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Posts posted by AlexDougherty

  1. No, post-ROTJ EU really is trash. Like I mentioned earlier, nothing more than "monster of the week" and "evil death machine of the week" stories with dopey deus ex machina to resolve the stories, with the whole affair ending up as a convoluted rehash of the trilogies.


    Well, given that they are based on three sci-fi action films, what else could they do, a book on how the Jedi recodified the traffic regulations on Coruscant.


    I get what you are saying, but the books were fun, at least until the vong invasion came in (weapons fire that dodged lightsabers, now come on), of course they were a bit silly, but so were the films.

  2. At a guess, I don't think the cog symbol was ever representative of the Republic itself, but was instituted by Palpatine as the symbol for the Grand Army of the Republic. It would then have been easy for the emblem to then be adapted into the Imperial cog after the Clone Wars as a very visual way of showing the final abolition of the Republic.


    In the original lore the cog symbol was of the Galactic Republic, it symbolised how they were all part of a greater whole, and was usurped by Palpatine when he took control and turned it into the Galactic Empire. The Rebellion symbol (not Republic, Rebellion) was loosely based on the phoenix (or assumably the Star Wars equivalent) and represented the unquencheable flame of freedom.


    However large segments of the general public (in the real world) just assumed that the Cog symbol was the Baddies and the Rebellion symbol was the goodies (no matter where or when in the story), and just look for them to see who was good or who was evil. And rather than constantly point out what these symbols were supposed to represent, they instituted a white wash were the symbols did just that whenever they were shown, and made a half-assed attempt to line it up with the known exceptions by saying they were adopted and dropped frequently.

  3. cos you buffed my operatives dps (thanks), but my TK sage, vigi guardian are low.


    thanks for the assassin buff previous patch - but i really just hate that I have some of my specs nearly 1k dps above others. At least I don't have to worry about my Operative now.


    However - sage/sorc, Guardian/Jugg - why are these so low on parses? And i'm not talking about the freaky 1- off lucky crit parse.. all you need look at is the average parsing .. I just wonder - do the class devs pay attention to this much? it's really important to the players, and if they do, surely they can tell


    I have never had much issue with my sage (also TK spec), you just have to learn to dodge and run away more, but Guardian and Juggernauts are supposed to be less effective at DPS than Sentinels and Marauders, admitedly a bit less of a gap would help, but hey every class has it's flaws.

  4. Early on, I unlocked ship GTN and Mail. It cost me a lot of credits at the time and I was very broke for a while considering I had been rich. There were no cartel coins back then.


    Not a single regret since then however. Both the utilities are global unlocks and now that I have 14 toons, I have to say it was the best expenditure I've made to date.


    This plus Rocket Boots, makes the first planet a lot more fun. Also the collections unlock of my first adaptable speeder, meant I never had to buy another speeder, which saved a lot of credits in the long run.


    Perhaps my collections unlock of my Recovered Hero's Armour too, it looks good on several characters, and with a careful dying looks different on each one too.

  5. It wouldn't make sense for the reason you stated, but even more so because I don't see how could Chiss (a member of little-known civilisation) get into the most entrusted ranks of an isolationist, human-centred Empire.


    When it comes to imperial agent (story-wise/lore-wise) I think that human is the only reasonable option.


    Actually Chiss isn't too bad an option for the Agent, the Chiss Imperium is active in this point in time, and only withdraw from galactic affairs because their allies the Sith are defeated. They only become isolationist later.


    PS. How can they be human-centred, they are near-humans(very blue skin, pupil-less red eyes) not humans.

  6. My Jedi Sentinel was a Mirakula, which worked well for me, but I also rolled a Cathar as a Jedi Guardian. The problem with creating a Pureblood Sith Jedi Knight is the parts were you get people complaining that all their worries are down to the Sith, it would seem wrong to me (complaining to a Sith about all those evil Sith???)
  7. AlexDougherty

    My point on that quote was that it wouldn't be feasible to do this in while on a raid team or break group dynamics


    Sure you may have a rebuilt car at the end of it but it isn't going to be feasible with what changes are occurring, and will be time consuming to set, to think this can be done mid raid, instead of say a specific activation point on fleet, like where we select AC now.


    Ok, yes it is unreasonable to alter your spec mid raid, I know some people do it, and I've never considered it myself, mainly because when you are getting trammelled you really start to learn a class (or spec) in detail and learn your limits (and sometimes a few excellent counter strategies).


    Sorry I missed your point originally.

  8. If you expect it to be a reflective metal like when you put dyes on the sith triumvirate armor. expect to be dissapointed.


    Shiney light reflective part isn't from DYES but its the coded meshes of armor files. So basically, that Dark Yellow/Deep Yellow dye kinda can be considered gold.


    Yes my commando has Gold coloured armour, it's yellow with white as it's secondary colour, bright yellow in this case, so technically they can claim any yellow dye as golden.

  9. How is this different to doing a tree respec ? do they do this in the middle of raids ?


    Respec affects the fine tuning of your character, some abilities are added/removed, some become more/less effective, but it's all just minor tweeks.


    The Advance Class is completely different, you have half your abilities changed, you might lose or gain armour proficiencies, and your skill tree is has only one common branch (usually the least effective).


    Comparing these two things is like comparing having your car engine retuned and your car rebuilt, some similarities but nobody will believe they are the same thing.

  10. I do not understand why so many people hate on this game. I think its the BEST MMO there is on the market. Im not going to go into everything you can do in the game because we all know by now what it has to offer. I am just so tired of people saying how it will be dead soon. I just don't see it happening.


    The critics of this game fall into three categories:


    Category One: genuine critics.

    These have a genuine gripe with the game, maybe it's a bug, maybe they want an aspect to improve. These are the best category, they want to fix or improve the game, and will listen to reason.


    Category Two: This isn't <Insert another MMO here>

    These will never be happy until they have changed this game into a copy of another MMO (usually either WoW or SWG). They will never listen, some have an agenda, some just can't accept this game on it's own terms, but they will not listen to the fact that this is another game.


    Category Three: Idiots or Trolls

    Some are funny, some are stupid, but they will never raise a sensible thread, and can ruin an otherwise productive one. Some do it on purpose, some don't, nuff said.

  11. You get what you pay for, if you pay nothing you can't complain about what you are getting.


    The restrictions are designed to let you play the game while encouraging you to sub so you don't have to put up with the restrictions, if you don't like this............Tough.

  12. Knockbacks and pulls are not movement imparing, they are a forced movement imposed on you, this is different, so as far as I can tell the ability is working correctly. But I never use it myself, it's for too short a period, and doesn't prevent knockbacks and pulls, so I don't put it on my hotbars.
  13. So, is there something in SW lore that I don't know about that would cause a jedi/sith to NOT learn all the force abilities we all know and love?


    How to put this, they learn the abilities they can learn, not all force users can use Telekenesis, not all force users can heal. I remember in the Jedi Academy books Luke taught a Corellian Jedi who could only absorb (and release if he so choose) and redirect energy, he couldn't absorb a blaster bolt, but he could absorb or redirect the electrical energy from the stun rods some guards were trying to use on him.

  14. Can we get these disabled until the next event? We have a bunch of trolls on an RP server who still insist on constant bombardment...


    It would be sad if they disabled the snowball just because some idiots are using it constantly, it would be nice if in three months I was playing on Tattooine and got the snow effect.


    But that said if idiots keep abusing it then EA will disable it.

  15. They probably didn't feel like forcing their scriptwriter to read novels for an entire year before he starts writing.

    That and the fact that a good house cleaning will make the whole thing much more accessible to new fans.


    True, and you are probably being optimistic about it only taking a year, it would probably take two to three years to get an overall feel for the EU, and even then you would need experts to look at the script to spot errors.


    Sadly (or happily depending on viewpoint) no film company is going to that level of fanaticism for any film (Ever), although that's not to say people with that level of fan knowledge won't write films.

  16. There are a few plain robes, the Jolee Bindo robe for example (not sure about the sleeve length), and a few others in game that are moddable (have seen them for light armour but names escape me at the moment).


    The problem is that this image is one most people have slightly different ideas about, and they are not prepared to any compromise, and the devs don't want fifty variations on the same robes in the game.

    (if you think I'm joking look at some old threads with people specifying what they wanted changed, the only commonality was they weren't happy with the current versions)

  17. While they have crap on the chopping block, why stop at EU crap and chop Episodes 1 thru 3 as well.

    But then also episodes 4 to 6 please.


    If you had read my post you would know they are not putting everything under the chopping block, in fact according to the guy who is officially writing the reconfigured lore most of it will be staying, but they would never wipe out the films, even if the prequel trilogy are terrible. I actually like the original trilogy (episodes IV to VI) since they rely on plot rather than computer graphics, but hey that's an entirely different argument.

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