispering they're reporting for spamming. Even have had threats and the what not.

    More or less looking for a solid Dev' answer.


    No, that's one of the things general chat is for, recruiting, whether for a guild or a FP or Hardmode Heroic or an ops.

  11. Warzone commendations are used to buy better armour and mods for warzones, GSF doesn't used character equipment, so they use GSF Commendations to get you to upgrade the starfighters, not your warzone gear.


    Basically they want you to upgrade the stuff for the type of warzone you play, It's pretty obvious really.

  12. Warzone commendations are used to buy better armour and mods for warzones, GSF doesn't used character equipment, so they use GSF Commendations to get you to upgrade the starfighters, not your warzone gear.


    Basically they want you to upgrade the stuff for the type of warzone you play, It's pretty obvious really.

  13. I have noticed they are striking hard on the Harbinger now with a new slogan for the posts " Buy Cheapest credits at idiots.com as low as blah blah and some coupon % bonus " You can only ignore so many of these and I think it's time Bioware actually took this serious because poor innocent people are getting caught up and actually purchasing.


    A special credit selling report system needs to be added into the game aswell as hard coding a url block list in the chat system so these dirt bags can't post the urls and even if they try and send a private in game mail it will also block out the details of the banned address. maybe some legit urls will get blocked but I think I would prefer that than letting these guys run around and control our servers with credit spam.

    It seems pretty clear that they do not care. At least they don't care enough to actually do something meaningful, even reasonable, about it.


    What do you suggest they do, they ban them, the credit sellers create a new email, a new account and advertise again, as long as people are stupid enough to buy from them they will keep doing it, all EA/Bioware can do is keep banning them and try to prosecute where possible.


    As for buyers being innocent victims, we are supposed to be at least fifteen to play (teen rating), anyone who is fifteen or over and doesn't realise that buying credits from a third party is dodgy (or illegal in some cases) needs a fulltime carer.

  14. Do you really want to wait an hour to play Swoop Racing?


    You wouldn't need to, once you have two racers you are ready, the game could wait another five minutes so upto eight racers could take part, once the five minutes are up or you have eight racers the race begins. Give them forty seconds to click the go to race, with maybe an extra ten seconds for the race to download them, and you're racing across one of ten/twenty tracks. Voila!!

  15. You do realise that they were left out to balance the classes, the Consular is primarily a force user, and uses force skills, the Jedi knight is primarily a saber user and uses Saber skills (including stances), if you add to their abilities then you need to add to the trooper/BH and the smuggler/agent skill set.
  16. Um, sorry that you are crashing, but the rest of us don't crash when we use them, and we need them, you can't add Augment slots without a mod station, and without augment slots you can't use augments.


    Not sure why you are crashing but you might want to raise a ticket about this or post in the CS forum.

  17. For instance, I'm finding the Sith Inquisitor storyline increasingly less satisfying, mostly because of a peculiar degeneration of character: the snarky, elegant and frequently kindhearted character I enjoyed a lot on Korriban seemed to utterly vanish from possible dialogue options over time. However, the playstyle of being a Sith Sorcerer is remarkably fun for me, easily my favorite playstyle (although for lore reasons of feeling like too much lightning gets thrown around, the Jedi Sage has grown to eclipse it).


    On the other hand, the Sith Warrior storyline is one I really want to get into now, because it seems like the companions and plot are quite good from what I've heard, but the playstyle of heavy meleeing isn't entirely to my liking (additionally, the female Warrior's voice acting seems to have been recorded badly, as it constantly sounds harsh and artificial; the male recording is fine, and it's making me strangely tempted to play a male character for the first time, if only so I could romance Vette). Has either one of these things happened to other people here?


    Well some stories are essentially written with one alignment in question, with the Sith Inquisitor he has to harden up or be destroyed, making some of the LS choices less realistic, and thus essentially only his DS choices get a decent airing. The warrior and the Knight have decent DS and LS writing, and the Agent has great writing for everything. The Jedi Consular has bad DS writing, coming across as a petulant idiot if you go DS. The Trooper has sporadic DS writing in my opinion, while the Bounty Hunter has spotty LS writing, that is to say mostly it's good with occassional sub-par writing. The Smuggler is good for most choices but has has bad choices on both LS and DS sides, and no matter what you go for you will eventually come across something that makes you say "What the @#%&".

  18. I have 9 55s now and have completed all 8 class stories. These quest lines were the main interest holding me in this game. The unique flavour that ran through each alt.


    Since I completed my agent, the last story to be done, I've barely found the impulse to log in.


    Without more individual class story there's no point in running more than one character, and grinding dailies is just not my thing.


    Shame all that effort put into the starfighter stuff couldn't have been put into the main game instead.


    It's been a good 2 years, but all my guildies have wandered off. It's probably time to follow them...




    I'm finishing the last story myself (knight btw) and I do intend to replay the warrior story, but I will mist the newness of the stories. They need to add to the class stories, and the companion stories, and they need to add to them fast.


    But I disagree about the GSf, it's fun and new, and if they add new maps it will hold interest for a while, admittedly if I had to choose between expanding the class stories and the GSF expansion, I would choose the class stories everytime.

  19. If the money is taken out by Bioware and it says cleared. I pay a bill with my bank and then 3 days later the money shows back up in my account. I spend it. 3 days after that it's taken out again overdrawing my account. As for the interest, doesn't the money in the bank gain interest every day it's in there? Not sure either. Ill have to call my bank and ask.


    um, so basically you're loosing track of what you've spent, ok EA is messing you about, but it might help if you kept better track of what you've got, and not spending money of fluff in a game if you're that close to going overdrawn.


    Seriously, try and save a buffer of money for real emergencies, if possible at least two week worth of spending should be in your bank account at all time, I know that may not be easy, but seriously consider it.

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