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Posts posted by AlexDougherty

  1. But as it stands you are stereotyping players unless you change this thread's title and part of the OP.


    It's technically impossible not to stereotype people, everything is a stereotype to someone, and if it isn't it soon becomes one. (Trust me on this, you simply can't avoid Stereotypes).


    That said, the OP wasn't really stereotyping anyone, the person in the OP was Rude and was being Antisocial, I see as I type the OP's changed the title, but his original title was fine.

  2. So I was doing some dailies and came across someone doing the same ones. I asked if they wanted to join me and they responded by saying WHY? I explained to them that it would be quicker to do it together, and tried to finish my message only to find out they /ignored me. Has anyone else run into this? At the first sign of someone wanting to team up they /ignore that person?


    Was just a weird experience and figured I'd share. Saying "no" is one thing, but /ignoring a person to avoid grouping up? Talk about an introvert.


    Never come across this, it's plain unnecessary, even when I'm finishing off for the day I don't need to ignore them, people accept that you are going somewhere in a few minutes or just don't want to do it.


    Ignore should be reserved for trolls, spammers, and idiots (the ones that don't realise you don't have to relay every idea that comes into your head, especially not the rude or abusive ones)

  3. It's all about the Benjamins.

    It took me a few seconds to work this one out (British Banknotes have the queen on oneside, and change the other person periodically, thus don't have names)


    Level 10 41 stat crystals can only be had via CM, so to make them cheaply available during the event cuts into the CM's bottom line.


    True, but they could have done a level 10 +41 stat crystal with a legacy level, that wouldn't have cut into their CM margin much.

  4. Here's to hoping one day you realize that some people on a PvE server might just want to PvE and not be prevented from completing a mission because 20 PvP players find tricky ways to get unsuspecting players flagged.


    I've got a thread in suggestions to allow us to disable the PVP flag, please add to it, and maybe they will allow us to play in peace.

  5. Freeing up the lightsabers would require redoing all the animations, and would impact on balance (a guardian with a double lightsaber would do far more damage), so it's unlikely to ever happen. But there is plenty of lightsabers to choose from.


    The stances are limited to Knights and Warriors as part of class balance, so will not be freed up either.

  6. Hello,


    Is it possible to put an option on the GTN in order to get the product being listed offered first hand inside your guild before it goes public. It might be good and add to the guild bank feature.


    Interesting idea, but the GTN is just a galaxywide shop, it sells to the first person to buy it, this would require it to identify which guild you belong to, and shuffle through the items to see if you are eligible to buy, a lot of coding.


    Might just be better to ask in guild if anyone wants to buy it, and meet up with them somewhere if anyone does.

  7. Or, just make it so that AoE attacks/heals can't affect other flagged players and therefore can't flag you.


    They have already said they aren't going to do this, which is annoying, which is why I suggested an option to just disable the PVP flag. This way people who want to PVP can, and those of us who don't won't be forced to.

  8. Not everyone in the republic.


    No, not everyone, just our characters. The immunity to the rakghoul plague for the Republic characters is established in the Taris world arc, it's already established. Others could get infected, but our republic characters have already been established as immune, so why can they get infected?.

  9. Psychosis and insanity are symptomatic, anyone suffering from psychosis within the Sith Empire would not be able to function properly, and probably be put down. There are a few babbling lunatics within the Empire but not many.


    Really I think when concerning the Force we should leave mental disorders out of it. The dark side is a mystical and fantastical energy that doesn't conform to scientific principles, it likely simply enhances the anger of the individual which would make one prone to outbursts and able to inflict excessive amounts of suffering.


    But that alone isn't cause for labeling someone psychotic or sociopathic, the dark side of the Force is just one side of the coin, and it doesn't constitute a mental disability. Otherwise the Sith would break down into anarchy.


    Actually Sith could have a Psychosis and still be functional, most are Paranoid and Paranoia is a Psychosis (unless they actually are out to get you, then it's a Neurosis). In fact I would say the vast majority of Sith have some form of Psychosis or Neurosis, but are just in control enough for them to be functional, to varying degrees.


    Also the Darkside affects people differently, with some it is like a drug, with others it's like a disease (it literally consumes them and they die because of it), and with others it has virtually no effect (they were already angry/fearful etc and it doesn't even amplify these emotions for them), and with others it amplifies the emotions, skews the perceptions etc. There is no standard rule for the effect of theDarkside.

  10. Allow us to disable the PVP flag via preferences, so we don't have to worry about it being activated when we use area effect attacks (or when our companions do).


    Edit- repeated from further in

    Edit - Has been revised since

    Here is a brief summary of the various responses I've gotten.


    1. The PVP flag should still work in Warzones and PVP area's, but reset when you leave if the PVP flag is disabled in Preferences.
    2. The ability to disable or enable the PVP flag in preferences should be time limited (ie once a day).
    3. If the PVP flag is disabled, you shouldn't be able to attack or heal anyone, but you can still heal and interact if in a group and in an instanced area, so social aspects aren't affected.
    4. As an alternative to point 3, in you disable the PVP flag you can't heal anyone in combat with the PVP flag toggled on.
    5. If the PVP flag is disabled you can't interact with flagged players, and they can't interact with you.
    6. Set up single faction instances on each planet, so it doesn't matter if you are flagged, since the enemy can't see you.


    Please let me know if you have any other idea's or disagree with any given.

    Some of these bits of feedback are mutually exclusive, but they embody the same idea (an opt out option), so rather than trying to form a compromise I'm listing them, the devs will know which are doable, and as long as we can choose most of us will be happy.

    Hopefully the Devs will consider this.

  11. The fallacy to your statement here is your desire that PvE servers be strictly PvE only. They are not. This is not EQ.


    Like it or not, the PvE server rule set does include PvP if you are flagged. Now, you can debate that until the end of time, but it is what it is and they are not going to change that.


    So that's your baseline. NOW... like all MMOs where PvE servers also allow PvP..... when you do not want to PvP then it's your responsibility to avoid self-flagging situations. Yes.. players do have responsibilities when it comes to controlling their play style. It's been pointed out by numerous people in this thread that AoE wash will set your flag......so... if you don't want to PvP... then when in a contested area.... be more careful and prudent about your play. It's not something you are forced to deal with 7/24 on a PvE server.... so stop over blowing the challenge here.


    When in a contested area??? Part of the problem is that it can be any area, and you can't always tell that they are there, some of these grievers go invisible, and sneak around behind people. Before now I've stopped turned my character around to face them, and waited for them to get the message and go away, only for another to take their place in minutes.


    No, the devs answer of "Be careful" is lazy on their part and not good enough, they need to allow us to deactivate the PVP flag via preferences, or something even better.

  12. Taking a vaccine after you've already contracted a virus doesn't really make sense... :p

    How about the fact that Republic players are exposed to the disease on Taris, and their immunity to it is used to create said vacine.


    That's right, the Republic players are supposed to already be immune to it, bit of a plot gap there I think.

  13. Not sure which gives greater EXP, but space missions require you to buy components with cash (unless you have cybertech), and are a lot less fun than the space fighter game.


    Mind you space missions at the top end are less fun than having a tooth taken out, so that doesn't mean much.

  14. What is there to explore on Kashyyk? It's a forest. It was built to be a forest and nothing else. There is literally nothing there besides trees and Wookiee settlements on the higher branches.


    Don't you remember Kotor, there are bits of Rakata tech down there, plus the wookies were the second species to evolve of Kashyyyk, the older species (which the wookies hunt(to honour them and supposedly to get them to re-evolve)) probably had temples and force users and technology.


    There is a lot down amongst the roots of those trees.

  15. Think logically:


    I can read a codex entry and then tell my friends and family all about what I just read. I can even write it down on some parchment and pony express it to anyone I want and they can read all about it.


    But once I "absorb" the stat bonuses, just like a stim, then it's inside *me* and only *me*. Think of it like a stim, when I resolve stim myself none of my other characters get the stim, right? That's why Legacy codex entries make sense but Legacy stat bonuses from a consumable item do not make sense and why he, and many others, support codex but not stats.


    Ok, but maybe make some of the Datacrons easier to get, like the Tattooine ballon datacrons, they are just a real pain, and don't involve any real skill. Once is more than enough for these ones.

  16. Um each tree is a specialised tree, you have healing skill trees, DPS Skill trees, and Tanking Skill trees, they are specific to each advance class, and unless you respec every day there is no need to save these specs. If you are respeccing that often, well it takes a minute to rebuild a focused spec, hybrid specs take longer, but still don't require a save skill tree option.
  17. Except... it's not being forced. It's happening because some players are ignoring situational awareness and refusing to refrain from doing things (cough.. AoE.. cough) that will expose them to danger.


    Except the people doing this are cloaking, following behind them, and all sort of tricks to make it happen. Situational awareness only goes so far, and is a very weak excuse. The Devs need to fix this issue once and for all, an opt out button in preferences would be ideal.

  18. Sorry, but no matter how you try to spin it or how much you fluff it up with words..... 2K =/= a credit sink in this game.


    Depends what level you are, for level 55, no it isn't, for level 30, yes it is, for level 20, it's a credit mine (explosive kind).


    If you have only just got to Alderaan, it IS a credit sink, quite a noticable one, and if you are repeating it quite a disasterous one.


    They should have created a seperate area for it, like Section X on Belsavis or Blackhole on Corellia, yes this would have been more work, but people levelling up would have had the choice of doing it or not.

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